Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Final Reports 2010

Final Reports 2010

Marinella Holzhausen - São Paulo, Brazil

The Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology took place from July 26th until August 6th. 2010 at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, and was organized by the Section of the Periodontology, Department of Operative Dentistry. I will try to resume in the next paragraphs the wonderful experience I had.
At the 1st day, there was an introductory lecture about the course, the city and the university, and the presentation of the participants who came from several countries (12 from European countries, and 2 from Brazil).
During the period of 2 weeks, several topics were ministered by experienced professors and clinicians. They were excellent to remind the basics of periodontology: epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment planning, therapy (non-surgical/ surgical) and prognosis. In addition, lectures and seminars on periodontal medicine and implants were also provided. However, the following lectures were outstanding in my point of view:

  • “Classification of Periodontal diseases” ministered by Dr. Baeumer.
  • “Anti-infective therapy at the University of Heidelberg” ministered by Dr. Kim.
  • “Debridement: by hand or by machine” ministered by Dr. Eikholz. 
  • “Non-surgical or surgical periodontal therapy” ministered by Dr. Eickholz. 
  • “Is periodontal regeneration possible” ministered by Dr. Kim. 
  • “Periodontal Medicine” ministered by Dr. Kim. 
  • “Long-term results after periodontal treatment” ministered by Dr. Kim. 
  • “Prognosis of teeth” ministered by Dr. Kim. 
  • “Evidence based role of oral hygiene control in therapy and prevention” ministered by Dr. Schlagenhauf.

    I also enjoyed the interactive learning seminars, especially the following ones:
  • “Diagnosis of periodontal disease- seminar”. During this seminar, Dr. Kim presented several clinical cases and interactively discussed with the class their correct diagnosis. 
  • “The principle of full-mouth disinfection- seminar” ministered by Dr. Cosgarea who taught the principles, goals, advantages of full- mouth disinfection, and interactively discussed with the class the papers of Quirynen et al, 1995, and Apatzidou et al, 2004.
  • “Periodontal Medicine- seminar” ministered by Dr. Kim. 
  • “Treatment planning/ prognosis of teeth- seminar” ministered by Dr. Kim.

It was also great to have the opportunity to see and learn about modern diagnostic tools in periodontology, like kits for microbiological (shown by Dr. Frank), immunological and genetic diagnosis. In addition, the hands on courses were perfect to remind how to perform the basic periodontal surgical procedures, and to learn how to use different new regenerative materials. During these practical classes the professors also clarified with excellence and patience all the critical steps for the success of more sophisticated surgical therapies. Moreover, I think that this Postgraduate program experience at the University of Heidelberg, allowed me to get in touch with modern teaching methods, such as interactive learning seminars and hands-on courses, which will certainly help me to provide a more comprehensive learning experience for my students. Furthermore, I also would like to point out the organized structure of the course. These 2 weeks were marked by a series of lectures, seminars, and hands on courses that strictly followed a programmed time to begin and to end. And, several breaks were provided in between these activities and were essential for socializing and discussing personal clinical experiences with the other members of the group. In conclusion, I strongly believe that the Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology was a unique opportunity to improve my professional skills and to gain a lot of experience and much more confidence. This experience in such an extremely prestigious international program of the University of Heidelberg, which is the oldest university in Germany, was perfect to meet teachers and students from different nationalities and to exchange experience in periodontology. Finally, it was wonderful to learn about the German culture, and to spend some time in the motherland of my beloved grandparents!


