Working Groups
- Climate Change and Health Intervention
- Climate Change, Nutrition and Health
- Climate Change, Migration and Health
- Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub (Hei-Planet)
- Climate-smart Health Systems
- Design and implementation research in global health
- Digital Global Health
- Disease Control in Disadvantaged Populations
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Epidemiology of Transition
- FAIR and ethical data and sample reuse
- Field Epidemiology Research in German Public Health
- Global Child Health
- Global Health and Economics Research Group
- Global Health Diagnostics
- Global Health Policies and Systems
- Health Economics and Health Financing
- Implementation research for prevention and disease control
- Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
- Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- Non-communicable disease (NCD) in LMICs
- Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Implementation Research
- Oral Health
- Planetary Child Health
- Science Communication
- Vector Borne Diseases and Geo Health
Cool Roofs Nouna HDSS - Climate Change and Health in SSA

Our primary objective is to test the effect of sunlight reflecting cool roof coatings – an adaptation to reduce indoor heat stress – and complementary interventions on health and environmental outcomes in Nouna, Burkina Faso.
Employing focus group discussions and thematic analysis, we designed a formative study to establish community acceptability and desirability of cool roofs prior to implementation. We spoke with key informants to elucidate perceptions on heat stress and understand strategies local strategies to coping with heat stress. During these discussions, participants described heat stress as a major issue in Nouna, with physical, emotional and psychological manifestations
Before conducting the cluster randomized control trial (cRCT) on the effects of cool roofs on health, behavioral and economic outcomes in Nouna HDSS, we initiated a mechanism study to identify before and after intervention temperatures and to record data for longitudinal analysis. Prior to the beginning the cRCT, we ran laboratory and field tests and conducted rigorous trainings for local painters to gain the necessary skills for mass coating the cool roofs application on the cRCT intervention homes.
Phase two of the study will expand the cRCT work to include more participants and houses and a mix of cooling technologies to understand if the effects of cool roofs can be enhanced when combined with other cooling interventions such as ventilation or ceiling insulation.
Project Leads
Till Bärnighausen
Aditi Bunker
Ali Sié
Team Members
Guillaume Compaoré
Gabriel Harp
Susan T Jackson
Jose Guillermo (Memo) Cedeño Laurent
Maquines Odhiambo Sewe
Govind Vijayakumar
Ferhat Baran Yıldırım
Steering Committee
Chris Bullen
Andy Haines
Jenna Krall
Working Groups
- Climate Change and Health Intervention
- Climate Change, Nutrition and Health
- Climate Change, Migration and Health
- Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub (Hei-Planet)
- Climate-smart Health Systems
- Design and implementation research in global health
- Digital Global Health
- Disease Control in Disadvantaged Populations
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Epidemiology of Transition
- FAIR and ethical data and sample reuse
- Field Epidemiology Research in German Public Health
- Global Child Health
- Global Health and Economics Research Group
- Global Health Diagnostics
- Global Health Policies and Systems
- Health Economics and Health Financing
- Implementation research for prevention and disease control
- Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
- Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- Non-communicable disease (NCD) in LMICs
- Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Implementation Research
- Oral Health
- Planetary Child Health
- Science Communication
- Vector Borne Diseases and Geo Health