Kliniken &… Kliniken Chirurgie Allgemein-, Viszeral-… Forschung CV

Curriculum vitae

Name |Margot Zöller

Date of birth|May 7, 1943

Place of birth|Bad Neustadt/Saale


Marital Status|single



1962-1969|Studies of Medicine and Psychology, Univ. Würzburg, Berlin, Heidelberg

1970|MD thesis, University of Heidelberg


1983|Habilitation Immunology

1985|Venia legendi Immunology


Positions held|

1969-1972|Medical Assistant, Univ. Hospitals Berlin and Heidelberg

1972-1973|Research Assistant, Inst. Immunology and Serology, Univ. Heidelberg

1973-1987|Research Assistant, Inst. Nucl. Medicine, DKFZ, Heidelberg

1974-1975|Research Grant, Cancer Res. Camp. Lab., Univ. Nottingham, England (Prof. R. Baldwin)

1979|ICRETT Grant, Lab. Immunodiagnosis, NIH/NCI, Bethesda, USA (Prof. R. Herberman)

1980-1981|Research Grant, Dep. Immunology, Biomed. Center, Univ. Uppsala, Sweden (Prof. H. Wigzell)

1981-1982|Docent, Dep. Immunology, Biomed. Center, Univ. Uppsala, Sweden (Prof. H. Wigzell)

1987-1992|Project Leader, Tolerance and Immunoregulation, DKFZ, Heidelberg

1991-1992|Guest Scientist, Dep. Immunology, Inst. Pasteur, Paris, France (Prof. A. Couthino, Prof. P. Kourilsky)

1993-|Head of Department, Tumor Progression and Immune Defense, DKFZ, Heidelberg

1994-|C3-Professorship of Applied Genetics, Univ. Karlsruhe, subsidiary appointment: Head of Department, Tumor Progression and Immune Defense, DKFZ, Heidelberg

Prize|Landesforschungspreis des Landes Baden-Württemberg (together with P. Herrlich), 1995