Vanessa Tubero Euzebio Alves
São Paulo, Brazil


Located on Southeastern Germany along the Neckar river, in the region of Baden- Württemberg, the small city of Heidelberg is the home of one of the oldest and renowned Universities in Europe. The University of Heidelberg is a reference of patients attendance and Medicine teaching, where we can point out great research centers, clinics and institutes.
More than know about the history of this wonderful knowledge center, we could feel, even for a little time, the atmosphere of this incredible University. Through the International Summer School for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology, I had the opportunity to be at University of Heidelberg for two weeks to learn and to recycle my Periodontology knowledge.
Coordinated by Dr. Dr. Ti-Sun Kim, Head of the Section of Periodontology, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Clinic for Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial, the Summer School is a kind of unique course that mix learning with abroad cultural sociability. Through exciting seminars, as Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases, Periodontal Medicine, Treatment Planning and Prognosis oriented by Dr. Kim and lectures like Epidemiological Aspects of Periodontitis, Non-surgical or Surgical Periodontal Therapy?, Evidence Based Role of Oral Hygiene Control in Therapy and Prevention, by internationally renowned guests of the periodontal scientific community, participants of many different countries argued and shared their practical and scientific knowledge about the most important topics in Periodontology. The friendly reception at the University on the very first day created a friendship atmosphere and promoted the students and monitors union. The infra-structure University Campus introduction was very useful because it gave us the right directions and we could notice how organized the Dental Hospital is.
Sharing time with lectures and seminars, the several hands-on, which happened during these two weeks, are certainly the highlights of the Summer School. The Periodontal Flap Surgery, oriented by Dr. Eickholz, Tunnel Preparation and Enamel Matrix Protein Devivate (Emdogain), Mucogingival Surgery, Application Procedures for Local Antibiotics, oriented by Dr. Kim, Preparation for Implants Extraction and Socket Preservation with Gentamycin Collagen Sponge, oriented by Dr. Steveling, were genius hands-on that consolidated and turn our theoretical knowledge into practice. The lab, fitted with high quality instruments, besides the team organization and attention also contributed to achieve a great apprenticeship.
To complement our days and evenings after classes, the rides around Heidelberg to know more about the culture of this charming city, the small trips to neighbour cities like Mannheim and Rothenburg ob der Tauber, the amazing traditional Hiking Tour and the relationship with new friends coming from other countries made the Summer School something more than special.
The importance to participate in international courses, with the quality and philosophy of the Summer School, is unquestionable. For both, practitioner and researcher. Thinking and understanding through great scientific research that the quality of periodontal treatment are implicit in each phase, from the diagnostic to the supportive periodontal treatment and taking decisions grounded on scientific evidence, brings more effective answers and benefits for the patient and make us more than periodontists. It makes us good periodontists.
Through the Summer School seminars I was able to define concepts and at the same time to open my mind to new points of view. I am sure that the Summer School contributed to my personal and professional education. This learning experience will be with me for the rest of my life.


Mariana Pinheiro
Lisbon, Portugal


The International Summer School for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology took place from the 26th July to the 6th August 2010 at the University of Heidelberg and it was such a dazzling experience that I don’t even know where or how to start describing it. So I can only promise to try and do my best.
On the day of our arrival Nihad El Sayed picked us up at the city’s bus stop (thank you Fragment!!). She took us to the University’s dorms, kindly provided by the German Society of Periodontology (thank you so much!), and told us basic things about the city and the University. I was so happy for being there and for being granted with the opportunity to participate in such an international experience that I got some trouble sleeping in that first night. In the next morning we had the first of 14 amazing days at the Summer School! We started by introducing ourselves to our new colleges by showing presentations about us and our countries. In that way we found out we were 14 lucky fellows, coming from countries as different as Turkey (Ahu and her constant smile!), Czech Republic (Eva and her peace), Portugal (Myself, Elsa and Ricardo – nothing to say☺), Brazil (Marinella and Vanessa with their constant laugh!), Spain (Eduardo and his constant AUF!), Romania (Ami and Bahtiar – da, da, da!) and Croatia (Ivan, Domagoj, Marko and Sandra – the four musketeers!). The following days where filled with lectures and hands-on courses. The lectures’ subjects varied from disinfective therapy to regenerative surgery and implants, whilst the hands-on courses included flap surgery, tunnel preparation and regenerative procedures with Emdogain® in pig jaws. Every day was organized by themes so that in the end the pieces fit perfectly together and one can not point out one of them as more important than the others. The social program was important to establish the balance between classes and our free time. Patrick took us throughout Heidelberg’s nightlife and, really, there wasn’t a single place where he didn’t have connections with so we had a blast every time! (Except maybe for that one nigh, with a fish thing, you may remember that, kof!) Raluca – with her never-ending amount of good vibes - showed us (at least for what the rain let her) the University campus and Kopfklinik and took us as far as Rothenburg!! I take this opportunity to say “Thank you so much, Raluca!! And I bet we all feel sorry about that particular morning...”☺Another constant, peaceful presence was Jan’s. He also helped us with everything he could! Nils and Nihad came with us to visit Sirona’s factory, which was very enlightening – now we all have the goal to own that 60.000€ massage/dentistry chair! Then, on Monday of the last week, Prof. Kim had the enormous task to lead us up hill hiking. The hiking tour was one of the best parts for me and ended with the most delightful dinner – Amelie, danke!! – at the Schnitzel Haus!
On the last day we all had to make presentations about some typical thing of our country and Prof. Kim made the final speech with the delivery of our certificates. I have to say (and I bet everyone agrees) that Prof Kim is a brilliant communicator, extremely captivating and all her lectures where so appealing – even those at 8:30am! – that we just couldn’t stop listening to her. I can also tell you that everyone left this Summer school with the aim of never ever extract a tooth again!! That’s right, Prof. Kim IS that good!☺
To conclude, with this Summer School we learned a lot regarding to what Perio’s concerned but more important than that we made a bond between us. We all got along really well; at some point it almost seemed we knew each others since we were young! That amazing bond allows us to freely communicate between us at any time, so one can say that an international discussion group was created. In fact, we already arranged Summer School Part II – See you guys in Croatia 2011 and thank you all!!☺


