Organization Administration Klinik Technik… Departments of… Technical Hospital…

Technical Hospital Hygiene Staff Unit

The Head of the Technical Hospital Hygiene Staff Unit has been coordinating the interdisciplinary collaboration between Klinik Technik GmbH and the Hospital and Environmental Hygiene Section since April 2012.

His tasks include :

  • Advising the hospital management on all technical hygiene issues
  • Recommendations and assessments for the sanitisation of air and water systems (e.g. air conditioning systems, drinking water pipes)
  • Evaluation of medical device reprocessing processes (e.g. cleaning and sterilisation, supply and disposal)
  • Hygiene-optimised planning and execution of all construction measures
  • Reference to current regulations and their amendments

Contact person

Dipl. Ing. Martin Scherrer

Head of administrative department (Staff unit technical hospital hygiene)

+49 6221 56-35959
+49 6221 56-5627