Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Staff Deckert, Andreas

Dr. Andreas Deckert


Andreas Deckert developed a digital image analysis tool for measuring geographical atrophy areas in age-related macular degeneration. He worked as a statistician at the Institute of Medical Biometry in Heidelberg, managing clinical trials in surgery. Andreas also completed his PhD on the health status of ethnic German repatriates and has been involved in capacity development and research projects in Zambia and Malawi. He initiated university partnerships and led programs focused on chronic kidney disease and non-communicable diseases. Andreas was also the principal investigator of a SARS-CoV-2 surveillance trial and collaborates with institutions in Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, and Cambodia. He has expertise in study planning, software development, and international public health consulting.

  • Since 07/2011: Scientist, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg 
  • 07/2008 - 12/2013: Scientific supervision of the Master’s programme "Medical Biometry/Biostatistics", Institute of Medical Biometry, University of Heidelberg
  • 10/2008 – 06/2013: Postgraduate programme GrK 793 "Epidemiology of communicable and chronic,     non-communicable diseases and their interrelationships", Heidelberg University (Dr. sc. hum.; awarded with distinc-tion)
  • 04/2004 - 07/2008: Scientist, Institute of Medical Biometry, University of Heidelberg 
  • SS 1999 – SS 2004: Undergraduate training in Medical Informatics, University of Heidelberg, Germany; Dipl. Inform. Med. (awarded with distinction)
  • WS 1998 – SS 1999: Postgraduate programme in Environmental Sciences, University of Lüneburg, Germany (incomplete)
  • WS 1993 – SS 1997: Under- and postgraduate programme in Process Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany (incomplete)

Projects & Grants

  • 07/2023 – 06/2029: Enhanced and sustainable containment of the non-communicable disease epidemic in Zambia through evidence-based service integration (CoNoCo); role: PI, project manager; funder: Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS)
  • 01/2022 – 12/2023: Implementation of the course “advanced epidemiology and biostatistics teaching for medical doctoral students” at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg; role: PI; funder: Medical Faculty/University of Heidelberg
  • 10/2021 – 12/2021: SARS-CoV-2 project ideas competition: conduct of a survey on the mental health consequences of COVID-19 in Zambia; role: PI, project manager; funder: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 04/2021-12/2022: Competence network prevention medicine Baden-Württemberg; role: PI; funder: the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • 07/2020-06/2022: Prolongation of the doctoral study programme “Global Health” at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg; role: co-PI; funder: Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS)
  • 10/2020 – 12/2020: SARS-CoV-2 project ideas competition: conduct of a SARS-CoV-2 knowledge, attitudes and practices study in Zambia together with CHRESO University and the Zambian Youth Platform; role: PI, project manager; funder: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 09/2020 – 06/2021: Project on testing four SARS-CoV-2 surveillance strategies in a randomized trial with a two-factorial design within the nationwide COVID-19 research network “Applied Surveillance and Testing” (B-FAST; embedded in the German University Medicine’s Network); role: PI, project lead; funder: BMBF/DLR
  • 01/2020 – 12/2023: Addressing the health challenges in the Copperbelt, Zambia and enhancing the teaching collaboration with Malawi; grant ID 57513615; role: PI, project manager; funder: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 06/2018 – 06/2020: Doctoral study programme “Global Health” at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg; role: co-PI; funder: Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS)
  • 10/2017 – 12/2020: Zambian and Malawian capacity strengthening in comprehensive evidence-based models of healthcare through continuous medical education for HIV and non-communicable disease integration (ZaMaC); grant ID 2017_HA61; role: PI, project manager; funder: Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS)
  • 05/2016 – 12/2019: Stabilising, consolidating, and extending the teaching collaboration between Lusaka, Heidelberg, and Lilongwe; grant ID 111232; role: PI, project manager; funder: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 01/2017 – 12/2020: Project to improve quality of teaching at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg: module epidemiology and biostatistics; role: co-PI; funder: Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, funding line medicine
  • 07/2015 – 09/2015: Quality assurance in university studies and teaching: development of a curriculum for advanced epidemiology and biostatistics teaching for medical doctoral students at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg; role: co-PI; Medical Faculty/University of Heidelberg
  • 03/2014 – 04/2016: Improving renal care for HIV patients and prevention of chronic kidney diseases (CKD) in Zambia by understanding the epidemiology of CKD and by building capacity of  health workers; grant ID 2013_A84; role: co-PI; funder: Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS)
  • 10/2010 – 05/2014: Herz-Kreislauf-Krankheiten und Diabetes bei Aussiedlern: Kohortenstudie zur Identifizierung von Risikofaktoren und Erklärung spezieller Mortalitätsmuster; grant ID BE 2056/9-1, ME 3199/2-1; role: co-PI; investigator; funder: German Research Foundation (DFG)

