Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Evaluation 2006

Evaluation 2006

What is your evaluation of the Summerschool on a scale from 5 to 1 (5 = best; 1 = worst)?

Please evaluate how the following topics have been dealt with in the Summerschool on a scale from 5 to 1 (5 = best; 1 = worst).

Which topics should be spent more attention to within the Summerschool program?

The Calibre of the Lecturers in general?

How was the teaching skills of the teacher?

Scientific base of the lectures (evidence based)?

Please name the 3 lectures/seminars that you think were the best.
1. Mucogingival surgery
2. Furcation involvement – GTR with membrane
3. Aggressive Periodontitis


What is your evaluation of the hands-on-courses?

Which topic would you like to have additionally?
- Asthetic aspects
- Treatment planning for implants
- Resections and mucogingival surgery
- Crown lenghthening procedures
- Prosthodontics in relation to periodontics
- Bone augmentation
- Connection Perio-Prosthodontics
- Bone graft surgery, resective therapy
- More perio surgery
- Perio connection with prosthodontics
- Mucogingival and implants all day, if possible
- More mucogingival surgery


Please name the social event that you enjoyed most.

Would you have liked to visit more places in and around Heidelberg?
Yes: 11 participants
No: 5 participants

...if yes, which ones?
Participants named:
- Rhein
- Landscapes
- Heidelberg Castle
- Frankfurt
- Black Forrest
- Baden-Baden


Any suggestions what we could have done additionally?
- I can’t imagine, if you could have done it better. I think it’s an Ideal program.
- All was perfect.
- You’ve done a lot.
- Access to the internet.


In your opinion, which part of the summer school shoul be focussed more (+) or less (-) on in future?

What would be an optimum duration for the Summerschool?

How did you like the size of the Summerschool?

What do you think about the background of the participants?
a. There should be represented more clinical practitioners
b. There should be represented more scientists
c. The participants should be recruted from a larger number of different countries
d. The participants should be selected from certain geographic areas (e.g. Europe,
Asia, South America etc.)

Please give a prospect of the effect the Summerschool might have on your future work.
a. I haven't learnt anything new or s.th. that will have any effect on my work
b. I gained a lot of new knowledge but I fear it might be difficult to be realized (due to circumstances at home country /different system etc.)
c. I could collect new information and improve my practical skills so that i will definitely integrate the things I've learnt in my future work

What do you think about the schedule?