Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Final Reports 2008

Final Reports 2008

Dr. Kamen Georgiev - Sofia, Bulgaria

From July 20 until August 01 the 2008 International Summer School for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology was organized by the Section of Periodontology, Department of Operative Dentistry of the University of Heidelberg. The main goal of the Summer School idea is to create an international network of young dental professionals for exchange of new ideas and knowledge. For two weeks 20 participants from 11 countries (Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, South Korea, Philippines, and Fiji) gathered in Heidelberg to learn from one of the leading professionals in their field. The 2008 Summer School was supported by University of Cologne, Germany; University of Frankfurt, Germany; University of Düsseldorf, Germany; University of Rochester, USA; University of Minnesota, USA and several companies - Dentsply –Friadent, Straumann, GABA International.
The program was very intensive and required maximum concentration from all participants. On the first day when the program was presented I thought that hard two weeks lie ahead. But now I have to say that I was mistaken. Yes the courses demanded maximum concentration, but Dr. Kim and her team had created a wonderful organization of the events with balanced mixture of lectures, hands on courses and social events and we all really enjoyed the time in Heidelberg.
The content of the lectures presented the most contemporary state of knowledge in the fields of Periodontology and Implantology but most important to me was that the content was always evidence based and the majority of the lectures were interactive. And that was what I appreciated because I not only learned many new facts but really understood them better while discussing with the other colleagues.
And the lecturers - they were top-class. It was a honour for me to have the opportunity to learn from such erudite and experienced professionals. I enjoyed especially the lectures Antibiotics in Periodontology (Dr.Kim) because I am interested in this topic. Prof. Castalonga impressed me with his lecture of Etiology and Pathogenesis of Periodontitis and I realized that lot of new knowledge is gathered in the past few years and I must bring my own up to date. And Prof. Steveling, he is such an experienced surgeon that I really wish we had more time to learn from him.
The lectures were supported with many hands on courses (Periodontal Flap Surgery; Furcation therapy; Augmentation procedures; Preparation for implants and Mucogingival surgery). They gave us the chance not only to learn the latest surgical techniques but to discuss the indications, case and site selection, which determine the result from the procedures.
The Summer School was not only learning. The social program gave us the opportunity to visit many landmarks (The Heidelberg Castle, Baden-Baden, the gardens of Schweitzinger Castle, the Bruchsal Castle)which discovered the charm and mystic of the German history and culture. I want to thank the Summer School Staff for that wonderful moments and especially Raluca and Amelie, for showing us the beauty of German nature and history and Patrick for the wonderful night-tours through Heidelberg, I really felt as if I was at home.
At the end I want to say that these two weeks in Heidelberg were one of the best in my life. I met amazing people from all over the world and we became friends, I gathered knowledge and experience and now I am eager to learn more.
I would like to thank to: Dr. Kim for the opportunity to take part in the 2008 International Summer School for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology. Thank you Dr. Kim for showing me the way that a true teacher should be and for giving me and to all of us part of your enthusiasm and passion. All the lecturers Prof.Eickholz, Prof. Schwarz, Prof. Costalonga, Dr.Kwok, Prof.Neugebauer and Prof.Steveling, for sharing their enormous experience with us. Dr. Kim’s staff (Raluca, Amelie, Patrick, Sven and Nils) and everybody else who made the these two weeks such a wonderful experience.. All my new friends (Garry, Iva, Marko, Maria Antoanietta, Eliana, Francesco, Minas, Mariana, Monica, Anca, Bojana, Irina, Lim, Leenu, Park, Song, Melanie, Jurate and Bhabita). We had amazing time together. I love you all!
All the sponsors - without their support the summer school would not have happened.


Jung-chul Park
Seoul, Korea


Someone told me the name of Heidelberg was originated from ‘Holy Mountain.’ And I actually do believe it because Summer school in Heidelberg was truly a ‘holy ground’ of Periodontology. Or School of Athens. The Almighty Gods and Goddess were walking in the garden and discussing the diagnosis and treatment plan. The Great thinkers like Socrates and Aristotle were debating what kind of suture technique should be used after free gingival graft. (We also had real Greek one, Minas ^^).