Other scientific projects & initiatives

  • Lead supervisor and facilitator for the development of a Master’s program module on non-communicable disease within the EU funded program “Building Academic Capacity in Global Health in the Eastern Europe - Central Asia Region (BACE)” (2022-2023)
  • Project “Identifying awareness, practices and improving the awareness of general practitioners, patients and farmers on antimicrobial resistance problems”, Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Ed-ucation, Uzbekistan: support in study design and implementation, trainings in and contribution to data analyses and publication (since 2021)
  • GIZ Post Ebola Health System Strengthening Project - Strengthening the health systems research capacity of Tubman University in Harper, Liberia (2019-2023)



  • Deckert A, Anders S, Morales I, De Allegri M, Nguyen HT, Souares A, McMahon S, Meurer M, Burk R, Lou D, Brugnara L, Sand M, Koeppel L, Hein LM, Roß T, Adler T, Brenner S, Dyer C, Herbst K, Ovchinnikova S, Marx M, Schnitzler P, Knop M, Bärnighausen T, Denkinger CM. Two-factor factorial randomized multi-arm parallel controlled trial of four SARS-CoV-2 surveillance strategies in representative population sample points. JPHS 2023. DOI: 
  • Lou D, Meurer M, Ovchinnikova S, Burk R, Denzler A, Herbst K, Papaioannou IA, Duan Y, Jacobs ML, Witte V, Ürge D, Kirrmaier D, Krogemann M, Gubicza K, Boerner K, Bundschuh C, Weidner NM, Merle U, Knorr B, Welker A, Denkinger CM, Schnitzler P, Kräusslich HG, Thi VLD, Deckert A, Anders S, Knop M. Scalable RT-LAMP-based SARS-CoV-2 testing for infection surveillance in pandemic preparedness. EMBO Reports 2023. e57162; DOI:
  • Nguyen HT, Denkinger CM, Brenner S, Koeppel L, Brugnara L, Burk R, Knop M, Bärnighausen T, Deckert A, De Allegri M. Cost and cost-effectiveness of four different SARS-CoV-2 active surveillance strategies: Evidence from a randomised control trial in Germany. Eur J Health Econ 2023. DOI:
  • Röhr F, Uellner F, Deckert A, Anders S, Burk R, Knop M, Brugnara L, Bärnighausen T, Jahn A, McMahon S, Souares A. From Disgusting and Complicated to Simple and Brilliant: Implementation Perspectives and Lessons Learned from Users and Rejectors of Mail-in SARS-CoV-2 Gargle Tests. Front 2022. DOI:
  • Uellner F, Röhr F, Denkinger C, Bärnighausen T, Deckert A, Souares A, McMahon SA. Kopfkino: phases of quarantine among asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 carriers in Germany. Qual Health Res 2022. DOI:
  • Deckert A, Anders S, De Allegri M, Thi Nguyen HT, Souares A, McMahon S, Meurer M, Burk R, Sand M, Koeppel L, Maier-Hein L, Roß T, Adler T, Siems T, Brugnara L, Brenner S, Herbst K, Kirrmaier D, Duan Y, Ovchinnikova S, Boerner K, Marx M, Kräusslich HG, Knop M, Bärnighausen T, Denkinger C. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of four different strategies for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in the general population (CoV-Surv Study): study protocol for a two-factorial randomized controlled multi-arm trial with cluster sampling. Trials. 2021;22(1):20–3. DOI:
    Deckert A, Brown Wilson J, Shah-Rohlfs R, Nana Adjei Kyei N, Copeland-Dahn L, Doe-Rogers R, Bowuo Hinneh A, Wortee Johnson L, Dweh Natt G, Augustus Verdier J, Vosper A, R. Louis V, Dambach P, Thomas-Connor I. COVID-19-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices: A mixed-mode cross-sectional survey in Liberia. BMJ Open 2021;11:e049494. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049494 
  • Deckert A, Bärnighausen T & Kyei N. Simulation of pooled-sample analysis strategies for COVID-19 mass testing. Bull World Health Organ. 2020; 98(9):590-598; DOI:

