GenKI Videos preimplantation genetic…

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

General information on the procedure for preimplantation genetic diagnosis: required documents, procedure, costs, duration.


Preimplantation = A phase of embryonic development before implantation, i.e. before an embryo implants in the uterus. 

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) = A procedure for the genetic testing of embryos at the preimplantation stage. 

Ethics committee = A group of experts that reviews and advises on ethical issues in research or medical practice. 

Familial = A trait that is passed down within a family or kinship line. 

Genetic findings = The written results of a genetic test that indicate genetic variants or abnormalities. 

Chromosome = A structure in the cell nucleus that contains genetic material. 

Chromosome alteration = An abnormality in the structure or number of chromosomes that can lead to genetic disorders. 

Single-gene disease = A disease caused by mutations (= changes in genetic information) in a single gene. 

Embryo = A living being in the early stages of pregnancy, during the first eight weeks after fertilisation.