Dr. Dr. Kim was standing and giving lectures in the center of holy ground and teaching us the very essence of Periodontology. Around her Great doctors like Dr. Fisher, Dr. Eickholz, Dr. Schwarz, Dr. Costalonga, Dr. Kwok, Dr. Neugebauer, and Dr. Steveling stood strong. The army which was under Dr. Dr. Kim’s command were guiding and protecting us days and nights and they provided us with wonderful experiences and happy memories just like the nine muses. I believe I was born again as a better Periodontist in holy ground of Heidelberg. I think we all share the same feeling.

At first I was expecting somewhat cool and slow European style classes with never-ending tea time with thick and real German coffee and cookies. And I found out that it was on the contrary. A number of classes, group discussions and hand-on courses were packed into 2 week schedule and after classes we were doing hiking (climbing in fact), walking in the old town, partying and dancing. I must admit that my strength ran out after two week of hard training. Also I was having a hard time due to the difference of time zone. I was sleepy in the morning because Korea is night at that time. And I was sleepy in the evening because it is evening in Germany.

However, I was moved by the way that Dr. Dr. Kim teaches us with enthusiasm. She gave us wonderful lectures with tons of references. She gave me new insight about prescribing antibiotics and regenerative therapy. I have changed my way of treatment in many ways after the summer school. At the same time I also could gain some confidence in certain area such as implants and mucogingival surgeries.

In Korea, implant market is growing rapidly. All periodontists as well as other specialists are interested in implants. However, I became to think again on implant treatment. Maybe I was not doing my best to save the natural teeth. From now on I will consider every option before I think of extraction and placing implants.

Nice river, clean air, beautiful castle and old town are all in Heidelberg. Also bright and nice friends from all over the world made it even better. So summer school in Heidelberg was perfect course with perfect people in perfect place. I already miss all of my friends. I wish I could attend another summer school and hope to see everyone again in reunion program.


Mariana Santos
Coimbra, Portugal


The International Summer School for Clinical Periodontolgy and Implantology took place from July 21st to August 1st in Heidelberg and it was, for me, a wonderful unforgettable experience. It started with an introduction to what was planned and the several teachers we would have in our lectures. And the lecture from Dr fisher from the FDI was really inspiring as he showed us the impact of oral health around the world and all the different scenarios that could be found throughout the planet. It was inspiring and mind opening, and a very good way to start the summer school. The first day was also, of course, the first chance to get to meet our fellow participants, see their presentations and exchange opinions about everyone’s countries and backgrounds. We also visited the Department of Periodontology and the entire Koftklinik (which made most of us wish we had studied there...) as well as the Campus (which also made us which we had studied there...) and the Botanic Garden, where a marvelous buffet was served to us... The first day was very exciting and made me feel really excited about the 14 days to come.
The rest of the week as filled with lectures, hands-on courses and activities and the days were so full it was almost impossible to do anything else and it’s impossible to choose a couple of things to point out as more important. The lectures had very diversified themes, from disinfective therapy to regenerative surgery and implants, the hands-on courses included flap surgery, tunnel preparation and regenerative procedures with Emdogain® in pig jaws and the social program took us as far as the Heidelberg Castle, the top of the opposing hill and the city of Baden-Baden.
The weekend began Friday afternoon, which is something weird to us Portuguese, and was left free for us to go and do whatever we want, although we could count on the staff of the summer school to keep as company☺. I took the chance to go shopping and get to know Heidelberg, but many colleagues took the chance to get to know the city of Strasbourg and Stuttgard.
The lectures of the second week involved the treatment of aggressive periodontitis, periodontal medicine, prognosis and treatment planning, gingival recession and muco- gingival surgery. The hands-on course on augmentation procedures showed us a very “violent” approach to periodontal surgery (one where the periodontum doesn’t really matter...) and the course on socket preparation for implants and the one on muco-gingival surgery showed us materials and techniques for everyday use in these cases. The social events didn’t disappoint either, with a visit to the castle of Schwetzinger, a “Nightour” to the hotspots of Heidelberg night life and a visit to Bruchsal Castle (yes, another castle) and Klump winery for some wine tasting and gourmet dinner. After this last dinner was time to show everyone the performances each one prepared in order to be able to receive the certificate, and a final speech from Dr Ti-Sun Kim.
In this summer school I met some brilliant people. Dr Ti-Sun Kim is a great communicator and a unique teacher, she has a wonderful staff that babysiited us throughout 2 weeks with great concern for us and efficiency. Raluca and Amelie (impossible to see them without a smile in their faces), Nils (impossible to see him without a camera and taking pictures of us), Sven (hard but not impossible to see him smile) and Frank (impossible to find a bar or restaurant he doesn’t have connections with) will be forever in my heart.
We met people from all over the world and the exchange of opinions in terms of Periodontology but also in personal terms, was a very enriching experience. I gained a hand full of friends in far-out places that I hope I never loose, and the things I learned with the lectures, the courses and the mingle with the other cultures will follow me forever in my professional and personal life. Thank you all!


