Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre International… Comments 2008

Comments 2008

After spending 2 weeks of Summerschool please describe from your point of view what this Summerschool is, if you have to explain it.

  • It is an opportunity to update and to improve your skills in perio, to find out more about Heidelberg, to meet new friends and to put new relationships for the future 
  • International network. Big fan of Dr.Dr.Kim. Full of evidence. 
  • I'm very pleased to meet other dentists from abroad.
  • A wonderful experience of knowledge, social learning, cultural exchange and personal improvement.
  • This summerschool is been the possibility to see another way to do my work, to make a sort of comparison between different nations, to repeat the basic knowledgement.
  • about Periodontology and to meet new interesting people  
  • A very good opportunity to learn. A big chance.
  • It's a program that enriches my knowledge and skills in periodontology.
  • Very good lectures and hands- on courses by great up lecturers, up to date, evidence based perio and implant topics
  • It's really great. I really enjoyed it. It's a great place to improve yourself and where you can repeat and refresh therapy and clinical procedure
  • Excellent experience both professionally and socialy - I've learnt many new things and manage to reevaluate my knowledge in periodontology and some of the topics that rally didn't understand earlier.
  • This Summerschool provides an opprotunity to develop new skills, meet people from all over the world and have a great time learning perio and s lot about german culture.
  • This Summerschool is satisfactory in both lecture and social event.
  • A good opportunity to learn, to change perspectives and meet great new people
  • It's an event well done by very nice people, where I've learnt many things that will be very usefull and made new friendships and connections from all the parts of the world
  • These have been one of the best days in my life
  • It is an interactive experience, with share of knowledge, professional and social life. Great experience!
  • It is the best place to go, if you are willing to do implants and perio surgery


My expectation for the Summerschool 2008 was...

  • very good
  • have a nice time and learn some things more, meet some people
  • to improve my knowledge and clinical skills and to evaluate my level of knowledge 
  • to get a review of periodontics and implantology and to learn things that will be essential for my work; to meet people
  • completely achieved! Good lectures, great hands-on courses and many things I intend to in my practice
  • So-So. I thought there was not something new about periodontology , but I was wrong.
  • To get knowledges about periodontology in general and to learn some basical surgical procedures and implant procedures
  • Exceeded Dr.Kim and her fantastic team outdid all my expectations. The level of organisation, hospitality, teaching skills, available equipment, ....the whole course was great
  • To reevaluate my knowledge   
  • To learn new procedures and the reasons why we do them 
  • To see how perio -treatment is different from the one in my country
  • great
  • That I would be able to validate my current knowledge + skills in the field and learn new concepts + skills
  • Exactly what happend
  • to repeat the basic knowledge in periodontology. To improve my surgical skills and to learn something more  
  • very high and yet they were topped
  • I would have more free time
  • Fullfilled and even beyond...   
  • learning new concept of periodontal regeneration, to meet other dentists from abroad + share thougts about periodontology   
  • Having a good time drinking german beer.
  • aggressive perio and more implantology and less lectures at all



In fact, my experience in the 2 weeks of Summerschool was...

  • I updated what I forgot, I found out what I wanted to know
  • amazing, more than I expected. I wouldn't have thought that it will be like this.
  • I understand many thing's that I haven't understood before, meet wonderful people and spend marvelous two weeks
  • really great! All the compliments! I like the method Dr.Kim uses in this school, trying to teach us how to evaluate, diagnose and manatin the protocol, etc...
  • Exactly what I needed
  • Great
  • we had less basical science lectures and more hands-on courses
  • Enlightening. I have a broader view of periodontics and appreciate what fantastic results can be achieved with good planning and little imagination. I also have a more informed view of Germany and it's beautiful people
  • Everything I expected and even more
  • great
  • very, very good
  • wonderful
  • as German people study a lot
  • Super!
  • awesome.... So many questions about periodontology!!
  • Full of lectures, endless questions and discussions 
  • more periodontology and I was really glad about that.


It would have been better if...

