Ergonomic office and workstation
Ergonomic office chairs
All newer office chairs used at the University Hospital and in Heidelberg University facilities generally meet the usual ergonomic / orthopaedic requirements, i.e. they generally have the following features:
- Seat height adjustment: variable seat height approx. 39 - 48 cm
- Seat depth approx. 39 - 47 cm
- Adjustable backrest and seat with high-quality moulded polyurethane foam upholstery and integrated lumbar support
- partial lumbar support or lumbar support: e.g. 'Schukra lumbar support' - this is an additional device in the backrest and enables continuous adjustment of the backrest curvature in the lumbar vertebrae area.
- Counter pressure adjustable to the body weight
- Height-adjustable functional armrests with soft polyurethane armrests
- Swivel chair with point synchronisation mechanism
- Load-dependent braked double castors
- Ergonomics tested & GS mark for tested safety
Information on the existing office chair and its features can be found on the underside of the seat in a compartment with the operating instructions for adjustment options. If this is no longer available, it can usually be obtained via the Internet: please refer to the product designation for the necessary information - type plate: with details of the manufacturer, product name, model no. and details or numbers of the respective optional extras or material designations.
Contact us
If you have any problems or questions regarding ergonomic adjustment, please contact the company medical service. This is also the point of contact if the above-mentioned ergonomic office chairs do not appear to be suitable, e.g. due to existing physical disabilities or orthopaedic illnesses. In these cases, the BÄD offers advice on the selection of suitable ergonomic office chairs; it is possible to test various models or special equipment (see below).
Further contact options: Your contacts at the Occupational Safety Department of Heidelberg University (Tel. 0 6221 54-12331 or on the Internet)
Preparation of a consultation with the company medical service
- Before the stool consultation, an examination/discussion should always be carried out by the company doctor with the above-mentioned documents (e.g. as part of occupational health screening).
- Before or during an individual consultation, affected employees are asked to bring a medical report / diagnosis of the underlying illness in addition to any medical certificates they may have.
- Employees should determine the product designation of the existing office chair (see above) in advance and inform us so that we can check to what extent the existing model can be retrofitted with suitable special equipment to meet individual requirements.
Office chair counselling takes place (usually on Wednesday mornings) and only by prior appointment by telephone. Further contacts for employees with physical limitations or severe/disabilities are:
- The Disability Officers at Heidelberg University Hospital, Klinik-Service GmbH, Klinik-Technik GmbH, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
- The Integration Specialist Service (IFD) Heidelberg-Mosbach
Please note
- To avoid legal disadvantages, the benefits must be applied for before the costs are incurred.
- The costs for measures (e.g. special workplace equipment) as "benefits for participation in working life (LTA)" in the context of occupational rehabilitation or in the case of severe disability do not have to be borne by the employer.
- With regard to the assumption of costs in the individual personal situation, different bodies may be responsible: e.g. the German pension insurance, accident insurance / professional associations / accident insurance funds, in the case of severe disability Specialised Integration Service (IFD) Heidelberg-Mosbach
Employees are therefore recommended to seek advice from one of the aforementioned organisations before applying for cost coverage.