Dr. Lim Hyun-chang
Seoul, South Korea


I had great experience in Heidelberg Summer School. I made many friends from other countries,    attended in good lectures and went through german culture. Before coming to germany, I heard from colleague(Dr. Kim young-taek who attended in 2006) about summer school. So I anticipated amazing experience in Heidelberg. And Summer school in Heidelberg didn`t let me down, rather fulfilled beyond my expectations.
Process of lectures were very impressive to me. In the lectures, there were many chances to discuss and ask. And all lectures were proceeded in the evidence-based method. I have done many periodontal treatment routinely without thinking hard. The course of Summer School reminded this to me and provided a good chance to contemplate. In the lectures about periodontology, the part of antibiotics in periodontology is kept in my memory vividly. In Korea, dentists tend to over-prescribe antibiotics and I have prescribed antibiotics to my patients after routine periodontal surgery. On this occasion, I came to reconsider my prescription of antibiotics. In the lecture about implantology, professor Schwarz`s lecture was impressive. I admired his work and felt his passion about experiments.
Also, Hands-on course were good. Hands-on course were dealt with various procedures from basic periodontal surgery to advanced implant surgery. We covered distraction osteogenesis and block bone harvesting using Micro-saw that I haven`t done yet. Although many pigs were sacrificed due to our hands-on course, they will be remembered forever as heroes sacrificed for development of periodontology!
One thing that is never forgotten to mention, is social event. Heidelberg city tour, Barden Barden, night tour, party at the winery and so on, live in my memory. During Heidelberg city tour, I heard that the allied force intentionally didn`t bombard Heidelberg to protect beautiful landscape and cultural heritage. And I fully understand why they didn`t. I think that studying in Heidelberg was a blessing.
I miss everything, every minute, and everyone in Heidelberg. I hope to see everyone again and re-visit to Heidelberg.


