Dr. med. dent. Wolfgang Bengel †

board member and Vice-President of the German Society of Dental Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences
Study of dentistry in Bonn
Exams and doctorate (Dr. med.dent.)
together with his wife in private practice in Heiligenberg, Germany
Special fields of interest:
diseases of the oral mucosa and dental photography
Wolfgang Bengel published several books on these topics and lectured on these special fields all over Europe, in the United States and in Asia
last publication:
Digital Dental Photography, Quintessence, Berlin, Chicago 2006 (Revisioned edition currently in preparation)
Differential diagnosis of oral mucosa lesions (Revised edition currently in preparation)
member of the Editorial Board of „Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine“and the German journal „Parodontologie“
Contributing author of “Quintessence” and “Team Jornal”
General Secretary of the German Society of Periodontology
since 2005
board member
since 2007
Vice-President of the German Society of Dental Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences