Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre Participants 2004

Participants 2004

Chan, Yee Mau

Hongkong, China

Ermita, Christian Anthony

Manila, Philippines

Garbarino, Federico

Genova, Italy

Dr. Hayrapetyan, Astghik

Yerevan, Armenia

Hee Song Cho, Gloria

Dae-Jeon City, South Korea

Dr. Horváth, Attila

Budapest, Hungary

Jin, Mi-Sung

Seoul, South Korea

Jurisic, Sanja

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kasaj, Adrian

Mainz, Germany

Dr. Kiss, Dóra

Budapest, Hungary

Latronico, Matteo

Imperia, Italy

Lee, Chang-Kyu

Seoul, South Korea

Lee, Ji-Hyun

Seoul, South Korea

Martins, Orlando

Coimbra, Portugal

Mascolo, Andrea

Novi Ligure, Italy

Dr. Rosta, Péter

Budapest, Hungary

Siskou, Tina

Athens, Greece

Dr. Szilàgyi, Emese

Budapest, Hungary

Tahmiscija, Nedzad

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dr. Tihanyi, Dóra

Budapest, Hungary

Dr. Windisch, Pèter

Budapest, Hungary