Cervical cancer:

  • Sy F, Berner-Rodoreda A, Asnake T, Getnet M, Amogne W, Bussmann H, Abera H, Bärnighausen T, Deckert A. Exploring computer-aided health decision-making on cervical cancer interventions through deliberative interviews in Ethiopia. NPJ Digit Med 2023. 6:68; DOI:
  • Sy F, Greuel M, Winkler V, Bussmann H, Bärnighausen T, Deckert A. Accuracy of HPV testing on self-collected and clinician-collected samples for different screening strategies in African settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gynecol Oncol 2022. DOI:
  • Megersa BS, Bussmann H, Bärnighausen T, Muche AA, Alemu K, Deckert A. Community cervical cancer screening: Barriers to successful home-based HPV self-sampling in Dabat district, North Gondar, Ethiopia. A qualitative study. Plos ONE 2020; DOI:

Non-communicable disease:

  • Shiroya V, Shawa N, Matanje B, Haloka J, Safary E, Nkhweliwa C, Mueller O, Phiri S, Neuhann F, Deckert A. Reorienting primary health care services for non-communicable diseases: a comparative preparedness assessment of two healthcare networks in Malawi and Zambia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021. 18, 5044. DOI:
  • Schnieders E, Ünal E, Winkler V, Dambach P, Louis V, Horstick O, Neuhann F, Deckert A. Performance of alternative COPD case-finding tools: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Europ Resp Rev 2021. 30:200350; DOI: 10.1183/16000617.0350-2020
  • Al Ssabbagh M, Geldsetzer P, Bärnighausen T, Deckert A. The relationship between adult height and diabe-tes in India: a countrywide cross-sectional study. J Diabetes 2019; DOI:
    Shiroya V, Neuhann F, Müller O, Deckert A. Challenges in policy reforms for non-communicable diseases: the case of diabetes in Kenya. Global Health Action 2019;12:1; DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2019.1611243
  • Deckert A, Neuhann F, Klose C, Bruckner T, Beiersmann C, Haloka J, Nsofwa M, Banda G, Brune M, Reutter H, Rothenbacher D, Zeier M: Assessment of renal function in routine care of people living with HIV on ART in a resource-limited setting in urban Zambia. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(9):e0184766. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184766

Health status of immigrants in Germany:

  • Stolpe S, Ouma M, Winkler V, Meisinger C, Becher H, Deckert A: Self-rated health among migrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany - a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2018;8:e02294. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022947 
    Deckert A: The existence of standard-biased mortality ratios due to death certificate misclassification - a simulation study based on a true story. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2016;16(1):8. DOI: 10.1186/s12874-016-0112-8.
  • Deckert A, Winkler V, Meisinger C, Heier M, Becher H: Suicide and external mortality pattern in a cohort of migrants from the former Soviet Union to Germany. J Psychiatr Res. 2015; DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2015.02.020
    Deckert A, Heier M, Meisinger C, Winkler V, Becher H: Myocardial infarction incidence and ischemic heart disease mortality: overall and trend results in repatriates, Germany. Eur J Public Health. 2014; 24(1):127-33. DOI:
  • Deckert A, Winkler V, Paltiel A, Razum O, Becher H: Time trends in cardiovascular disease mortality in Rus-sia and Germany from 1980 to 2007 - are there migration effects? BMC Public Health, 2010; 10:488. DOI:

Trials in surgery:

  • Seiler CM, Deckert A, Diener MK, Knaebel HP, Weigand MA, Victor N, Büchler MK: Midline versus trans-verse incision in major abdominal surgery: a randomized, doulbe-blind equivalence trial (POVATI: ISRCTN60734227). Ann Surg, 2009; DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e3181a77c92

Image processing: 

  • Deckert A, Schmitz-Valckenberg S, Jorzik J, Bindewald A, Holz FG, Mansmann U: Automated analysis of digi-tal fundus autofluorescence images of geographic atrophy in advanced age-related macular degeneration using confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO). BMC Ophthalmology 2005;