Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Working Groups Global Health Policies… Other Activities

Research Group Global Health Policies and Systems

Recent Activities

  • June 2018: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation der Vorträge “Is the Change movement losing ist momentum? Presentations and round table discussion“ in Kollaboration mit dem Marsilius-Kolleg, „The trauma of war and violence – mental health effects and ideas for community-based interventions“, „ Arboviruses on the rise: Epidemiology and Control of Dengue and Zika“ Link
  • May 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags “ Aspects of health communication among migrants-health literacy information sources and decision making“ Link

Former Activities

  • November 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation der Vorträge “The silent reservoir of P. falciparum during the dry season”, “The Global Health landscape revisited: Europe’s role after Trump and Brexit”, “What next for Germany and Global Health: Debate on the Lancet Series on Germany”, and “Strengthening accountability in health sector responses to humanitarian crises and forces migration”

  • October 2017: Plenary Vortrag von Prof. Jahn auf dem Global Health Forum in Taiwan Link

  • July 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags “The Global Response to Ebola: Mistakes Made & Lessons Learned“ von Prof. Dr. Devi Sridhar Link

  • July 2017: Launch der Lancet Series “Germany and health” im Robert-Koch Institut, Berlin. Co-authorship of the Institute in both articles. Link

  • June 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags “End Tuberculosis – what  does Germany contribute? “ Link

  • June 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags “ Global health challenges – implications for science and public health” von Prof. Marcel Tanner, im Rahmen eines „Global Health Afternoon“ in Kollaboration mit dem Marsilius-Kolleg Link

  • June 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags Making medical research socially robust: Communication as the key to anticipate social implications of science Link

  • May 2017: Marsilius Kontrovers - Interdisziplinäre Diskussion mit Michael Boutros (Genomforschung, DKFZ), Philipp Stoellger (Theologie) und Albrecht Jahn (Public Health)  (Link Download)

  • May 2017: Interview mit der Süddeutschen Zeitung zur Rolle der WHO(Link)

  • January 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags „Antimicrobial resistance in returning travelers - a cross border health threat?“ ( Link)

  • January 2017: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags „How to develop new vaccines for disadvantaged populations?“ ( Link)
  • November 2016: Organisation eines Workshops zum Thema Migration in Kollaboration mit der Abteilung Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung sowie der International Organisation of Migration (IOM)

  • November 2016: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags „The Global Pandemic of Falsified Medicines: Myths and Facts“ (Link)

  • October 2016: öffentliche Global Health Vortragsreihe – Organisation des Vortrags „Population-wide impacts of Global Health interventions“ (Link)

  • October 2016: Teilnahme am Global Health Day, Trontheim, Norwegen (Link; Download

  • September 2016: Vortrag von Albrecht Jahn auf der VENRO-Konferenz in Berlin (Download)

  • May 2016 Implementation Science Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, talk given by Gorik Ooms on "Saving Global Health from the Rationality Project; What Role for Implementation Science?"

  • April 2016: Einladung zum Fachgespräch im Deutschen Bundestag zur Seuchenprävention von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen – „Vom Krisenmanagement zur Krisenvermeidung: Wie wir künftige Seuchen verhindern“ (Link)

  • April 2016: Vortrag von Albrecht Jahn auf dem Geneva Health Forum / World Health Summit über „Refugee health and the SDGs: What about universal health coverage?” (Link)

  • 2016 Geneva Health Forum, Switzerland: talk on “Refugee health and the SDGs: What about universal health coverage?” by Albrecht JahnLink

  • March 2016 ISA Annual Convention in Atlanta, USA: talk on “A deliberative process for health and environmental policies: conflicting priorities?” by Albrecht JahnLink

  • Summer term 2016: Organisation der Vortragsreihe Global HealthLink

  • January 2016: co-organization of the side-event “Projecting Implementation Priorities to advance Universal Health Coverage in the post-2015 agenda – Lessons Learned from the Go4Health Project” at the PMAC conference, Bangkok, Thailand in the frame of the Go4Health Project Link

  • June 2015: participation in the European Development Days in Brussels: organization of a session on the topic of “Shared responsibility for the right to health in the post-2015 agenda” in the frame of the Go4Health ProjectLink

  • December 2014: Release of the latest Report from the Go4Health project on the post-2015 agenda with the title “The health-related development goal in the post 2015 negotiations: the right to health - buoyed or drowning in sustainable development?”

  • September 2014: Panel debate on "Quo vadis: Post 2015 a new era of Global Governance for Health?"im Rahmen des Workshops "Health for all – The right to health in the post-2015 agenda"PDF

  • April 2014: Vortrag und Diskussionsabend mit Nobelpreisträger Professor Dr. Harald zur Hausen: "Vom Labor zum Patienten - Wie können Innovationen allen zugutekommen?"; organisiert mit der Studentenorganisation Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) und der Sozietät Global Health Georg Forster der Medizinischen Fakultät HeidelbergLink

  • October 2013: World Health Summit 2013 Link

  • September 2013: Release of the latest Report from the Go4Health project on the post-2015 agenda with the title “Realizing the right to health for everyone: the health goal for humanity”, available here:PDF

  • November 2012: Vortrag mit anschliessender Podiumsdiskussion auf Einladung des Deutschen Ethikrates zu „Der Zugang zu unentbehrlichen Medikamenten in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern – ein Menschenrecht?“ Link

  • October 2012: World Health Summit 2012 Link

  • March 2012: Organization of the Global Health Part of the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Internationale Gesundheit, DTG) and the German Society for Parasitology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parasitologie (DCP)) in HeidelbergLink

  • 2011: Meeting of the WHO Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development (CEWG)


  • Consultancy for GIZ through EVAPLAN on results-based financing of maternal and newborn health care

Partners and Collaborations

  • Heidelberg Center for the Environment
  • Marsilius-Kolleg
  • DTG – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin