Alzaid H, Simon JJ, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P, Bendszus M, Friederich HC Hypothalamic subregion alterations in anorexia nervosa and obesity: Association with appetite-regulating hormone levels
Foltyn-Dumitru M, Alzaid H, Rastogi A, Neuberger U, Sahm F, Kessler T, Wick W, Bendszus M, Vollmuth P, Schell M Unraveling glioblastoma diversity: Insights into methylation subtypes and spatial relationship
Biller-Andorno N, Ferrario A, Biller A The Patient Preference Predictor: A Timely Boost for Personalized Medicine
Neuberger U, Marnat G, Barreau X, Pitrone A, Caragliano AA, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Pfaff JAR, Maurer CJ, Berlis A, Bokkers R, Uyttenboogaart M, Sourour N, Clarençon F, Wodarg F, Cognard C, Bohner G, Trenkler J, Spelle L, Weber W, Nouri N, Bonekamp S, Thomalla G, Fiehler J, Bendszus M, Möhlenbruch MA Safety and effectiveness of SOFIA/SOFIA PLUS for direct aspiration as first line treatment in patients with acute anterior ischemic stroke: results from the prospective, multicentric SESAME study
Thomalla G, Fiehler J, Subtil F, Bonekamp S, Aamodt AH, Fuentes B, Gizewski ER, Hill MD, Krajina A, Pierot L, Simonsen CZ, Zeleňák K, Blauenfeldt RA, Cheng B, Denis A, Deutschmann H, Dorn F, Flottmann F, Gellißen S, Gerber JC, Goyal M, Haring J, Herweh C, Hopf-Jensen S, Hua VT, Jensen M, Kastrup A, Keil CF, Klepanec A, Kurča E, Mikkelsen R, Möhlenbruch M, Müller-Hülsbeck S, Münnich N, Pagano P, Papanagiotou P, Petzold GC, Pham M, Puetz V, Raupach J, Reimann G, Ringleb PA, Schell M, Schlemm E, Schönenberger S, Tennøe B, Ulfert C, Vališ K, Vítková E, Vollherbst DF, Wick W, Bendszus M; TENSION Investigators Endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke with established large infarct (TENSION): 12-month outcomes of a multicentre, open-label, randomised trial
Gottschalk S, König HH, Subtil F, Bonekamp S, Denis A, Aamodt AH, Fuentes B, Gizewski ER, Hill MD, Krajina A, Pierot L, Simonsen CZ, Zeleňák K, Bendszus M, Thomalla G, Dams J Cost-effectiveness of endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke with established large infarct in Germany: a decision tree and Markov model
Mooshage CM, Schimpfle L, Tsilingiris D, Kender Z, Aziz-Safaie T, Hohmann A, Szendroedi J, Nawroth P, Sturm V, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Kopf S, Jende JME, Kurz FT Magnetization transfer ratio of the sciatic nerve differs between patients in type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Hohmann A, Zhang K, Mooshage CM, Jende JME, Rotkopf LT, Schlemmer HP, Bendszus M, Wick W, Kurz FT Whole-Brain Vascular Architecture Mapping Identifies Region-Specific Microvascular Profiles In Vivo
Schimpfle L, Tsilingiris D, Mooshage CM, Kender Z, Sulaj A, von Rauchhaupt E, Szendroedi J, Herzig S, Goepfert J, Groener J, Nawroth PP, Bendszus M, Heiland S, Kurz FT, Jende JME, Kopf S Phase Angle of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis as an Indicator for Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Jende JME, Heutehaus L, Preisner F, Verez Sola CM, Mooshage CM, Heiland S, Rupp R, Bendszus M, Weidner N, Kurz FT, Franz S Magnetic resonance neurography in spinal cord injury: Imaging findings and clinical significance
Hohmann A, Zhang K, Jende JME, Mooshage CM, Görgend K, Rotkopfe LT, Schlemmer HP, Vollmuth P, Bendszus M, Wick W, Kurz FT Vascular architecture mapping reveals sex-specific changes in cerebral microvasculature with aging
Rotkopf LT, Ziener CH, von Knebel-Doeberitz N, Wolf SD, Hohmann A, Wick W, Bendszus M, Schlemmer HP, Paech D, Kurz FT A physics-informed deep learning framework for dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion MRI
Rastogi A, Brugnara G,Foltyn-Dumitru M, Mahmutoglu MA, Preetha CJ, Kobler E, Pflüger I, Schell M, Deike-Hofmann K, Kessler T, van den Bent MJ, Idbaih A, Platten M, Brandes AA, Nabors B, Stupp R, Bernhardt D, Debus J, Abdollahi A, Gorlia T, Tonn JC, Weller M, Maier-Hein KH, Radbruch A, Wick W, Bendszus M, Meredig H, Kurz FT, Vollmuth P Deep-learning-based reconstruction of undersampled MRI to reduce scan times: a multicentre, retrospective, cohort study
