Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Working Groups Kuunibe,…

Naasegnibe Kuunibe

BA, MPhil

Doctoral Student

Naasegnibe Kuunibe is a trained economist and lecturer at the University for Development Studies (UDS), Ghana. Prior to starting his PhD at the University of Heidelberg he has been involved in impact evaluation studies using randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as well as baseline and community program assessment in northern Ghana. His research focus has been in applied economics largely using choice models to investigate healthcare utilization as well as climate change and welfare effects in northern Ghana. His  PhD research focuses on evaluating the effect of performance based financing (PBF) on the quantity and mix of incentivized and non-incentivized health services in Burkina Faso. Naasegnibe is using routine National Health Management Information system and PBF program data to investigate the link between payments and the mix of services provided, ultimately seeking to assess the efficiency of the payment reform promoted by PBF.


2016 PhD candidate, University of Heidelberg, Institute of Global Health
2010 Mphil (Economics), University of Cape Coast, Ghana
2006 BA (Economics – First Class Honours), University of Cape Coast, Ghana


Dureab, F., Al-Sakkaf, M., Ismail, O., Kuunibe, N., Krisam, J., Müller, O. & Jahn, A (2019). Diphtheria outbreak in Yemen: the impact of conflict on a fragile health system. Conflict and health, 13(19). DOI 10.1186/s13031-019-0204-2.

Kuunibe, N., Lohmann, J., Schleicher, M., Koulidiati, JL., Robyn, PJ., Zigani, Z., Sanon, A. & De Allegri, M (2019). Factors associated with misreporting in performance‐based financing in Burkina Faso: Implications for risk‐based verification. International journal of health planning and management, 1-21. DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2786

Nkegbe, PK & Kuunibe, N (2019). Poverty and Malaria Morbidity: A Study Using Count Regression Model. SAGE Research Methods Cases. SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526479495

Nkegbe, P.K., Kuunibe, N. & Sekyi, S. (2017). Poverty and malaria morbidity in the Jirapa District of Ghana: a count regression approach. Cogent Economics and Finance (Vol. 5 Issue 1: 1293472) 93472 dx.doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2017.1293472

Sekyi, S., Nkegbe, P. K. & Kuunibe, N. (2014). Participation in the Credit Market by Small Scale Entreprises in Ghana: Evidence from Wa Municipality. African Journal of Business Management (Vol. 8, No 19:292 -299).

Tonsuglo A., Aglobitse, P. B. & Kuunibe, N. (2014). Choice of Malaria care Services in Sissala West District. Ghana Journal of Development Studies (Vol. 11, No 1: 78 – 92).

Kuunibe, N., Issahaku, H. and Nkegbe, P.K.  (2013). Wood Based Biomass Fuel Consumption in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Implications for Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Development Studies (Vol. 3, No 2:181-198).

Kuunibe, N. & Domanban, P. B. (2012). Demand for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Ghana. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Vol. 2 No 14: 288 – 294).

Dary, S. K.  &Kuunibe, N. (2012). Participation in Rural Non-Farm Economic Activities in Ghana. American International Journal of Contemporary Research (Vol.2 No 8: 154 – 161).

Kuunibe, N., Nkebge, P. K. & Abdul Mumin, Y.  (2012). Utilization of Reproductive Health Services in Ghana. Developing Countries Studies (Vol. No 8: 104 – 109).

Abdul Mumin, Y., Nkegbe, P. K. & Kuunibe, N. (2012). An Analysis of Customer’s Loyalty to Banks in Ghana. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting (Vol. 3 No 8: 150 – 158).

Nkegbe, P. K., Kuunibe, N. & Abdul Mumin, Y.  (2012). Choice of Transport Mode by Non-Resident University Students in Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences (Vol. 3 No 20: 136 – 142).

Kuunibe, N. & Dary, S. K. (2012). Determinants of Choice of Healthcare Providers among Insured Persons in Ghana. Research on Humanities and Social sciences (Vol. 2 No 10: 88 – 97).

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