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Application for a clinical elective as a medical student (international students)

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an einer Hospitation am Zentrum für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur Hospitanten mit guten Deutschkenntnissen aufnehmen.

Thank you for your interest in taking an observership at the Center of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery at Heidelberg University Hospital. Please note, that we can only admit applicants who have intermediate knowledge of German. The better your German is, the more you will profit from your experience in Heidelberg.

For full consideration of your application, the following conditions must be met:

  • Please complete the attached application form.
  • Please attach a Letter of Application and your Curriculum Vitae.
  • Deadline: Please apply 6 months in advance of the start of the elective.
  • Elective Dates: In general, clinical observerships begin on the first day of the month and conclude on the last day of the month (4 weeks). Special time arrangements can be considered subject to approval of the instructor.
  • Tuition: No tuition is required for clinical observership as a visiting doctor.
  • Housing: Unfortunately we cannot arrange accommodation for you.
    If you are admitted, you can ask for accommodation at our hospital apartment rental
    by e-mail: Gaestehausorthopaedie.KTG(at)med.uni-heidelberg.de
  • Insurances: You are responsible for your malpractice, personal liability and personal health insurance. Please make sure that such insurances are valid in Germany.
  • Knowledge of German: We can only admit applicants who have intermediate knowledge of German. The better your German is, the more you will profit from your experience in Heidelberg.
  • Visa: If you are applying for a clinical observership as a non-citizen of the EU you will have to provide us with a copy of a valid Visa before final acceptance of your application.

Please address all applications to Birgit.Trost-AbdElwahed(at)med.uni-heidelberg.de

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Benjamin Panzram
Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie

Contact: Birgit.Trost-AbdElwahed(at)med.uni-heidelberg.de