Mooshage CM, Schimpfle L, Kender Z, Tsilingiris D, Aziz-Safaie T, Hohmann A, Szendroedi J, Nawroth P, Sturm V, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Kopf S, Kurz FT, Jende JME Association of Small Fiber Function with Microvascular Perfusion of Peripheral Nerves in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes : Study using Quantitative Sensory Testing and Magnetic Resonance Neurography
Mooshage CM, Tsilingiris D, Schimpfle L, Seebauer L, Eldesouky O, Aziz-Safaie T, Hohmann A, Herzig S, Szendroedi J, Nawroth P, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Kurz FT, Kopf S, Jende JME, Kender Z A diminished sciatic nerve structural integrity is associated with distinct peripheral sensory phenotypes in individuals with type 2 diabetes
Schubert MC, Soyka SJ, Tamimi A, Maus E, Schroers J, Wißmann N, Reyhan E, Tetzlaff SK, Yang Y, Denninger R, Peretzke R, Beretta C, Drumm M, Heuer A, Buchert V, Steffens A, Walshon J, McCortney K, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Neher P, Golebiewska A, Wick W, Winkler F, Breckwoldt MO, Kreshuk A, Kuner T, Horbinski C, Kurz FT, Prevedel R, Venkataramani V Deep intravital brain tumor imaging enabled by tailored three-photon microscopy and analysis
Güney R, Potreck A, Neuberger U, Schmitt N, Purrucker J, Möhlenbruch MA, Bendszus M, Seker F Association of Carotid Artery Disease with Collateralization and Infarct Growth in Patients with Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Karimian-Jazi K, Vollherbst DF, Schwarz D, Fischer M, Schregel K, Bauer G, Kocharyan A, Sturm V, Neuberger U, Jesser J, Herweh C, Ulfert C, Hilgenfeld T, Seker F, Preisner F, Schmitt N, Charlet T, Hamelmann S, Sahm F, Heiland S, Wick W, Ringleb PA, Schirmer L, Bendszus M, Möhlenbruch MA, Breckwoldt MO MR microscopy to assess clot composition following mechanical thrombectomy predicts recanalization and clinical outcome
Busetto L, Stang C, Herzog F, Sert M, Hoffmann J, Purrucker J, Seker F, Bendszus M, Wick W, Ungerer M, Gumbinger C "I didn't even wonder why I was on the floor" - mixed methods exploration of stroke awareness and help-seeking behaviour at stroke symptom onset
Foucher JR, Dormegny-Jeanjean LC, Bartsch AJ, Humbert I, de Billy CC, Obrecht A, Mainberger O, Clauss JME, Waddington JL, Wolf RC, Hirjak D, Morra C, Ungvari G, Schorr B, Berna F, Shorter E Paratonia, Gegenhalten and psychomotor hypertonia Back to the roots
Foucher JR, Bartsch AJ, Mainberger O, Vercueil L, de Billy CC, Obrecht A, Arcay H, Berna F, Clauss JME, Weibel S, Hanke M, Elowe J, Schorr B, Bregeon E, Braun B, Cetkovich M, Jabs BE, Dorfmeister T, Ungvari GS, Dormegny-Jeanjean LC, Pfuhlmann B Parakinesia: A Delphi consensus report
Lenga P, Bajwa AA, Schneider T, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Kiening KL, Unterberg AW, Ishak B High Rate of Pulmonary Cement Embolism after Cement-Augmented Pedicle Screw Fixation: A 12-Year Single-Center Study
Sattler JM, Keiber L, Abdelrahim A, Zheng X, Jäcklin M, Zechel L, Moreau CA, Steinbrück S, Fischer M, Janse CJ, Hoffmann A, Hentzschel F, Frischknecht F Experimental vaccination by single dose sporozoite injection of blood-stage attenuated malaria parasites
Mutke MA, Potreck A, Möhlenbruch MA, Heiland S, Mundiyanapurath S, Pham M, Bendszus M, Hoffmann A Hyperperfusion and blood-brain barrier disruption beyond the diffusion-restricted infarct one day after successful mechanical thrombectomy
Dorn F, Voss YL, Zidan M, Neuhaus S, Lehnen N, Stracke P, Schwindt W, Ergawy M, Dyzmann C, Moehlenbruch M, Jesser J, Vollherbst D, Moreu M, Pérez-García C, Bester M, Flottmann F, Simgen A, Schob S, Berlis A, Maurer C, Buhk JH, Hentschel H, Loehr C, Eckert B, Saura J, Delgado F, Paech D, Nordmeyer H A New Fibrin-Heparine Coated Self-Expanding Stent for the Rescue Treatment of Intracranial Stenosis-a Multicentric Study
