Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Lecturers Dr. med. Dr. med. dent.…

Medical studies at the University of Zurich, State examination in 1979

Doctoral dissertation: The Splenom

1979 - 1986
Assistant doctor in different Hospitals with main focus on Surgery

1986 - 1989
Medical studies (speciality dental surgeon) at the University of Basel, State examination in 1989

1982 - 1989
Regularly deputyship as district medical officer for SUVA, (in total approx. 1 man-year )

1989 - 1992
Assistant doctor in a private practice
Regularly Live-Demo-Implantation-surgeries for dentists and professionals from dental industry.
Specialized referential activities for 10 years.
Development and patenting of an instrument for a tissue-conserving tooth root extraction (Benex Extractor).
Development and academical analysis of a new minimal-invasive operation technology for an Implantation in the maxillary sinus area. (Sinuslift acc.to Benex). Peer reviewed publication in Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift für Implantatologie, ZZI 1/10.

Since 1992
oral-surgical referral practice together with Dr. Bernd Bloch

Since 1998
Leader of the ITI (International Team for Implantology)-User-Meeting for Central Switzerland

Since 2007
Fellow-member of the ITI, International Team for Implantology