Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Lecturers Dr. Julian Fisher

Dr. Julian Fisher

BDS, MSC, MIH, Education and Scientific Affairs manager, FDI World Dental Federation

Graduated from Birmingham dental school
Since then
Clinical dental experience in British NHS, private hospital, worked for the British Ministry of Defence, British Antarctic Survey, Falklands Islands, Saudi Arabia and Tanzania
• FDI International Speaker Development Programme
• Co-ordination of FDI Committees: Science and Education
• Assistant editor International Dental Journal
• FDI observer to International Association of Dental Research
• FDI observer to UN Environmental Programme
• Lecturer & thesis marker on oral health in European Troped
• Member of steering group WHO Knowledge management
4 public health
• Development and co-ordination of scientific programme of FDI
annual world dental congress and regional continuing
education programmes