Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Staff Horstick, Olaf

Prof(apl) Olaf Horstick, FFPH (UK)

Professor of Global Health and Director of Teaching

Professor (apl) and Consultant in Public Health Medicine, as a Medical Doctor, main interest in public health in low- and middle-income countries. More than 30 years’ work experience in global public health at local, national and international level, including work as staff member for United Nations organisations (WHO), bilateral organisations (GIZ), governmental agencies (MoH), non-governmental agencies and Academia. Specific interest in Neglected Tropical Diseases, with focus on Aedes control and arbovirus.

Postgraduate academic training: Professor (Heidelberg University, Germany), Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (London, UK), Doctor of Tropical Medicine (Heidelberg University, Germany), Master´s of Science in Public Health in Developing Countries (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK) and Master´s of Public Health (University of Birmingham, UK).

Currently Director of Teaching at HIGH/Heidelberg University, Germany. Founder and coordinator of its Research to Practice Group, focusing on systematic reviews as a tool to present research for policy recommendations, but also as a concept for gap analysis.

Member of several scientific working groups, including at the WHO and Academic Editor for PLOS NTD

  • Professor(apl) Public and Global Health, (Heidelberg University, Germany, 2021)
  • Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (London, UK, 2005)
  • Doctor of Tropical Medicine (Heidelberg University, Germany, 1994)
  • Master´s of Science in Public Health in Developing Countries (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, 1999)
  • Master´s of Public Health (University of Birmingham, UK, 2003).
  • Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Bernard Nocht Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 1996)
  • Staatsexamen/Medicine (Heidelberg University, Germany, 1994)

Projects & Grants

Head of the Teaching Unit with teaching responsibilities and multiple grants for teaching for global collaborations, with many funding organisations, e.g. DAAD, EU, GIZ, WHO and others

Other scientific projects and initiatives

  • Currently Member of the Technical Working Group on Dengue for WHO
  • Member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory subgroup on monitoring and evaluation of Neglected Tropical Diseases for WHO
  • Founding member of HEGTA/Anti-corruption in Health, Chair
  • Founding member of the Eurasian Academic Alliance for Global Health
  • Associate Editor for PLOS NTD
  • External Examiner for LHSTM and other Universities


