Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Working Groups Chansa, Collins

Collins Chansa

BA, MPH (Health Econ)

Doctoral Student

Collins Chansa is a trained Health Economist, and Health Specialist at the Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Global Practice at the World Bank Group. His PhD research study examines fiscal sustainability of health systems in low- and lower-middle-income countries with specific focus on sub-Saharan Africa.

Prior to his PhD studies at Heidelberg University, he has worked for the World Bank, and the Zambian Government at the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Health. He has also worked on a part-time basis as a researcher for various academic and research institutions. In addition, he has served on several high-level committees in Zambia, and at regional and international levels. Collins has 18 years wide-ranging experience in health systems development, governance, and health financing in more than 5 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa including Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. His key areas of work includes: policy and strategic planning, resource allocation and budgeting, fiscal policy and health, Results-Based Financing, aid architecture, economic appraisal, and applied health systems research. As a researcher, Collins has conducted, published, and peer reviewed several pieces of research. His book, Zambia's Health Sector Wide Approach Revisted focuses on aid effectiveness. He is also one of the authors in the book, “Zambia: Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth” under the Oxford University’s Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) series, “Africa: Policies for Prosperity”. His full research publication profile can be accessed at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Collins_Chansa/publications


2017 - ongoing  PhD candidate, Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University
2006 MPH (Health Economics), University of Cape Town, South Africa
1999 BA in Economics and Statistics, University of Zambia 


Shen G.C., Nguyen H.T.H., Das A., Sachingongu N., Chansa C., Qamruddin J., and Friedman J (2017). ‘Incentives to change: effects of performance-based financing on health workers in Zambia.’ Human Resources for Health 15 (20). DOI: 10.1186/s12960-017-0179-2

Griffiths U.K., Bozzani F.M., Chansa C., Kinghorn A., Kalesha-Masumbu P., Rudd C., Chilengi R., Brenzel L., and Schutte C (2016). ‘Costs of introducing pneumococcal, rotavirus and a second dose of measles vaccine into the Zambian immunisation programme: Are expansions sustainable?’ Vaccine 34(35): 4213–4220 

Friedman J., Qamruddin J., Chansa C., Das A.K., Nguyen H., (forthcoming). ‘Impact Evaluation of Zambia’s Health Results-Based Financing Pilot Project’. Health, Nutrition and Population Discussion Paper. Washington, DC: World Bank

Chansa C., Negin J., (2015). ‘Key donors to reinstate health funding to Zambia’. Lancet Vol 386 Page 2054–2055

Chansa C., Das A.K., Qamruddin J., Friedman J., Mkandawire A., Vledder M., (2015). ‘Linking results to performance: Evidence from a Results Based Financing pre-pilot project in Katete District, Zambia’. Health, Nutrition and Population Discussion Paper No. 98265. Washington, DC: World Bank

Schütte C., Chansa C., Marinda C., Guthrie T.A., Banda S., Nombewu Z., Motlogelwa K., Lervika M., Brenzel L., & Kinghorn A (2015). ‘Cost analysis of routine immunisation in Zambia’. Vaccine 33S A47–A52.

Chansa C., Sjoblom M., & Vledder M., (2014). Achieving better health outcomes through innovative strategies and results-focused interventions. In: Adam, C., Collier, P., and Gondwe, M., eds. Zambia Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 399-431 

Qamruddin J., Chansa C., Das A.K., (2013). Using Evidence to Scale Up Innovation: Insights from a Results-Based Financing (RBF) Project for Health in Zambia. Washington, DC: International Finance Corporation.

Achoki T., & Chansa C., (2013). ‘Impact of funding modalities on maternal and child health intervention coverage in Zambia’. Health Policy and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 162-167

Kyei N.N.A., Chansa C., & Gabrysch S., (2012). ‘Quality of Antenatal Care in Zambia: A National Assessment’. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 12:15

Carasso B.S., Lagarde M., Cheelo C., Chansa C., & Palmer N., (2012). ‘Health worker perspectives on user fee removal in Zambia’. Human Resources for Health 10:40

Chitah B., Masiye F., Chansa C., Kansembe H., & Loewenson R (2011). Equity Watch Report for Zambia for 2011: Assessing Progress towards Equity in Health. A report produced for the University of Zambia and the Ministry of Health with support from EQUINET

Chansa C (2009). Zambia’s Health Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) Revisted.  Köln, Germany. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8383-0729-9

Sundewall J., Chansa C., Tomson G., Forsberg B.C, Mudenda D., (2009). ‘Global Health Initiatives and Country Health Systems’. Lancet Vol 374 Page 1237

Sundewall J., Birger C.F., Kristina J., Chansa C., & Göran T (2009). ‘The Paris Declaration in Practice: Challenges of health sector aid coordination at the district level in Zambia’. Health Research Policy and Systems, 7:14

Chansa C., Sundewall J., McIntyre D., Tomson G., & Forsberg B.C., (2008). ‘Exploring SWAp’s contribution to the efficient allocation and use of resources in the health sector in Zambia’. Health Policy and Planning; 23: 244–251

Vergeer P., & Chansa C., (2008). Formative Evaluation of CORDAID Performance Based Financing project in Zambia. A research for the Development Policy and Practice Unit of the Royal Tropical Institute, KIT – Netherlands  

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