Dr. Bhabita V. Murjani


Some of the most memorable and enriching experiences in life come at unexpected moments. I believe the International Summer School program is one of those events that has superseded my expectations and contributed much to my professional and personal growth. I learned of the program from previous colleagues who have joined (in 2004 and in 2006). I was undecided at first since I really did not know what was to be expected. My three colleagues, however, were unanimous in saying that it was well worth it. I now can truly say the same!
The International Summer School 2008 began in July 21 with 20 participants from various parts of the world introducing ourselves, our country and our universities to each other. This stirred interests and points of conversations amongst us such that by the first day, the 20 participants were mingling and interacting with each other comfortably and taking initial steps to getting to know each other. It was very exhilarating to interact with people of various accents and cultures. We started as strangers wondering how to relate to each other and ended as friends exchanging contact details and looking forward to hearing from each other. The participants were from Bulgaria, Croatia, Fiji, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Philippines, Portugal, Serbia, South Korea and Romania. Throughout the program we had the privilege of exchanging ideas and prevailing dental practices within our countries. Our perspectives were broadened as we listened to each other’s stories. This type of learning indeed goes beyond what is read in the books!
The first lecturer was Dr. Julian Fisher, Education and Scientific Manager of Federation Dentaire Internationale, who presented to us a global review of the oral and periodontal health. He reminded us of the world that exists beyond the walls and corners of our private practices and universities and motivated us to expand the impact of our services to the underprivileged communities in our countries. He challenged us to contemplate on the possible role we could take part in improving the oral health of the world.
The succeeding topics were arranged such that interactive sessions and hands on procedures (on a pig’s jaw) were interspersed within lectures.    The class started at 8.30 and ended by about 4/4.30 on the average. The hours seemed short though since the presentations were captivating and the lecturers promoted an environment conducive to class discussions. There were group sessions as well wherein we were asked to read and discuss journals and cases. Aside from learning about Periodontology, I likewise gathered input on various teaching styles and methods applied by each lecturer which i hope to contextualize and apply to my setting.
On the first week, we had lectures on: Classification of periodontal diseases which included interactive sessions on diagnosis of some cases presented; anti-infective therapy regimen followed at the University of Heidelberg; the principle of full mouth disinfection and its comparison to quadrant therapy; debridement, root planning, surgical techniques such as the Kirkland Flap, Modified Widman Flap, Distal Wedge procedures, Papillary Preservation Flap, Modified Papillary Preservation Flap; Clinical and microbiological diagnosis; the indications and regimen for antibiotics; diagnosis and treatment options for furcation involvement as well as the indications and long term prognosis of root resection; methods and success rates of regenerative therapy; treatment protocol on setting implants; implant and bone regeneration and peri-implantitis. Hands- on included various periodontal flap techniques, tunnel preparation with apical repositioning of the flap and regenerative therapy. As a bonus, we had cultural, hiking and excursion trips after class. This added another dimension to the learning promoted in this program. Not only was our knowledge in the field of Periodontology enhanced, we were likewise exposed to the rich history and culture of Heidelberg. The trips also allowed for more bonding time among the classmates and provided added memorable experiences. Again, learning that goes beyond the books!
On the second week, topics included the following: aggressive periodontitis and it’s management; site development for implant placement; etiology and pathogenesis of periodontitis which included discussion on the role of somatic hypermutation, TH17, BAFF and RANK L; Periodontal medicine; Periodontal treatment and prognosis which included discussions on when should extraction be considered an option; the importance of supportive treatment; the mucogingival complex, grafting procedures and case presentations;    Hands- on procedures were on socket preservation, mucogingival surgery ( free gingival graft and connective tissue graft) and augmentation procedures.    Just like the first week, we had after-class activities that allowed for fun, relaxation and bonding as we toured the beautiful city.
We had the privilege of having the following lecturers in the program: the Head of the Section of Periodontology, PD Dr. Dr. T. Kim (whom I believe is a very good teacher and worthy to be emulated), the residents of the Periodontology Program (Dr. Baeumer, Dr Frank, Dr. Cosgarea, Dr. Zehaczek) guest lecturers from various Universities, namely, Dr.Eickholz (University of Frankfurt). Dr. Costalonga (University of Minnesota), Dr. Kwok (Rochester University), Dr Neugebauer (University of Cologne), and Dr Schwarz (University of Duesseldorf) . What I appreciated most in the lectures was the presentation of updates based on current published literature. Current findings on basic concepts were discussed and analyzed in relation to studies conducted. The importance of citing researches that proved existing concepts was reemphasized each time. We were continuously challenged and motivated towards evidence-based dentistry and encouraged to constantly apply it in educating patients, teaching students, and discussing with colleagues. As Dr Kim who would say    ‘what is your evidence in saying that?’ The importance of evidence-based dentistry was re-instilled in us and thus the drive for further learning was thus stirred up even more.
The hands- on sessions were very organized and we were provided with excellent instruments, materials and equipment necessary for each exercise. There was an LCD monitor in each working area where the demonstration was shown. The atmosphere was conducive to learning, allowing us to enjoy as we performed on the pig’s jaw. The supervisors did not mind our constant questioning and patiently provided us with feedback.
Days seemed to swiftly pass by as each second was spent enjoyably. Before we knew it, Aug 1 had come by. The culminating activity at the last day was like icing on a cake- --- just perfect! We shared actual cases we were working on and received input from one another with regards to the best treatment plan for the cases given the limitations in each country. Final celebration and handing out of certificates transpired after dinner in a fancy place. It was then time to express our gratitude to Dr. Kim, her staff and to one another by performing amusing special numbers which left imprints in our minds and hearts.
On the plane back home, I recalled the whole learning experience in Heidelberg and could not help but overflow with thankfulness. It was indeed a privilege to have been part of a continuing education program in a distinguished University; a program that had been excellently formulated and implemented--- hat’s off to Dr. Kim and her team who have given of themselves for the benefit of others. I am truly thankful to the Chancellor of our University and the Dean of our college who believed in me and sponsored my tuition for the program. I likewise wish to extend my deepest gratitude to the University of Heidelberg for sponsoring my accommodations (it was comfortable, clean and cozy).    Thank you very much to all the guest lecturers for generously sharing your expertise. To my mentor Dr. Nanette Vergel De Dios, thank you for inspiring me and constantly guiding me. To my dear friend and colleague Dr. Garcia who unselfishly shares and discusses readings and cases with me.    To Dr. Serraon, my immediate boss at the University, for taking on my load while I was gone (together with Dr. Garcia) And of course, to all my classmates, thank you for adding spice to the experience—for all the memories that constantly bring a smile to my heart.


