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Service / Useful information

Occupational safety, laws & regulations, authorities & institutions, etc.

Information from the Occupational Safety / Biological Safety team at Heidelberg University
on occupational safety, handling hazardous substances, biological substances and workplace ergonomics

Information and access to DaMaRIS / Heidelberg University's register of hazardous substances
for the documentation of hazardous substances in laboratories at Heidelberg University Hospital and Heidelberg University

GESTIS - Hazardous Substance Information System of the German Social Accident Insurance

Information on occupational exposure limit values (OELs) and MAK values:
- Technical information on occupational exposure limit values IFA of the DGUV
- List of MAK values of the DFG

Risk assessment - information from the BAUA

The Occupational Safety / Biological Safety team at Heidelberg University and the company medical service will be happy to answer any questions regarding the preparation and updating of risk assessments at Heidelberg University Hospital and Heidelberg University.

No liability is accepted for information accessed via the following links.

Information on current prevention campaigns of the employers' liability insurance associations and accident insurance funds, Knappschaft
e.g. 'Strong, flexible, strong - that's how a healthy back should be'