See Heidelberg Research to Practice Group website

  • Deckert A, Runge-Ranzinger S, Banaschewski T, Horstick O, Elwishahy A, Olarte-Peña M, Faber C, Müller T, Brugnara L, Thom J, Mauz E and Peitz D (2024) Mental health indicators for children and adolescents in OECD countries: a scoping review. Front. Public Health 11:1303133. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1303133
  • Normaal S, Bushari S, Mocruha AF, Rai P, Wasko Z, Louis V, Antia K, Winkler V, Deckert A, Runge Ranzinger S, Dambach P (2023) Non communicable diseases, prevalence and risk factors in Afghanistan, Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease (2023)
  • Kawka H, Kurtz M, Deckert P, Baernighausen T, Louis V, Steinert J, Brenner S, Winkler V, Wilson ML, Dambach P (2023) The Economic Burden of Hypochondriasis- a systematic review, BMC Public Health (2023)
  • Bisia M, Montenegro-Quinoñez CA, Dambach P, Deckert A, Horstick O, Kolimenakis A, Louis VR, Manrique-Saide P, Michaelakis A, Runge-Ranzinger S, Morrison AC (2023). Secondary vectors of Zika Virus, a systematic review of laboratory vector competence studies. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2023 Aug 31;17(8):e0011591. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011591. PMID: 37651473; PMCID: PMC10499269.
  • Montenegro C, Louis V, Dambach P, Horstick O, Velaydhan R, Runge Ranzinger S (2023) Dengue and housing, eBioMedicine The Lancet Published: June 21, 2023 DOI: (2023)
    • Brugnara L, Jaramillo C, Deckert A, Dambach P, Horstick O, Runge Ranzinger S, Peitz D (2023) Public Health Institutions organisation, a systematic review Frontiers in Public Health Volume 11 - 2023 | (2023)
  • Kurtz M, Kawka H, Deckert P, Baernighausen T, Louis V, Steinert J, Brenner S, Winkler V, Wilson ML, Dambach P (2023) The Prevalence of Emotional Abuse in Children living in Sub-Saharan Africa. Child abuse and Neglect Child Abuse Neglect 2023 Mar 31;140:106155. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106155. (2023)
  • Al-Aghbari AA, Hassan OeH, Dar Iang M, Jahn A, Horstick O, Dureab F (2023) Exploring the role of Infodemics in people's incompliance with preventive measures during the COVID-19 in conflict settings , a mixed methods study, March 2023 Healthcare 11(7):952 DOI:10.3390/healthcare11070952 (2023).
  • Kolimenakis A, Tsesmelis D, Richardson C, Balatsos G, Panagiotis M, Stefopoulou A, Horstick O, Laith J, Papachristos DP, Michaelakis A (2022) Knowledge, Attitudes and Perception of Mosquito Control in Different Citizenship Regimes Within and Surrounding the Malakasa Open Accommodation Refugee Camp in Athens, Greece. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (2022) 19(24), 16900;
  • Jabbarian J, Werner LK, Kagoné M, Lemp JM, McMahon S, Souares A, Horstick O, Kazianga H, Fink G, De Neve JW (2022) “It’s the poverty” – stakeholder perspectives on barriers to secondary education in rural Burkina Faso, PLOS ONE (2022) November 17, 2022
  • Koenig A, Nabieva J, Dambach P,Winkler V, Antia K, Kohler S, Horstick O, Deckert A (2022) Access to health care for migrants in Southeast Asia, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (2022) 7, 166.
  • Abderdwih E, Mahanani MR, Deckert A, Antia K, Agbaria N, Dambach P, Kohler S, Horstick O, Winkler V, Wendt A (2022) The impact of school-based nutrition interventions on parents: a systematic literature review, Nutrients 2022, (2022)
  • Gnugesser E, Chwila C, Horstick O, Dambach P, Deckert P, Baernighausen T, Steinert J, Brenner S, Louis V (2022) The economic burden of treating uncomplicated hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review (2022) DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-13877-4
  • Faber C, Montenegro Quiñonez C, Horstick O, Rahman KM, Runge-Ranzinger S (2022) Indoor residual spraying for the control of visceral leishmaniasis: A systematic review. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 16(5): e0010391.
  • Montenegro C, Buhler C, Rahman K, Horstick O, Runge Ranzinger S (2022): Efficacy and community effectiveness of insecticide treated nets for the control of visceral leishmaniasis. PLOS NTD (2022) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010196
  • Rosas Jiménez CA, Tercan E, Horstick O, Igboegwu E, Dambach P, Louis VR, Winkler V, Deckert A (2022) Prevalence of anemia among indigenous children in Latin America: a systematic review Revista de de Saúde Pública (2022)
  • Sasanami M, Hustedt J, Alexander N, Horstick O, Bowman L, Hii J, Echaubard P, Braack L, Overgaard H (2021) Does anthropogenic introduction of guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) impact faunal species diversity and abundance in natural aquatic habitats? A systematic review protocol. Environ Evid 10, 33 (2021).