Dr. Leenu Raju Maimanuku
Suva, Fiji


The University of Heidelberg runs a biennial 2 week summer school for dentists who have an interest in developing their skills in periodontology. It also aims to attract young professionals to a career in academia.
The course was attended by 20 participants aged 27 – 39 yrs from Korea, Phillipines, Serbia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. It provided an extraordinary opportunity to network and develop meaningful relationships as we practically spent 16 hours/day together attending lectures, doing hands-on exercises, having meals together and other social activities. Most of the participants were periodontists, GDP’s preparing to do further postgrad training in periodontology, some specialists in Endodontics and others keen GDP’s who were providing a large range of specialist care in their practices. I enjoyed learning from the well prepared lecturers who spoke English very fluently and also from the participants.
The University of Heidelberg has a very large and capable Periodontology department, lead by Dr Ti-sun Kim who I found to be a very dynamic personality and a wonderful lecturer. Lecturers and researchers from the World Dental Federation (FDI), University of Minnesota, University of Frankfurt, University of Düsseldorf, University of Rochester also delivered lectures and preclinical sessions.
The preclinical and clinical settings we were exposed to had some of the most advanced technologies available in clinical dentistry. The course was very well supported by the corporate sector and as such many different materials and equipment were made available including those used for periodontal regeneration.
I was able to attend the 2008 summer school with generous assistance from the University of Heidelberg, the Fiji School of Medicine and Oraltec NZ Ltd.
I attended over 33 lectures,