Räty S, Nguyen TN, Nagel S, Strambo D, Michel P, Herweh C, Qureshi MM, Abdalkader M, Virtanen P, Olive-Gadea M, Ribo M, Psychogios M, Nguyen A, Kuramatsu JB, Haupenthal D, Köhrmann M, Deuschl C, Escolà JK, Demeestere J, Lemmens R, Vandewalle L, Yaghi S, Shu L, Puetz V, Kaiser DPO, Kaesmacher J, Mujanovic A, Marterstoc DC, Engelhorn T, Berberich A, Klein P, Haussen DC, Mohammaden MH, Abdelhamid H, Fragata I, Cunha B, Romoli M, Hu W, Song J, Fifi JT, Matsoukas S, Sheth SA, Salazar-Marioni SA, Marto JP, Ramos JN, Miszczuk M, Riegler C, Poli S, Poli K, Jadhav AP, Desai S, Maus V, Kaeder M, Siddiqui AH, Monteiro A, Kokkonen T, Diana F, Masoud HE, Suryadareva N, Mokin M, Thanki S, Ylikotila P, Alpay K, Siegler JE, Linfante I, Dabus G, Yavaghal D, Saini V, Nolte CH, Siebert E, Möhlenbruch MA, Ringleb PA, Nogueira RG, Hanning U, Meyer L, Fischer U, Strbian D Endovascular Thrombectomy Versus Intravenous Thrombolysis of Posterior Cerebral Artery Occlusion Stroke
Strambo D, Michel P, Nguyen TN, Abdalkader M, Qureshi MM, Strbian D, Herweh C, Möhlenbruch MA, Räty S, Olivé-Gadea M, Ribo M, Psychogios M, Fischer U, Nguyen A, Kuramatsu JB, Haupenthal D, Köhrmann M, Deuschl C, Kühne Escolà J, Demeestere J, Lemmens R, Vandewalle L, Yaghi S, Shu L, Puetz V, Kaiser DPO, Kaesmacher J, Mujanovic A, Marterstock DC, Engelhorn T, Requena M, Dasenbrock HH, Klein P, Haussen DC, Mohammaden MH, Abdelhamid H, Souza Viana L, Cunha B, Fragata I, Romoli M, Diana F, Hu W, Zhang C, Virtanen P, Lauha R, Jesser J, Clark J, Matsoukas S, Fifi JT, Sheth SA, Salazar-Marioni S, Marto JP, Ramos JN, Miszczuk M, Riegler C, Poli S, Poli K, Jadhav AP, Desai SM, Maus V, Kaeder M, Siddiqui AH, Monteiro A, Masoud HE, Suryadareva N, Mokin M, Thanki S, Alpay K, Ylikotila P, Siegler JE, Linfante I, Dabus G, Asdaghi N, Saini V, Nolte CH, Siebert E, Serrallach BL, Weyland CS, Hanning U, Meyer L, Berberich A, Ringleb PA, Nogueira RG, Nagel S Endovascular Versus Medical Therapy in Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke: Role of Baseline NIHSS Score and Occlusion Site
Berberich A, Herweh C, Qureshi MM, Strambo D, Michel P, Räty S, Abdalkader M, Virtanen P, Olive Gadea M, Ribo M, Psychogios MN, Nguyen A, Kuramatsu JB, Haupenthal D, Köhrmann M, Deuschl C, Kühne Escolà J, Demeestere J, Lemmens R, Yaghi S, Shu L, Kaiser DPO, Puetz V, Kaesmacher J, Mujanovic A, Marterstock DC, Engelhorn T, Klein P, Haussen DC, Mohammaden MH, Cunha B, Fragata I, Romoli M, Hu W, Zhang C, Matsoukas S, Fifi JT, Sheth SA, Salazar-Marioni S, Marto JP, Ramos JN, Miszczuk M, Riegler C, Poli S, Poli K, Jadhav AP, Desai SM, Maus V, Kaeder M, Siddiqui AH, Monteiro A, Peltola E, Masoud H, Suryadareva N, Mokin M, Thanki S, Alpay K, Rautio R, Siegler JE, Asdaghi N, Saini V, Linfante I, Dabus G, Nolte CH, Siebert E, Möhlenbruch MA, Fischer U, Nogueira RG, Hanning U, Meyer L, Ringleb PA, Strbian D, Nguyen TN, Nagel S Endovascular therapy of isolated posterior cerebral artery occlusion stroke with and without general anesthesia
Dmytriw AA, Ghozy S, Salim HA, Musmar B, Siegler JE, Kobeissi H, Shaikh H, Khalife J, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Nguyen TN, Heit JJ, Regenhardt RW, Cancelliere NM, El Naamani K, Amllay A, Meyer L, Dusart A, Bellante F, Forestier G, Rouchaud A, Saleme S, Mounayer C, Fiehler J, Kühn AL, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Kan PT, Colasurdo M, Marnat G, Berge J, Barreau X, Sibon I, Nedelcu S, Henninger N, Marotta TR, Stapleton CJ, Rabinov JD, Ota T, Dofuku S, Yeo LLL, Tan BYQ, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Salazar-Marioni S, Sheth S, Renieri L, Capirossi C, Mowla A, Adeeb N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour P, Khandelwal P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Elhorany M, Premat K, Valente I, Pedicelli A, Filipe JP, Varela R, Quintero-Consuegra M, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Jesser J, Costalat V, Ter Schiphorst A, Yedavalli V, Harker P, Chervak LM, Aziz Y, Gory B, Stracke CP, Hecker C, Kadirvel R, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Thomas AJ, Hsieh CY, Liebeskind DS, Radu RA, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Fahed R, Weyland CS, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Guenego A; MAD-MT Consortium Assessment of Thrombectomy versus Combined Thrombolysis and Thrombectomy in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Medium Vessel Occlusion
