Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Working Groups Srivastava, Swati



Doctoral Candidate

Swati Srivastava joined the Research Group in Health Economics and Health Financing as a scientific staff member in December 2018. She has a background in clinical dentistry and public health and is trained in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research. Her research interests include the thematic areas of health care access and utilization, quality of service provision, health insurance systems and universal health coverage; and mixed methods evaluation techniques. Swati’s doctoral research focuses on the effect of the PM-JAY health insurance scheme in India on service provision, including implementation experiences and service quality. Prior to joining HIGH, Swati has worked on quality of maternal and obstetric care, program evaluations of different Indian social health insurance schemes, health financing and tobacco economics, at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Oxford Policy Management and the Public Health Foundation of India.


2019 – present:

Institute of Global Health Dr.sc. hum. candidate

University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany


Masters of Public Health, Orientation International Health

Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium


Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics, Health care Financing, and Health Policy

Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi, New Delhi, India


Bachelors of Dental Surgery

Sardar Patel Institute of Dental and Medical Sciences, RML Awadh University, Lucknow/Faizabad, India


EPIC Scholarship, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, 2017.

Research Fellow, Public Health Leadership and Implementation Academy for NCDs, Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, 2016-17.

Belgian Directorate General of Development Cooperation scholarship to pursue MPH - International Health, 2013.

Bloomberg Scholarship to pursue Global Tobacco Control Certificate Program, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2012.

Select Publications

Parmar D, Strupat C, Srivastava S, Brenner S, Parisi D, Ziegler S, Neogi R, Walsh C, De Allegri M. (2023) Effects of the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme (PM-JAY) on Hospitalizations, Out-of-pocket Expenditures and Catastrophic Expenditures. Health Syst Reform. 2023 Dec 31;9(1):2227430. doi: 10.1080/23288604.2023.2227430 

Srivastava S, Bertone M P, Parmar D, Walsh C, De Allegri M. The genesis of the PM-JAY health insurance scheme in India: technical and political elements influencing a national reform towards universal health coverage. (2023) Health Policy and Planning, https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czad045 

Srivastava S, Bertone M P, Basu S, De Allegri M, Brenner S. (2023) Implementation of PM-JAY in India: a qualitative study exploring the role of competency, organizational and leadership drivers shaping early roll-out of publicly funded health insurance in three Indian states. Health Res Policy Sys 21, 65. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-023-01012-7

Parisi D, Srivastava S, Parmar D, Strupat C, Brenner S, Walsh C, Neogi R, Basu S, Ziegler S, Jain N, De Allegri M. (2023) Awareness of India’s national health insurance scheme (PM-JAY): a cross-sectional study across six states, Health Policy and Planning, Volume 38, Issue 3, April 2023, Pages 289–300 https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czac106

Selvaraj S, Karan K, Srivastava S, Bhan N, Mukhopadhyay I. (2022) India: health system review. New Delhi: World Health Organ Reg Office South-East Asia. https://apo.who.int/publications/i/item/india-health-system-review

De Allegri M, Srivastava S, Strupat C, Brenner S, Parmar D, Parisi D, et al. (2020) Mixed and multi-methods protocol to evaluate implementation processes and early effects of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana scheme in seven Indian states. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(21):1–15.

Nazar GP, Chang KCM, Srivastava S, Pearce N, Karan A, Millett C. (2020) Impact of India’s National Tobacco Control Programme on bidi and cigarette consumption: A difference-in-differences analysis. Tob Control. 2020;29(1):103–10.

Ahmed S, Srivastava S, Warren N, Mayra K, Misra M, Mahapatra T, et al. (2019) The impact of a nurse mentoring program on the quality of labour and delivery care at primary health care facilities in Bihar, India. BMJ Glob Heal. 2019;4(6):1–11.

Rao KD, Srivastava S, Warren N, Mayra K, Gore A, Das A, et al. (2019) Where there is no nurse: An observational study of large-scale mentoring of auxiliary nurses to improve quality of care during childbirth at primary health centres in India. BMJ Open. 2019;9(7):1–12.

Srivastava S, Bose M, Karan A, Selvaraj S. (2016) Benefit incidence analysis of institutional child delivery in India, 2004–2014: improving equity through the National Health Mission? BMJ Global Health, 1(Suppl 1), A4-A5 

Bhan N, Karan A, Srivastava S, Selvaraj S, Subramanian SV, Millet C. (2016) Have Socioeconomic Inequalities in Tobacco Use in India increased over time? Trends from the National Sample Surveys (2000-2012). Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2016; doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntw092

Selvaraj S, Srivastava S, Karan A. (2015) Price elasticity of tobacco products among economic classes in India, 2011–2012. BMJ Open 2015;5:e008180. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015008180

Selvaraj S, Mukhopadhyay I, Kumar P, Aisola M, Datta P, Bhat P, Mehta A, Srivastava S, Pachauli C. (2014) Universal access to medicines: Evidence from Rajasthan, India. WHO South-East Asia J Public Health 2014; 3(3-4): 289–299.

Tharu MB, Harries AD, Goel S, Srivastava S, Kumar AMV, Adhikari M, Shrestha B, Maharjan B, Khadka H. (2014) Screening retreatment TB patients for drug resistance in mid-west Nepal: How well are we doing? Public Health Action 2014; 4(1): 60–65 http://dx.doi.org/10.5588/pha.13.0104

Srivastava S, Malhotra S, Harries AD, Lal P, Arora M. (2013) Correlates of tobacco quit attempts and cessation in the adult population of India: secondary analysis of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2009-10. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:263 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-263

Bhan N, Srivastava S, Agrawal S, Subramanyam M, Millett C, Selvaraj S, Subramanian SV. (2012) Are socioeconomic disparities in tobacco consumption increasing in India? A repeated crosssectional multilevel analysis. BMJ Open 2012;2:e001348. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001348

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