Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Final Reports 2014

Final Reports 2014

The International Summerschool for Periodontology and Implantology headed by Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Ti-Sun Kim happens every two years since 2004. With a ten-year experience, the course is very well organized and provides not only didactic activities but also social events. This year’s Summerschool happened from July 28th to August 8th 2014 and attracted eleven participants from different countries: Albania, Brazil, Croatia, Equator, Romania, Norway and Turkey.
During two weeks of Summerschool we had many high level seminars, which followed a logical sequence, beginning with the prevalence and incidence of periodontitis, passing through diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and supportive therapy, finalizing with Implantology. However, the three hands-on were noteworthy, because they provided us a moment to put on practice what we had learned previously on seminar, also letting us elucidate any doubts. I want to thank all the companies that provided materials to be used on the named hands-on:
•    Periodontal flap surgery
•    Regenerative therapy with enamel matrix protein derivate (Emdogain) and Tunnel preparation
•    Implantation / Augmentation
In Summerschool 2014, we had the opportunity to have lectures with visiting professors in addition to professors and residents from the University of Heidelberg:  
•    Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Benno Syfrig
•    Dr. med. dent. Christian Mertens
•    Prof. Ki-Tae Koo DDS, MS, PhD
•    Dr. med. dent. Maurice André Rütters
•    Dr. med. dent. Moritz Merwart
•    Dr. med. dent. Nihad El Sayed
•    Prof. Dr. med. dent. Peter Eickholz
•    Dr. med. dent. Sarah Kristin Sonnenschein
•    Prof. Dr. med. dent. Thomas Kocher
    Their knowledge is unquestionable, giving well elaborated seminars based on literature. However, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Ti-Sun Kim deserves to be mentioned, not only because she is the Program director and Project manager, but also because she gives the majority of lectures masterfully, lavishing clinical experience, theoretical and didactic knowledge. As I intend to become a professor in the future, I really appreciated the way she presented some seminars, mixing conventional presentations with other educational techniques, making learning much more pleasant and fun. Moreover, the final gymkhana was a nice way to sum up the whole experience.
    Besides the already mentioned members of Prof. Kim’s team, I must also mention Dr. med. dent. Philipp-André Schleich and Dr. med. dent. Blanka Plewig, who were extraordinary in the organization of social events. Furthermore, Blanka Plewig was the first contact I had with Summerschool. She helped so much, especially with respect to the accommodation, that I must say she was essential for making this experience possible. I want to thank for the free accommodation I had at the awesome guest house during first week and also for the place in the student’s accommodation during second week.
    Cultural activities were also amazing. Visiting Heidelberger Schloss and Schwetzinger Schloss will be forever in my mind and in beautiful photos. All social events, including welcome dinner, guided downtown night tour, hiking and final celebration were incredible! Additionally, those were moments of conversation between participants, so that we could know each other and learn about the culture of each country. Blerina, Cosmina, Cristina, Diana, Hassan, Jelena, Juraj, Oana, Roxana and Terje: it was wonderful to know each one of you! I wish you all very good luck in your professional and personal lives!
    Therefore, I want to thank everybody who made Summerschool 2014 possible! Moreover, I want to thank the German Society of Periodontology which provided me a scholarship that covered part of the course attendance fee.
I feel very privileged to have had this professional and personal experience. It was marvellous and unforgettable!

VanessCamillo de Almeida (Brazil)



The decision to attend the summer school in periodontology in Heidelberg came after my colleagues shared their previous experience. The positive and encouraging memories they shared about the knowledge gain and the nice time they had with the whole team was determining. From my prospective, the fact that I had been concentrated for more than 2 years in a single argument in my Phdprogramme, increased a need for having a refresh and a summary on the overall periodontal argument.

Following the motives that took me to Heidelberg, my main expectations were refreshing and updating the basis I had on periodontology and in meantime having a good time.

I appreciated all the lessons and lectors selected for each topic. It was my first contact with the school of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan that was followed in this University and supposing in the whole country, as well as with the didactic approach in transmitting this information to students.
Gladly  I heard not only a revision of the matter but new information  that I had not had the opportunity to go through previously as the Benex® system of extraction  and the erratic healing of post-extraction alveolar sockets.
I would have suggested to add some more information on the treatment plan and therapy limits in systemically compromised patients.

The personal perception I got was that even though it went everything smoothly it was a huge task force and effort behind it and I thank each and every one for that! The alternation of leisure activities and touristic tours with lectures gave the course the sense of vacation and took away the supposed burden of going to study during summer vacations! Furthermore, the organized time spent with all the participants outside the classes was an incentive for the establishment of connections between. I am thankful for the introduction to the German culture and exquisite city of Heidelberg!

Extension in a 2 week:
I would suggest that the shortening of the programme in order not to have the gap of 2 and a half days of the weekend between the lessons.


BlerinaZeza (Albania)



First I would like to thank you from the bottom of my hearth…. For the scholarship that allowed me to be part of the International Summerschool 2014 of Periodontology and Implantology from July 28th- August 8th at the University of Heidelberg, Germany organized and held by the Section of Periodontology, in cooperation with the Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery University of Heidelberg, Department of Periodontology- University of Frankfurt, Departement of Periodontology- University of Greifswald, Seoul National University School of Dentistry- Seoul Korea, Georgia Regents University College of Dental Medicine Ausgusta Ga USA, Private dental office for Oral Surgery and Implantology, Luzern Switzerland.This was an amazing experience that I have enjoyed every minute, learning about Periodontology and Implantology with excellent presentations, interesting cases reports and the pedagogic interaction with Prof. Dr. Kim. This summerschool allowed me also to find out about German culture, make new friends from all over the world, and other group activities this was more than I expected.
During the summerschool we had the opportunity to enjoy of conferences of high level Specialists in the field, interested topics were treated, group activities that allowed us to share our knowledge in an interactive way, and in the handson I have learned new techniques. Also as part of the program activities todiscover German culture, everything was well organised from the beginning tothe end, and the outcome, a perfect combination between science andentertainment.
I have to thank the German Society of Periodontology and Prof. Dr. Kim, Head of the Section of Periodontology for this opportunity, to me this was one of the great opportunites in my life to continuing learning, to keep on improving myself as a professional and as a human being, Dr. Kim congratulations for being an amazing professor , who is able to keep all our attention during this two weeksand for share with us your knowledge and experience, I would say that is aquality of your personality, I allow myself to transmit what I would say is thefeeling of the whole group. In every conference Prof. Dr. Kim pushes us to think and that is a good way to learn and to never forget what we have learned.When I have arrived to Heidelberg as part of the scholarship I had stayed in anapartment of the University of Heidelberg with two other students Vanessa from Brazil and Blerina from Albania, this was an amazing experience, we became really good friends during the two weeks we had stayed there, thanks for this too.
Since the first day I felt a warm welcome and hospitality that they offered meduring the whole time in this past summerschool 2014, I would like to thank also Miss Blanka Plewig who always helped us with everything with a big smile in her face. I will always remember my wonderful stay at your city.I have had such a marvellous time and although I did not have the opportunity to see all of your city; however, the part that I have visited impressed me greatly: the people, the language and the typical customs. We had a great time, when we visited the castle, Heidelberg downtown, and the hiking this was a stunning adventure, I have had a great time with the whole group. I will never forget. I hope to return one day to get to know more of your fascinating city.
Thank you very much I have really appreciated I had a great time there, I’m looking forward for new training programs from the University of Heidelberg.

Cristina Carpio (Ecuador)