Salim H, Musmar B, Adeeb N, Yedavalli V, Lakhani D, Grewal SS, El Naamani K, Henninger N, Sundararajan SH, Kühn AL, Khalife J, Ghozy S, Scarcia L, Tan BY, Regenhardt RW, Heit JJ, Cancelliere NM, Bernstock JD, Rouchaud A, Fiehler J, Sheth S, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Colasurdo M, Barreau X, Renieri L, Filipe JP, Harker P, Radu RA, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Marotta TR, Spears J, Ota T, Mowla A, Jabbour P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Siegler JE, Nguyen TN, Varela R, Baker A, Essibayi MA, Altschul D, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Costalat V, Gory B, Stracke CP, Aziz-Sultan MA, Hecker C, Shaikh H, Liebeskind DS, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Kalsoum E, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA; MAD MT Investigators Outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy in anticoagulated patients with acute distal and medium vessel stroke
Wang M, Henkes H, Ghozy S, Siegler JE, Shaikh H, Khalife J, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Nguyen TN, Heit JJ, Sweid A, Naamani KE, Regenhardt RW, Diestro JDB, Cancelliere NM, Amllay A, Meyer L, Dusart A, Bellante F, Forestier G, Rouchaud A, Saleme S, Mounayer C, Fiehler J, Kühn AL, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Kan PT, Colasurdo M, Marnat G, Berge J, Barreau X, Sibon I, Nedelcu S, Henninger N, Weyland C, Marotta TR, Stapleton CJ, Rabinov JD, Ota T, Dofuku S, Yeo LL, Tan BYQ, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Salazar-Marioni S, Sheth S, Renieri L, Capirossi C, Mowla A, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour P, Khandelwal P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Elhorany M, Premat K, Valente I, Pedicelli A, Filipe JP, Varela R, Quintero-Consuegra M, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Jesser J, Costalat V, Ter Schiphorst A, Yedavalli V, Harker P, Chervak LM, Aziz Y, Gory B, Stracke CP, Hecker C, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Thomas AJ, Hsieh CY, Liebeskind DS, Radu RA, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Fahed R, Lubicz B, Dmytriw AA, Guenego A; M.A.D.-M.T. Consortium Use of the pRESET LITE thrombectomy device in combined approach for medium vessel occlusions: A multicenter evaluation
Dmytriw AA, Musmar B, Salim H, Ghozy S, Siegler JE, Kobeissi H, Shaikh H, Khalife J, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Nguyen TN, Heit JJ, Regenhardt RW, Cancelliere NM, Bernstock JD, Naamani KE, Amllay A, Meyer L, Dusart A, Bellante F, Forestier G, Rouchaud A, Saleme S, Mounayer C, Fiehler J, Kühn AL, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Kan PT, Colasurdo M, Marnat G, Berge J, Barreau X, Sibon I, Nedelcu S, Henninger N, Marotta TR, Stapleton CJ, Rabinov JD, Ota T, Dofuku S, Yeo LL, Tan BY, Gopinathan A, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Salazar-Marioni S, Sheth S, Renieri L, Capirossi C, Mowla A, Chervak L, Vagal A, Adeeb N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour P, Khandelwal P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Elhorany M, Premat K, Valente I, Pedicelli A, Filipe JP, Varela R, Quintero-Consuegra M, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Jesser J, Costalat V, Ter Schiphorst A, Yedavalli V, Harker P, Aziz Y, Gory B, Stracke CP, Hecker C, Kadirvel R, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Thomas AJ, Hsieh CY, Liebeskind DS, Alexandru Radu R, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Fahed R, Weyland C, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Guenego A; MAD-MT Consortium Incidence and clinical outcomes of perforations during mechanical thrombectomy for medium vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke: A retrospective, multicenter, and multinational study
