Working Groups
- Climate Change and Health Intervention
- Climate Change, Nutrition and Health
- Climate Change, Migration and Health
- Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub (Hei-Planet)
- Climate-smart Health Systems
- Design and implementation research in global health
- Digital Global Health
- Disease Control in Disadvantaged Populations
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Epidemiology of Transition
- FAIR and ethical data and sample reuse
- Field Epidemiology Research in German Public Health
- Global Child Health
- Global Health and Economics Research Group
- Global Health Diagnostics
- Global Health Policies and Systems
- Health Economics and Health Financing
- Implementation research for prevention and disease control
- Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
- Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- Non-communicable disease (NCD) in LMICs
- Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Implementation Research
- Oral Health
- Planetary Child Health
- Science Communication
- Vector Borne Diseases and Geo Health
Veronica N. Shiroya
Doctoral Student
Veronica Namarome Shiroya is an international Public Health practitioner and researcher. She graduated with a Master of Science degree in International Health from Heidelberg University. She is also a graduate of the Moi University College of Health Sciences in Eldoret, Kenya with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health. Currently, Veronica is pursuing her doctoral degree at the Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University’s Faculty of Medicine. Her PhD project focuses on integrated management and control approaches for non-communicable diseases in primary care settings offering HIV/AIDS services in Sub Saharan African countries.
Veronica has worked within a range of local projects in her native country Kenya and in international projects, combining academic, consulting, and management activities in different areas of Global and Public Health. Her experiences include working with the World Health Organization, Alliance for Health Promotion Geneva, the International Labour Organization, Kenya Medical Research Institute, the Kenyan Ministry of Health as well as other non-governmental and community based organizations in various countries. Besides her career, Veronica also champions philanthropic and community empowerment causes which she is passionate about - most notably advocating for the rights of girls and young women in marginalized populations and generally empowering youth and peers through mentorship.
Present | PhD Student | Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
2016 | MSc. in International Health | Faculty of Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
2013 | BSc. in Public Health | Moi University College of Health Sciences, Kenya |
Working Groups
- Climate Change and Health Intervention
- Climate Change, Nutrition and Health
- Climate Change, Migration and Health
- Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub (Hei-Planet)
- Climate-smart Health Systems
- Design and implementation research in global health
- Digital Global Health
- Disease Control in Disadvantaged Populations
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Epidemiology of Transition
- FAIR and ethical data and sample reuse
- Field Epidemiology Research in German Public Health
- Global Child Health
- Global Health and Economics Research Group
- Global Health Diagnostics
- Global Health Policies and Systems
- Health Economics and Health Financing
- Implementation research for prevention and disease control
- Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
- Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- Non-communicable disease (NCD) in LMICs
- Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Implementation Research
- Oral Health
- Planetary Child Health
- Science Communication
- Vector Borne Diseases and Geo Health

Contact Information
Bergheimer Str. 20
R. 315
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: 49 (0) 176 4319 9222
Fax: 49 (0) 6221 56-5948