Institute of Human… Research Neurogastrogenetics … nCounter Core…


The nCounter Core Facility is part of the CellNetworks Core Technology Platform at Heidelberg University and the MULTI-SPACE platform of the Health & Life Science Alliance. The Core Facility is located at the Institute of Human Genetics. The facility offers state-of-the-art expression analysis technology(nanoString Technologies) for mRNA and miRNA profiling, but also for various DNA analyses (CNVs). In addition, the GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler (nanoString Technologies) enables multi-cellular digital spatial profiling at transcript and protein level. The facility also offers quality control analyses for RNA and DNA samples. The nCounter Core Facility is listed in the DFG's research infrastructure portal"RIsources" under RI_00563.


The nCounter SPRINT Profiler from Nanostring Technologies is suitable for digital expression analysis of up to 800 mRNAs or miRNAs as well as CNV analysis at DNA level.

For multiplex analysis, the device uses fluorescently labelled reporter probes, which are highly resistant to poor RNA quality due to their length of approx. 100 bases and are therefore ideal for samples that are difficult to analyse, such as FFPE(formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) samples.

The application of a unique coding technology enables the direct counting of single RNA molecules at all levels of biological expression, with a sensitivity and specificity comparable to Real Time PCR (RT PCR). In addition, only very small amounts of RNA (25-150ng) or DNA (150ng) are required for the analysis. Reverse transcription of the RNA is not required. The SPRINT Profiler is a perfect system for the validation of microarrays, the analysis of signalling pathways, the expression analysis of defined gene lists (individual or predefined) as well as for the validation of biomarkers.


For multicellular expression profiling at the transcript and protein level, the nCounter Core Facility offers the GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler from Nanostring Technologies, which uses light-cleavable oligonucleotide barcodes bound to antibodies or RNA probes that enable almost unlimited multiplexing capability (~20 000 RNAs, ≥100 proteins). In addition, the device allows highly complex spatial resolution and quantification of proteins and RNA (Whole Transcriptome Read-out).


For pure quality control analyses, we use the Agilent TapeStation and the Qubit system from Thermo Fisher Scientific.