Yedavalli VS, Salim HA, Musmar B, Adeeb N, Essibayi MA, ElNaamani K, Henninger N, Sundararajan SH, Kuhn AL, Khalife J, Ghozy S, Scarcia L, Tan BY, Heit JJ, Regenhardt RW, Cancelliere NM, Bernstock JD, Rouchaud A, Fiehler J, Sheth SA, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Colasurdo M, Barreau X, Renieri L, Filipe JP, Harker P, Radu RA, Marotta TR, Spears J, Ota T, Mowla A, Jabbour P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Siegler JE, Nguyen TN, Varela R, Baker A, Altschul D, Gonzalez N, Möhlenbruch MA, Costalat V, Gory B, Stracke P, Aziz-Sultan MA, Hecker C, Shaikh H, Liebeskind DS, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Kalsoum E, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Mendes Pereira V, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage in proximal and distal medium middle cerebral artery occlusion patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy
Goertz L, Hohenstatt S, Vollherbst DF, Weyland CS, Nikoubashman O, Styczen H, Gronemann C, Weiss D, Kaschner M, Pflaeging M, Siebert E, Zopfs D, Kottlors J, Pennig L, Schlamann M, Bohner G, Liebig T, Turowski B, Dorn F, Deuschl C, Wiesmann M, Möhlenbruch MA, Kabbasch C Safety and efficacy of coated flow diverters in the treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms: a retrospective multicenter study
Radu RA, Costalat V, Romoli M, Musmar B, Siegler JE, Ghozy S, Khalife J, Salim H, Shaikh H, Adeeb N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Thomas AJ, Kadirvel R, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Nguyen TN, Heit JJ, Regenhardt RW, Bernstock JD, Patel AB, Rabinov JD, Stapleton CJ, Cancelliere NM, Marotta TR, Mendes Pereira V, El Naamani K, Amllay A, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour P, Meyer L, Fiehler J, Faizy TD, Guerreiro H, Dusart A, Bellante F, Forestier G, Rouchaud A, Mounayer C, Kühn AL, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Kan PT, Colasurdo M, Marnat G, Berge J, Barreau X, Sibon I, Nedelcu S, Henninger N, Ota T, Dofuku S, Yeo LLL, Tan BY, Gopinathan A, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Salazar-Marioni S, Sheth S, Renieri L, Capirossi C, Mowla A, Chervak LM, Vagal A, Khandelwal P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Elhorany M, Premat K, Valente I, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Filipe JP, Varela R, Quintero-Consuegra M, Gonzalez NR, Ymd MA, Jesser J, Weyland C, Ter Schiphorst A, Yedavalli V, Harker P, Aziz Y, Gory B, Paul Stracke C, Hecker C, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Hsieh CY, Liebeskind DS, Tancredi I, Fahed R, Lubicz B, Essibayi MA, Baker A, Altschul D, Scarcia L, Kalsoum E, Dmytriw AA, Guenego A Outcomes with General Anesthesia Compared to Conscious Sedation for Endovascular Treatment of Medium Vessel Occlusions: Results of an International Multicentric Study
Radu RA, Costalat V, Fahed R, Ghozy S, Siegler JE, Shaikh H, Khalife J, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Nguyen TN, Heit JJ, Sweid A, El Naamani K, Regenhardt RW, Diestro JDB, Cancelliere NM, Amllay A, Meyer L, Dusart A, Bellante F, Forestier G, Rouchaud A, Saleme S, Mounayer C, Fiehler J, Kühn AL, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Kan PT, Colasurdo M, Marnat G, Berge J, Barreau X, Sibon I, Nedelcu S, Henninger N, Kyheng M, Marotta TR, Stapleton CJ, Rabinov JD, Ota T, Dofuku S, Yeo LL, Tan BY, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Salazar-Marioni S, Sheth S, Renieri L, Capirossi C, Mowla A, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour P, Khandelwal P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Elhorany M, Premat K, Valente I, Pedicelli A, Pedro Filipe J, Varela R, Quintero-Consuegra M, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Jesser J, Tancredi I, Ter Schiphorst A, Yedavalli V, Harker P, Chervak LM, Aziz Y, Gory B, Paul Stracke C, Hecker C, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Thomas AJ, Hsieh CY, Liebeskind DS, Alexandre AM, Faizy TD, Weyland C, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Lubicz B, Dmytriw AA, Guenego A First pass effect as an independent predictor of functional outcomes in medium vessel occlusions: An analysis of an international multicenter study
