Institute of Human… For Physicians Directory of… CBAVD G


Required sample material

Molecular genetic analysis:
3-7 ml EDTA blood or extracted DNA

Sample dispatch

EDTA blood samples or extracted DNA can be sent unrefrigerated by normal overnight post.

Please send the samples to the following address:

Heidelberg University Hospital
Institute of Human Genetics
Laboratory for Molecular Genetic Diagnostics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 366
69120 Heidelberg

Sample labelling

Please label each sample container clearly with the surname, first name and date of birth of the patient and use our request forms.

The request forms are structured in such a way that we have all the necessary information about the patient and the patient consent form (where required) for the examination order.

Please complete the request forms carefully to avoid unnecessary enquiries and please understand that we cannot accept unlabelled sample containers.

Please bear in mind that we can only carry out genetic analyses if we have the patient's written consent!

Request form for molecular genetics (German) (English)

Further information

OMIM: 277180

Test method:
Analysis of the 50 most common European CF- and CFTR-RD-associated sequence variants in the CFTR gene, including the poly-T repeat in intron 8, by ARMS-PCR, as well as four other known pathogenic CFTR variants by sequencing. If required, Sanger sequencing of the entire coding regions (including the exon-intron transitions) of the CFTR gene and MLPA analysis.

It should be noted that infertility can also be caused by chromosomal aberrations. If no cytogenetic clarification has yet been carried out, you are welcome to send us a corresponding blood sample (5-10 ml heparin whole blood) for chromosome diagnostics.

Processing time:
1-2 weeks on average. In rare cases, the processing time may be delayed by approx. 2 weeks.

Contact person

PD Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Hinderhofer

Fachhumangenetikerin (GfH)
Clinical Laboratory Geneticist (EBMG)

+49 6221 56-39568
+49 6221 56-5091