  • Mahanani MR, Abderbwih E, Wendt A, Deckert A, Antia K, Horstick O, Dambach P, Kohler S, Winkler V (2021) Long-term outcomes of in utero Ramadan exposure: a systematic literature review (2021), Nutrients 2021, 13, 4511.
  • Heinz S, Kolimenakis A, Horstick O, Yakob L, Michaelakis A, Wilson M (2021) Yellow Fever – control through environmental modification mechanisms: a systematic review, TMIH 29 August 2021
  • Elwishahy A, Bhusari S, Ilechukwu NC, Antia K, Horstick O, Winkler V (2021) Alzheimer´s Disease and Porphyromonas Gingivalis in Humans: A Systematic Literature Review JAD reports 2021
  • Nisreen, A, Petzold S, Deckert A, Henschke N, Guido V, Dambach P, Jaenisch T, Horstick O, Winkler V (2021) Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders among Palestinian children and adolescents
    exposed to political violence: A Systematic Review. PLOS One 2021, August 26, 2021
  • Kolimenakis A, Heinz S, Lowery Wilson M, Winkler V, Yakob L, Michaelakis A, Papachristos D, Richardson C, Horstick O (2021) The role of urbanisation in the spread of Aedes 1 mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit - A systematic review, PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2021 Sep; 15(9): e0009631. Published online 2021 Sep 9. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009631
  • Movsisyan A, Burns J, Biallas R, Coenen M, Geffert K, Horstick O, Klerings I, Pfadenhauer LM, von Philipsborn P, Sell K, Strahwald B, Stratil JM, Voss S, Rehfuess EA (2021) Travel-related control measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: an evidence map (2021) BMJ Open 2021;11:e041619. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041619
  • Burns J, Movsisyan A, Stratil JM, Biallas RL, Coenen M, Emmert-Fees KMF, Geffert K, Ho#mann S, Horstick O, Laxy M, Klinger C, Kratzer S, Litwin T, Norris S, Pfadenhauer LM, von Philipsborn P, Sell K, Stadelmaier J, Verboom B, Voss S, Wabnitz K, Rehfuess E (2021) International travel-related control measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD013717. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013717.pub2.
  • Schnieders E, Uenal E, , Winkler V, Dambach P, Louis V, Horstick, O, Neuhann F, Deckert A (2021) Performance of alternative COPD case-finding tools: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2021) European Respiratory Review 2021 30: 200350; DOI: 10.1183/16000617.0350-2020
  • Montenegro C, Runge Ranzinger S, Rahman KM, Horstick O (2021) Cutaneous and Visceral Leishmaniasis and vector control: a meta review (2021), PLOS NTD May 13, 2021
  • Bhusari S, Ilechukwu C, Elwishahy A, Horstick O, Winkler V, Antia K (2020) Dental caries among refugees in Europe: A Systematic Literature Review Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (2020) 17, 9510; doi:10.3390/ijerph17249510
  • Sorgho R, Montenegro C, Louis V, Dambach P, Deckert A, Winkler V, Sauerborn R, Horstick O (2020) A Systematic Review of Adaptation with a Focus on Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (2020), 17, 8897.
  • Petzold S, Agbara N, Deckert, A, Dambach P, Drexler JF, Winkler V, Horstick O, Jaenisch T (2020) Congenital abnormalities associated with ZIKV infection – Dengue as potential co-factor? A Systematic Review. PLOS NTD 2020
  • Burns J, Movsisyan A, Biallas RL, Coenen M, Emmert-Fees K, Ge#ert K, Horstick O, Pfadenhauer LM, von Philipsborn P, Sell K, Strahwald B, Stratil JM, Voss S, Rehfuess E. Travel-related control measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD013717. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013717
  • Antia K, Boucsein J, Deckert A, Dambach P, Račaitė J, Šurkienė G, Jaenisch T, Horstick O, Winkler V (2020) Effects of international labour migration on the mental health and well-being of left-behind children: A Systematic Literature Review, International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 2020
  • Buhler C, Winkler V, Boyce R, Runge-Ranzinger S, Horstick O (2019) Environmental methods for dengue vector control: a systematic literature review, PLOS NTD July 2019,
  • Horstick O, Runge-Ranzinger S (2019) Multisectoral approaches for the control of vector-borne diseases, with particular emphasis on dengue and housing, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene March 2019 DOI:
  • Runge-Ranzinger S, Morrison A, Manrique P, Horstick O (2019) Zika transmission patterns, a meta-review, TMIH February 2019,
  • Horstick O, Boyce R, Runge-Ranzinger S (2019) Dengue vector control: linking research and practice, Pathogens and Global Health 2019.
  • Espinal MA, Andrus JK, Jauregui B, Waterman SH, Morens DM, Santos JI, Horstick O, Francis LA, Olson D (2019) Emerging and re-emerging Aedes-transmitted arbovirus infections in the Region of the Americas: implications for health policy, American Journal for Public Health 2019 Mar;109(3):387-392. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304849. Epub 2019 Jan 24.