Jesser J, Nguyen T, Dmytriw AA, Yamagami H, Miao Z, Sommer LJ, Stockero A, Pfaff JAR, Ospel J, Goyal M, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Hanning U, Meyer L, van Zwam WH, Bendszus M, Wiesmann M, Möhlenbruch M, Weyland CS Treatment practice of vasospasm during endovascular thrombectomy: an international survey
Peacock M, Drumm B, Klein P, Raymond J, Huo X, Chen Y, Abdalkader M, Schonewille WJ, Liu X, Hu W, Li C, Ji X, Alemseged F, Liu L, Siegler JE, Nagel S, Strbian D, Sacco S, Yaghi S, Qureshi MM, Fischer U, Aguiar de Sousa D, Yamagami H, Michel P, Puetz V, Mujanovic A, Marto JP, Kristoffersen ES, Sandset EC, Demeestere J, Hanning U, Novakovic R, Kenmuir C, Agid R, Romoli M, Diana F, Lobotesis K, Roi D, Masoud HE, Ma A, Zhu Y, Sang H, Sun D, Ton MD, Raynald, Li F, Nasreldein A, Jesser J, Kaesmacher J, Weyland CS, Meyer L, Yeo LLL, Yang Q, Thomalla G, Yang P, Poli S, Campbell BCV, Qureshi AI, Chen HS, Zaidat OO, Qiu Z, Nogueira RG, Jovin TG, Miao Z, Nguyen TN, Banerjee S Basilar artery occlusion management: An international survey of gender influence on management
Meyer L, Stracke CP, Broocks G, Wallocha M, Elsharkawy M, Sporns PB, Piechowiak EI, Kaesmacher J, Maegerlein C, Hernandez Petzsche MR, Zimmermann H, Naziri W, Abdullayev N, Kabbasch C, Behme D, Thormann M, Maus V, Fischer S, Möhlenbruch MA, Weyland CS, Langner S, Ernst M, Jamous A, Meila D, Miszczuk M, Siebert E, Lowens S, Krause LU, Yeo LL, Tan BYQ, Gopinathan A, Gory B, Galvan Fernandez J, Schüller Arteaga M, Navia P, Raz E, Shapiro M, Arnberg F, Zeleňák K, Martínez-Galdámez M, Alexandrou M, Kastrup A, Papanagiotou P, Dorn F, Kemmling A, Psychogios MN, Andersson T, Chapot R, Fiehler J, Hanning U; From the TOPMOST Study Group Effect of anesthetic strategies on distal stroke thrombectomy in the anterior and posterior cerebral artery
Goertz L, Hohenstatt S, Vollherbst DF, Weyland CS, Nikoubashman O, Gronemann C, Pflaeging M, Siebert E, Bohner G, Zopfs D, Schlamann M, Liebig T, Dorn F, Wiesmann M, Möhlenbruch MA, Kabbasch C Safety and efficacy of coated flow diverters in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms during single antiplatelet therapy: A multicenter study
Kühn AL, Puri AS, Salim HA, Musmar B, Ghozy S, Siegler J, Shaikh H, Khalife J, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Nguyen TN, Heit JJ, Regenhardt RW, Diestro JDB, Cancelliere NM, Sweid A, Naamani KE, Hasan Z, Gopinathan A, Amllay A, Meyer L, Dusart A, Bellante F, Forestier G, Rouchaud A, Saleme S, Mounayer C, Fiehler J, Dyzmann C, Kan PT, Singh J, Colasurdo M, Marnat G, Berge J, Barreau X, Sibon I, Nedelcu S, Henninger N, Marotta TR, Stapleton CJ, Rabinov JD, Ota T, Dofuku S, Yeo LL, Tan BYQ, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Salazar-Marioni S, Sheth S, Renieri L, Capirossi C, Mowla A, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour P, Khandelwal P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Elhorany M, Premat K, Valente I, Pedicelli A, Filipe JP, Varela R, Quintero-Consuegra M, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Jesser J, Costalat V, Ter Schiphorst A, Yedavalli V, Harker P, Chervak L, Aziz Y, Gory B, Stracke CP, Hecker C, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Thomas A, Hsieh CY, Liebeskind DS, Radu RA, Alexandre AM, Fahed R, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Weyland C, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA Multicenter evaluation of mechanical thrombectomy for distal medium vessel occlusions with National Institute of Health Stroke Scale Scores ≥ 6 and ≤ 6
Sommer LJ, Jesser J, Nikoubashman O, Nguyen TN, Pinho J, Reich A, Wiesmann M, Weyland CS Nimodipine as Vasodilator in Guide Catheter Flush to Prevent Vasospasm During Endovascular Stroke Treatment