  • It can't be better  
  • It was more time  
  • It would last longer
  • you would have sent us contacts of participants before, so that we could comunicate
  • We had an extra week to do even more, as I enjoyed it very much
  • The schedule was looser
  • we had more hands-on courses 
  • I brought my family
  • the schedule was not so tight because sometimes I wanted to concentrate more
  • more free time in the afternoon to repeat and study, articles, I would have more articles to read 
  • I'd had more time for sleep
  • there would have been more time for surgical ability and diagnosis seminares
  • We had two more weeks
  • It was extended one more week
  • the first lecture would start at 9 am.
  • lectures were ended in time and schedule was not so flexible



During the 2 weeks I missed...

  •  my family
  • only my parents, my dog and my boyfriend. Nothing else. And the sea.
  • my family
  • A bit of free time (it's a joke)
  • Just some sleep, as the social schedule could definitely not be missed
  • My family and my country's food
  • Dr. Kim and all the resident's of the perio section; They were so kind, so I had really a good time at the summer school
  • Free time
  • My family, but not to much as I found some very good friends and loved the faculty members
  • stores that are open after 8pm
  • some articles to read
  • sleeping 
  • sleep
  • mylan
  • my homecountry- food
  • my family
  • my family, my friends, my students
  • 24h convenience store
  • Air condition in public transportation
  • stores and shops that are open late in the evening. Internet
  • my family



During the 2 weeks I appreciated...

  • the work of every lecturer who participated in Summerschool
  • Everything, the city, classes, guest house, new friends.
  • the kind attentions of everyone in the perio team
  • the very good organized skills of this department, the good scientific background and meeting so many new nice people  
  • Dedication and enthusiasm of our teachers
  • All the teachers all the clinical assistant and all the lessons, also the other participants of the summerschool
  • All your duty and the possibility that I had
  • Everything, the city, classes, guest house, new friends.
  • my collegues, my teachers, my family and the weather
  • the lecturers for their unselfish contributions
  • the staff for beeing helpful
  • the participants for their friendship and inputs about perio
  • Dr.Kim's passion
  • Dr.Kim's passion and all instructors.
  • the whole staff - taking care of everything



Place for some final words, comments,etc...

  • I am really glad to be here. It was a great opportunity.
  • During this two weeks I was like dreaming until I woke up and the dream is real. Thank all of you. One of the best experiences in my professional life
  • Thank's to everyone in Heidelberg! Please organize some new advanced course!
  • I will definitely recommend this to collegues and I'm looking forward to practicing the stuff I was able to learn here and keeping in touch with the entire group. Thank you for a great opportunity
  • , * the scholarship and the hard work put into planning and running the course (I loved it) 
  • I think this is essential. Very good idea for expanding knowledge and to learn a lot of new stuff. I#m very glad that I've met my collegues from all around the world and now I have difficulties concerning my cases ( and I tend to have lots of dillemas)
  • Thank you so much for brilliant organisation and dedication.
  • Really a great experience and I‘ll suggest this Summerschool to all of my doctor friends. Thanks for all.
  • Very good week, great lectures, very good organized hands-on courses, very beautiful city. I'm very glad and proud that I met so important and interesting people who really love their work.
  • I will recommend to other collegues
  • You are great! I'm happy that I had this opprotunity and I'm so proud that more and more women has important roles and are so professional and competent, So thank you Dr.Kim 
  • Thank you for everything !!
  • It was really a marvelous experience, and I hope we don't loose contact so fast, with the students and the teachers because I think there was a great bonding and friendship making and I would like to make it last.
  • I learned a lot. I'll change my way of working after this and it was also very important because of that.
  • Ms. Kim and her whole team. Thank you !
  • I was here in 2006 and decided to come back because my experience then was un forgetable. I never realised that this Summerschool was going to be a more life-changing experience, there are just no words this time to describe it clearly. Thank you Dr. Kim
  • Thanks a lot for giving opportunities and time, effort, everything
  • Thank you Dr.Kim for inviting me to the Summerschool.This was a really good experience for me. I received periodontal knowledge and learned evidence based dentistry.
  • Lecturers were all great, social events were excellent  
  • There will be no Summerschool comparable to this one.
  • I would like to thank Dr.Kim and her team for organizing such an incredible event and creating that atmosphere and mood, which I hope I will remember everytime I think of Heidelberg