Dr. Ricardo Moutinho
Porto, Portugal


The Summer School for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology ran from the 26th of July to the 6th of August, at the Periodontology Section, Department of Operative Dentistry at Heidelberg University. We were 14 students with 7 different nationalities: 3 from Portugal, 1 from Spain, 1 from Czech Republic, 2 from Romania, 4 from Croatia, 1 from Turkey and 2 from Brazil.

In terms of scientific level, it was without doubt the best course of periodontology I have ever attended. The excellence and merit of Prof. Dr. Ti-Sun Kim and his outstanding team from the periodontology section at the University Hospital, contributed for this high degree of expertise, due to the professional and pedagogical manner they were transmitted to us. During these two weeks, we had the opportunity to enrich our knowledge essentially in the area of pure periodontics, in terms of the basic science, as well as in terms of more advanced surgical regenerative procedures. We focused on several points, among them: importance of plaque control in periodontal therapy and in prevention, clinical periodontal diagnosis, microbiological diagnosis, aggressive paradontitis treatment, scaling and root planning, non-surgical or surgical periodontal therapy, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of furcation involvement, antibiotics in periodontology, locally administered antibiotics in periodontology, supportive treatment and individual periodontal risk; periodontal surgery: flap techniques, periodontal regeneration, regenerative therapy, long-term results and prognosis of teeth.

We also approached some very interesting topics of implant treatment, such as ‘complications with dental implants and failure of implants: what do we do next?’. We also had the opportunity to participate in a few Hands-on courses as periodontal flap surgery, placement of implants, regenerative periodontal surgery, mucogingival surgery and augmentation procedures.

All matters discussed were always supported by scientific evidence and always very well documented and supported by studies and papers published in international journals. This way I can categorically state that I came from Heidelberg more scientifically enriched.

As for the cultural program, which could be called daytime or official cultural program, organized by the team from the periodontics section at the University Hospital, I would say that it was a very busy, balanced and interesting program. It included a trip to the University Hospital, a Guided Night City Tour - Heidelberg, Hiking in Heidelberg, Excursion - Mannheim, Excursion – Rothenburg, amongst others. Of all these, I think hiking was the activity that most of the participants enjoyed. We went hiking for approximately three hours through the mountains, where we had the pleasure of enjoying the beautiful scenery and breathe the fine air present in the hills around the city. In fact, Heidelberg, is partly known and recognized for being a biosustained city with a great relationship with the environment. After this marathon of going up and down the mountains for three hours, we had a well deserved dinner at Schnitzelhaus, with the entire section group.

As to the "cultural" overnight programme, which could be called unofficial, but also essential for good relations amongst all Summer School students, I would say we all enjoyed the best of this great opportunity to create strong personal relationships between people who previously did not know each other.