Salim HA, Pulli B, Yedavalli V, Milhem F, Musmar B, Adeeb N, Lakhani DA, Essibayi MA, Heit JJ, Faizy TD, El Naamani K, Henninger N, Sundararajan SH, Kuhn AL, Khalife J, Ghozy S, Scarcia L, Yeo LL, Tan BY, Regenhardt RW, Cancelliere NM, Rouchaud A, Fiehler J, Sheth SA, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Colasurdo M, Renieri L, Filipe JP, Harker P, Radu RA, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Marotta TR, Spears J, Ota T, Mowla A, Jabbour P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Siegler JE, Nguyen TN, Varela R, Baker A, Altschul D, Gonzalez N, Möhlenbruch MA, Costalat V, Gory B, Stracke P, Hecker C, Marnat G, Shaikh H, Griessenauer CJ, Liebeskind DS, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Kalsoum E, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Mendes Pereira V, Wintermark M, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA Endovascular therapy versus medical management in isolated anterior cerebral artery acute ischemic stroke: a multinational multicenter propensity score-weighted study
Schulze-Zachau V, Rommers N, Ntoulias N, Brehm A, Krug N, Tsogkas I, Mutke M, Rusche T, Cervo A, Rollo C, Möhlenbruch M, Jesser J, Kreiser K, Althaus K, Requena M, Rodrigo-Gisbert M, Dobrocky T, Serrallach BL, Nolte CH, Riegler C, Nawabi J, Maslias E, Michel P, Saliou G, Manning N, McQuinn A, Taylor A, Maurer CJ, Berlis A, Kaiser DP, Cuberi A, Moreu M, López-Frías A, Pérez-García C, Rautio R, Pauli Y, Limbucci N, Renieri L, Fragata I, Rodriguez-Ares T, Kirschke JS, Schwarting J, Al Kasab S, Spiotta AM, Abu Qdais A, Dmytriw AA, Regenhardt RW, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Cancelliere NM, Schmeel C, Dorn F, Sauer M, Karwacki GM, Khalife J, Thomas AJ, Shaikh HA, Commodaro C, Pileggi M, Schwab R, Bellante F, Dusart A, Hofmeister J, Machi P, Samaniego EA, Ojeda DJ, Starke RM, Abdelsalam A, van den Bergh F, De Raedt S, Bester M, Flottmann F, Weiss D, Kaschner M, Kan PT, Edhayan G, Levitt MR, Raub SL, Katan M, Fischer U, Psychogios MN "Insights into vessel perforations during thrombectomy: Characteristics of a severe complication and the effect of thrombolysis"
Lohrke F, Madai VI, Kossen T, Aydin OU, Behland J, Hilbert A, Mutke MA, Bendszus M, Sobesky J, Frey D Perfusion parameter map generation from TOF-MRA in stroke using generative adversarial networks
Preisner F, Pitarokoili K, Lueling B, Motte J, Fisse AL, Grüter T, Godel T, Schwarz D, Heiland S, Gold R, Bendszus M, Kronlage M Quantitative magnetic resonance neurography in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy: A longitudinal study over 6 years
Roser CJ, Hilgenfeld T, Saleem MA, Rückschloß T, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Lux CJ, Juerchott A In vivo assessment of artefacts in MRI images caused by conventional twistflex and various fixed orthodontic CAD/CAM retainers
Mooshage CM, Tsilingiris D, Schimpfle L, Kender Z, Aziz-Safaie T, Hohmann A, Szendroedi J, Nawroth P, Sturm V, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Kopf S, Kurz FT, Jende JME Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Reduced Capillary Permeability of Thigh Muscles in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Park YW, Choi KS, Foltyn-Dumitru M, Brugnara G, Banan R, Kim S, Han K, Park JE, Kessler T, Bendszus M, Krieg S, Wick W, Sahm F, Choi SH, Kim HS, Chang JH, Kim SH, Wongsawaeng D, Pollock JM, Lee SK, Barajas RF Jr, Vollmuth P, Ahn SS Incorporating Supramaximal Resection into Survival Stratification of IDH-wildtype Glioblastoma: A Refined Multi-institutional Recursive Partitioning Analysis
Foltyn-Dumitru M, Mahmutoglu MA, Brugnara G, Kessler T, Sahm F, Wick W, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Vollmuth P, Schell M Shape matters: unsupervised exploration of IDH-wildtype glioma imaging survival predictors
Mahmutoglu MA, Rastogi A, Schell M, Foltyn-Dumitru M, Baumgartner M, Maier-Hein KH, Deike-Hofmann K, Radbruch A, Bendszus M, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P Deep learning-based defacing tool for CT angiography: CTA-DEFACE