  • Wilder Smith A, Ooi EE, Horstick O, Wills B (2019) Dengue: Lancet clinical seminars Lancet. 2019 Jan 26;393(10169):350-363. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32560-1.
  • Horstick O, Runge Ranzinger S (2018) Vector control with a focus on household as allocation unit: A systematic literature review of its effectiveness, Lancet ID,
  • Buhler C, Winkler V, Boyce R, Runge-Ranzinger S, Horstick O (2019). Environmental methods for dengue vector control: a systematic literature review, PLOS NTD July 2019,
  • Horstick O, Runge-Ranzinger S (2019). Sustainable Development Goals: the case for housing improvements to control vector-borne diseases, with the example of dengue, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene March (2019, accepted)
  • Runge-Ranzinger S, Morrison A, Manrique P, Horstick O (2019). Zika transmission patterns, a meta-review, TMIH February 2019,
  • Horstick O, Boyce R, Runge-Ranzinger S (2019). Dengue vector control: linking research and practice, Pathogens and Global Health 2019.
  • Espinal MA, Andrus JK, Jauregui B, Waterman SH, Morens DM, Santos JI, Horstick O, Francis LA, Olson D (2019). Emerging and re-emerging Aedes-transmitted arbovirus infections in the Region of the Americas: implications for health policy, American Journal for Public Health 2019 Mar;109(3):387-392. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304849. Epub 2019 Jan 24.
  • Wilder Smith A, Ooi EE, Horstick O, Wills B (2019). Dengue: Lancet clinical seminars Lancet. 2019 Jan 26;393(10169):350-363. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32560-1.
  • Horstick O, Runge Ranzinger S (2018). Vector control with a focus on household as allocation unit: A systematic literature review of its effectiveness, Lancet ID,
  • Horstick O, Boyce R, Runge-Ranzinger S (2017). Dengue vector control: assessing what works? South East Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2017 Vol 48, Supplement 1, pp 181 – 195,
  • Horstick O, Runge-Ranzinger S (2017). WHO 2009 guidelines and case classification: an update and short report, South East Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2017 Vol 48, Supplement 1, pp 68 –74,
  • Maoz D, Ward T, Samuel M, Mueller P, Runge Ranzinger S, Toledo J, Boyce R, Velayudhan R, Horstick O (2017). Community Effectiveness of Pyriproxyfen as a Dengue Vector Control Method: A Systematic Review, PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11(7): e0005651.
  • Samuel M, Maoz D, Manrique P, Ward T, Runge Ranzinger S, Toledo J, Boyce R, Velayudhan R, Horstick O (2017). Community Effectiveness of Indoor Spraying as a Dengue Vector Control Method: A Systematic Review (in print PLOS NTD 2017).
  • Ward T, Samuel M, Maoz D, Runge Ranzinger S, Toledo J, Boyce R, Velayudhan R, Horstick O (2017). Dengue surveillance in Tanzania: A Systematic Review, TMIH 2017,
  • Henley P, Elango V, Horstick O, Ahmad RA, Maure C, Launois P, Merle C, Nabieva J, Mahendradhata Y (2017). Good Health Research Practice: the missing link to ensuring quality across all health research in humans, Health Research Policy and Systems 2017 15:28.
  • Runge-Ranzinger S, Kroeger A, Olliaro P, McCall PJ, Sánchez Tejeda G, Lloyd L, Hakim L Bowman LR, Horstick O, Coelho G (2016). 
    Dengue contingency planning: from research to policy and practice, PLOS NTD, September 21, 2016.
  • Mahendradhata Y, Nabieva J, Ahmad RA, Henley P, Launois P, Merle C, Maure C, Horstick O, Elango V (2016). Promoting   Good   Health   Research   Practices   in   Low-   and   Middle- Income Countries, Global Health Action 05.08.2106.
  • Saadatian-Elahi M, Horstick O, Breiman R, Gessner B, Gubler DJ, Louis J, Parashar U, Tapia R, Picot V, Zinsou JA, Nelson CB (2016). Beyond efficacy: The full public health impact of vaccines, Vaccines January 2016.
  • Toledo J, George L, Martinez E, Lazaro A, Han WW, Coelho GE, Runge Ranzinger S, Horstick O (2016). Relevance of non-communicable comorbidities for the development of the severe forms of dengue: a systematic literature review, PLOS NTD 2016.
  • Horstick O, Martinez E, Guzman MG, Cruz O, San Martin JL, Runge Ranzinger S, supported by the PAHO expert panel on dengue case classification (2015). WHO Dengue Case Classification 2009 and its usefulness in practice: an expert consensus in the Americas. Pathogens and Global Health, 2015, Vol 109, No 1, pp 19 – 25.
  • George L, Lenhart A, Han WW, Lazaro A, Toledo J, Velayudhan R, Runge Ranzinger S, Horstick O (2015). Community-effectiveness of Temephos for dengue vector control: a systematic review, PLOS NTD 2015.
  • Han WW, McCall P, Lazara A, George L, Toledo J, Velayudhan R, Runge Ranzinger S, Horstick O (2015). Larvivorous fish for dengue vector control: a systematic review, TMIH 2015.