Portrait of apl. Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Tewes Wischmann
apl. Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Tewes Wischmann

Research associate (Institute of Medical Psychology)


Medical/Professional background

IT officer and administrator

Lecturer and teaching analyst at the „Institute for Analytical Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy“ Heidelberg

Supervisor at the „Heidelberg Institute of Psychotherapy (HIP)

April 2021 – March 2022

Project management "Challenge - meeting challenging conversations competently" (together with Dr. Julia Mahal and Prof. Dr. Beate Ditzen)

January 2016 – December 2017

Project management of the study "Interactive Online Teaching Platform" together with Prof. Dr. Beate Ditzen (see e-book here)

1990 – July 2022

Academic staff member at the Institute of Medical Psychology (1990-2022 full-time, since August 2022 part-time)

Scientific background


Title „Associate Professor“ by Heidelberg University


Postdoctoral lecture qualification (PD) at Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University, venia legendi for Medical Psychology


Training as an analytical psychotherapist at the C.G. Jung Institute Stuttgart (graduation: 2001)


Doctorate (Dr. sc. hum.) at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University

Professional memberships

since 2021

Member of the scientific advisory board of the BMFSFJ project "KompKi

since 2021

Member "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endometriose e.V." with certificate "Special qualification in the field of endometriosis" (2021)

since 2020

Member of the "Dr. sc. hum." doctoral committee of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University

since 2020

Member of the permanent working group "Guideline on the collection and transfer of human germ cells in the context of assisted reproduction" of the BÄK


2015 – 2017

Coordinator and co-author of the AWMF guideline "Psychosomatics in fertility disorders" (new edition 2019), co-author of the AWMF guidelines "Diagnostics and therapy prior to assisted reproductive treatment (ART)", "Recurrent pregnancy losses" and "Fertility preservation during oncological therapies" as well as the ESHRE guideline "Psychosocial care".

2010 – 2014

Associate Editor for Human Reproduction

2006 – 2019

Member of the Student Selection Committee "Human Medicine" of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University

since 2010

Associate Editor for the Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology

Work and research interests