Organization Administration Klinik Technik… Departments of… 3.1 Commercial facility…

3.1 Commercial facility management

Ms Götz-Keller and Mr Schemenauer are the department heads of Commercial Facility Management at Klinik Technik GmbH. This includes SAP/maintenance documentation, the technical warehouse, financial and personnel controlling, first-level IT administration for KTG, Business Unit 3 Materials Management and KSG, the technical archive, staff accommodation management and CAD building documentation.

Technical purchasing was integrated into the purchasing department of HA 4 - now Business Unit 3 Materials Management - in 2006.

Furthermore, Mrs Götz-Keller is constantly working on the reporting system and deals with cost accounting and key figures, which are published quarterly.

Mr Flachs is responsible for instructing students and trainees within KTG. He accompanies them during their practical training, study projects and dissertations, etc.

Jutta Götz-Keller

Head of the Institute (Kaufmännisches Gebäudemanagement)
QM commissioner (Klinik Technik GmbH)

+49 6221 56-7172

The Renting and Contracting department is responsible for the administration of the staff residences, the clinic's own flats in the guest houses and Mr Lautenschläger's flats.

This department is also responsible for renting and hiring the clinic's own and external buildings as well as allocating accommodation in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Grund- und Hausbesitz (GGH).

Please send enquiries from Orthopaedics to Gaestehausorthopaedie.KTG(at)

If you have any questions, please contact the following members of staff:

Petra Hybner

Administrative staff (Kfm. Gebäudemanagement - 3.1 Vermietung und Vertragswesen)

Halls of residence/guest houses
Im Neuenheimer Feld

+49 6221 56-38629
+49 6221 56-5225

Gabriele Lenzen

Administrative staff (Kfm. Gebäudemanagement - 3.1 Vermietung und Vertragswesen)

Halls of residence/guest houses
Im Neuenheimer Feld

+49 6221 56-36783
+49 6221 56-5225

Koray Panz

Administrative staff (Kfm. Gebäudemanagement - 3.1 Vermietung und Vertragswesen)


+49 6221 56-311729

Portrait Georgios Bintevis
Georgios Bintevis

Administrative staff (Kfm. Gebäudemanagement - 3.1 Vermietung und Vertragswesen)

House management in the staff residences

+49 6221 56-35799
+49 6221 56-5225