  • Oral & Periodontal Health Condition is the World – a global overview – (2 lectures, small group discussion and a video of HIV/AIDs patients in Africa) Dr Fisher – FDI
  • Classification of Periodontal Disease Dr Zehaczek – Heidelberg  
  • Antiinfective therapy – Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg   
  • The principles if Full mouth disinfection – Dr Cosgarea – Heidelberg   
  • Debridement by hand or machine – Dr Eickholz – Frankfurt   
  • Scaling and root planning Dr Eickholz – Frankfurt   
  • Non surgical or surgical periodontal therapy – Dr Eickholz – Frankfurt
  • Periodontal Surgery: flap procedures – Dr Eickholz – Frankfurt  
  • Clinical Periodontal Diagnosis – Dr Baeumer – Heidelberg 
  • Microbiological Diagnosis - Dr Cosgarea – Heidelberg
  • Antibiotics in Periodontology - Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg
  • Etiology and Diagnosis of furcation involvement - Dr Cosgarea – Heidelberg
  • Fundamental Periodontal Therapy – resective therapy, flap procedures - Dr Zehaczek – Heidelberg
  • Is Periodontal regeneration possible? Indications for GTR - Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg
  • Current Status of Regenerative Therapy - Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg  
  • Treatment planning and treatment protocols of setting implants – Dr Schwarz – Duesseldorf  
  • Do implants support bone regeneration - Dr Schwarz – Duesseldorf  
  • Periodontitis – extraction and setting implants - Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg 
  • Periimplantitis – Etiology, treatment options - Dr Schwarz – Duesseldorf  
  • Implant cases – Dr Costolonga – Minnesota   
  • Aggressive Periodontitis - Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg
  • Etiology and Pathogenesis of periodontitis – Dr Costolonga – Minnesota   
  • Periodontal Medicine - Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg  
  • Long term results after periodontal treatment – Dr Kwok – Rochester   
  • Prognosis of teeth - Dr Kwok – Rochester 
  • Treatment planning / prognisis of Teeth - Dr Kwok – Rochester    
  • Supportive treatment - Dr Ti-Sun Kim – Heidelberg   
  • Distraction osseogenesis – Dr Neugebauer-Cologne  
  • Bone grafts – Dr Neugebauer-Cologne   
  • The mucogingival complex, gingival recession and mucogingival problems - Dr Baeumer – Heidelberg  
  • Classification of gingival recession, indications for root coverage, rotational flaps, advanced flaps, free gingival grafts and connective tissue grafts - Dr Kwok – Rochester
  • Sinus lifting procedures for implants -Dr Steveling – Heidelberg   
  • 3 dimensional reconstruction of alveolar bone before implants – Dr Steveling – Heidelberg Hands-on Sessions
  • Periodontal flap surgery: Kirkland flap modified widman flap distal wedge papilla preservation flap
  • Furcation therapy : Tunnel preparation, Regenerative therapy with enamel matrix protein and bone substitute
  • Augmentation procedures: Bone grafts, Callus Distraction
  • Preparation for implants: Extraction techniques, Socket preservation
  • Mucogingival Surgery: Free gingival graft, Connective tissue graft – envelope technique
  • Implant placement

    Social Events
  • Welcome dinner   
  • Guided night city tour and visit to the Castle    
  • Baden Baden excursion    
  • Hiking in Heidelberg – Philosophers trail    
  • Schwetzinger Palace and Gardens 
  • Night tour of Heidelberg – (I missed this one – too exhausted !)   
  • Baroque castle
  • Wine tasting tour and final dinner

    As a spill-off from this PTD activity, the immediate changes that I would be proposing to our department after wider consultation are:
  • A new risk assessment procedure for periodontal disease    
  • System of providing long term supportive periodontal care    
  • Treatment approaches to furcation involvements    
  • Case selection and procedures for mucogingival surgery    
  • Purchase of some basic instruments for mucogingival surgery, atraumatic extractions and surgical extrusions    
  • Full mouth disinfection procedures


The course was very useful and has given me a broader and deeper understanding of periodontology, in particular; surgical periodontal therapy.

My sincere appreciation goes to: the Department of Oral Health for supporting this PTD activity Dr’s Ralovo, Piukala and Lal for taking on some of my teaching responsibilities. the Fiji School of Medicine, Oraltec NZ Ltd and the University of Heidelberg for providing financial support and accommodation. I must also thank all the staff involved in the summer school (Dr’s Kim, Raluca, Amelie, Patrick, Sven and Neels) for the wonderful German hospitality, resourcefulness and making sure that everything went perfectly.