Supervision of theses
Theses are regularly assigned for current projects. Information on the projects can be found under the corresponding pages in the 'Research' section. Please contact the respective project leader if you want to do a thesis in a specific project.
Possible supervisors for
- Bachelor theses in the bachelor program Medical Informatics
- Master's theses in the Master's program in Medical Informatics
- Master's theses in the Information Management in Medicine program
are Prof. Dr. Martin Dugas, Prof. Dr. Petra Knaup, Dr. Urs Eisenmann, Dr. Fleur Fritz-Kebede and Dr. Matthias Ganzinger. On the websites of these collaborators you can find more information about the research topics they are working on.
Possible supervisors for
- Doctorates to the Dr. sc. hum.
- Doctorates to the Dr. med.
of the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg are Prof. Dr. Martin Dugas, Prof. Dr. Petra Knaup, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Dickhaus. On the websites of these collaborators you will find more detailed information about the research topics they worked on.