Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Lecturers Dr. med. dent. Orlando…

Dr. med. dent. Orlando Martins

I´ve finished my degree at Medical Faculty of Coimbra´s University- Portugal.
I work as assistant in Periodontology (Dentistry Department – University of Combra), in private dentistry and also within research.
Master in Science in Medical Faculty of Coimbra (Synthetic nanocrystalline
Since 2009
PhD student (Re-osseointegration in modified implant surfaces)
Since 2003
I´ve been involved in several research projects related with root modification caused by US, curette and Er:YAG laser; fibroblast adhesion to modified root surfaces; SEM analysis to biomaterial surfaces; bone graft substitutes ( synthetic nanocrystalline hydroxiapatite)

post-graduation in Oral Surgery
Since 2003 member of the Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implantology
In my free time I like jogging, trekking, be with my friends and read.