I would like to thank the University of Heidelberg that granted me a scholarship in the form of accommodation during the two weeks of summer school, which would have been very difficult to attend the summer course without.

For all this, I would strongly recommend to all Periodontology lovers not to miss the opportunity to attend the Summer School for clinical Periodontology and Implantology at the Universitiy of Heidelberg, Germany, organized by the Section of the Periodontology, at the Department of Operative Dentistry. Thank you all.


Dr. Ahu Uraz
Ankara, Turkey


The International Summer School for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology was organized by the Section of Periodontology, Department of Operative Dentistry of the Heidelberg University from July 26th to August 6th. The main objectives in the background of the Summer School project are to establish an international network, exchange of new ideas and knowledge.
The participants were from Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Turkey. The Summer School was started by the participants’ presentation about themselves, their countries, and cultures in the first day. It was great opportunity to meet many people from different cultures and to make friend. At the beginning, we started as strangers getting to know each other and ended as a family exchanging contact details and looking forward to hearing from each other.
To be honest I was a bit an anxious because of not knowing anyone and being there for the first time. When I first have a look at the schedule and notice that the lectures begin 8.30 am and end 4/4.30 pm and the program was very intensive, I thought that it would be a hard two-week time. But I have to say that the organization designed by Dr. Kim and her team was excellent. Not only the efficiency of lectures but also the quality of the social activities was perfect and the programme including all these was well-balance. And all of us really enjoyed every moment in Heidelberg. The content of the lectures presented the most important topics in the fields of Periodontology. They had very diversified themes, from etiology of periodontal disease to regenerative surgery and implant. We were clearly understood the importance of evidence-based dentistry and encouraged to apply it in our academic career. What I appreciated most in lectures was presentation of current knowledge and findings. The lectures were interactive, and we could find many changes to discussed and analyzed all together. After two-week in Summer School, I remembered the importance of a being a team member. The lectures were supported with hands-on courses. All of courses were very organized and dealt with various surgical procedures from basic periodontal surgery to advanced periodontal surgery. We had excellent instruments, materials and equipment for each topic and performed all techniques on the pig’s jaw. We had chance not only learn the surgical technique but to discuss the indication, case and procedure. The lecture was very useful and has given me a broader and deeper understanding of periodontology. All of the lecturers were wonderful. It was honour for me to meet them and to have the opportunity to learn and share their experienced professionals. Dr. Kim gave us wonderful lectures. She is a great person and unique teacher. She gave me a new insight about the way becomes a true teacher. I have changed my way of treatment of periodontal diseases. After her lecture I will do my best to save natural teeth and I will think twice before extraction and placement of implant. Also Prof. Eickholz, Prof. Steveling, and Dr. Martins impressed me with their lecture, knowledge and teaching style. All lecturers shared their enormous experience with us and answered our questions with patience. I learnt new and different aspects to treat of cases form each lecturer. I saw my limitations and covered with new knowledge.
The Summer School was not only ordinary learning school. The social events were planned very well by Dr. Kim and her team. We were exposed to rich history and culture of Heidelberg. We spent great time together in day and night time. The social program took us as far as the Hiking tour, Night tour, city of Strasbourg and Rothenberg, and Heidelberg night life. Another amazing point was time to show the performance each one prepared in order to be able to receive the certificate; finally all of us got it (special thanks to Amy because of her help for my performance).
I would like to thank to; Dr. Kim for the opportunity to take part in the 2010 International Summer School for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology. Nihad and Raluca for their patience, friendship and perfect hospitality, Patrick for perfect night life organization and shots, Jan, Nils and Amelie for friendship and guidance, And also I would like to thank to all the sponsors who made these such a great experience.
All my new friends; Marco, Sandra, Domagoj, Ivan, Amy, Bahtiar, Eva, Eduardo, Ricardo, Elsa, Mariana, Marinella, Venessa, also Nihad and Raluca. We had amazing time together. I miss everything, every moment in Heidelberg. All of you are a part of my family. You will be forever in my memory and heart. I hope to see everyone again and I love you all!