Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Lecturers Prof. Dr. Paul…

Prof. Dr. Paul Romano

Assistant Professor, Eastman Department of Dentistry, University Rochester Medical Center; Co-Director, Dental Implant Training, Division of Periodontology

Private Practice, Limited to Periodontics and Dental Implants President-Elect, Monroe County Dental Society; Chairman, Ethics Committee; Research Submissions Subcommittee, American Academy of Periodontology of Periodontology

1999 to Present
Eastman Dental Center, Division of Periodontology Rochester, NY Associate Professor
1997 to Present
Jack G. Caton, D.D.S., Timothy M. Blieden, D.D.S. Rochester, NY and Paul R. Romano, D.D.S., P.C. – Principal Partner Periodontist in group private practice;
1988 to 1992
New York University College of Dentistry New York, NY Research Associate Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology
1985 to 1992
William J. Lossef, D.D.S. and Paul R. Romano, D.D.S. New York, NY Principal partner of private general dental practice