Foltyn-Dumitru M, Schell M, Sahm F, Kessler T, Wick W, Bendszus M, Rastogi A, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P Advancing noninvasive glioma classification with diffusion radiomics: Exploring the impact of signal intensity normalization
Foltyn-Dumitru M, Schell M, Rastogi A, Sahm F, Kessler T, Wick W, Bendszus M, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P Impact of signal intensity normalization of MRI on the generalizability of radiomic-based prediction of molecular glioma subtypes
Brugnara G, Engel A, Jesser J, Ringleb PA, Purrucker J, Möhlenbruch MA, Bendszus M, Neuberger U Cortical atrophy on baseline computed tomography imaging predicts clinical outcome in patients undergoing endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke
Mahmutoglu MA, Preetha CJ, Meredig H, Tonn JC, Weller M, Wick W, Bendszus M, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P Deep Learning-based Identification of Brain MRI Sequences Using a Model Trained on Large Multicentric Study Cohorts
Brugnara G, Jayachandran Preetha C, Deike K, Haase R, Pinetz T, Foltyn-Dumitru M, Mahmutoglu MA, Wildemann B, Diem R, Wick W, Radbruch A, Bendszus M, Meredig H, Rastogi A, Vollmuth P Addressing the Generalizability of AI in Radiology Using a Novel Data Augmentation Framework with Synthetic Patient Image Data: Proof-of-Concept and External Validation for Classification Tasks in Multiple Sclerosis
Beste NC, Jende J, Kronlage M, Kurz F, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Meredig H Automated peripheral nerve segmentation for MR-neurography
Foesleitner O, Hayes JC, Weiler M, Sam G, Wildemann B, Wick W, Bendszus M, Heiland S, Jäger LB Evolution of peripheral nerve changes in early multiple sclerosis-a longitudinal MR neurography study
Foesleitner O, Sturm V, Hayes J, Weiler M, Sam G, Wildemann B, Wick W, Bendszus M, Heiland S, Jäger LB Microstructural changes of peripheral nerves in early multiple sclerosis: A prospective magnetic resonance neurography study
Poncelet A, Hegenbart U, Schönland SO, Sam G, Purrucker JC, Hund E, Aus dem Siepen F, Göldner K, Hayes JM, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Weiler M, Hayes JC T2-relaxometry in a large cohort of hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis with polyneuropathy
Yılmaz Topçuoğlu MS, Lauer A, Kronlage M, Euteneuer S [Adhear for hearing rehabilitation for a rare case of conductive hearing loss]
Foesleitner O, Sulaj A, Sturm V, Kronlage M, Preisner F, Kender Z, Bendszus M, Szendroedi J, Heiland S, Schwarz D Diffusion tensor imaging in anisotropic tissues: application of reduced gradient vector schemes in peripheral nerves
Hammann N, Lenz D, Bianzano A, Husain RA, Forman E, Bernstein JA, Dattner T, Engelen M, Hanson-Kahn AK, Isidor B, Kotzaeridou U, Tietze A, Trollmann R, Weiß C, Wolffenbuttel BHR, Kölker S, Hoffmann GF, Crushell E, Staufner C, Mohr A, Harting I MRI in LARS1 deficiency-Spectrum, patterns, and correlation with acute neurological deterioration
Ivren M, Cherkezov A, Reuss D, Haux D, Herold-Mende C, Mohr A, Krieg SM, Unterberg A, Younsi A Intracranial angioleiomyoma: a case series of seven patients and review of the literature
Harting I, Garbade SF, Roosendaal SD, Fels-Palesandro H, Raudonat C, Mohr A, Wolf NI Age-appropriate or delayed myelination? Scoring myelination in routine clinical MRI
Schmitt N, Wucherpfennig L, Jesser J, Neuberger U, Güney R, Bendszus M, Möhlenbruch MA, Vollherbst DF Sine Spin flat detector CT can improve cerebral soft tissue imaging: a retrospective in vivo study
Nogueira RG, Lobsien D, Klisch J, Pielenz D, Lobsien E, Sauvageau E, Aghaebrahim N, Möhlenbruch M, Vollherbst D, Ulfert C, Bozorgchami H, Clark W, Priest R, Samaniego EA, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Ghannam M, Lopes D, Billingsley J, Keigher K, Haussen DC, Al-Bayati AR, Siddiqui A, Levy E, Chen M, Munich S, Schramm P, Boppel T, Narayanan S, Gross BA, Roth C, Boeckh-Behrens T, Hassan A, Fifi J, Budzik RF, Tarpley J, Starke RM, Raz E, Brogan G, Liebeskind DS, Hanel RA Thrombectomy With the pRESET vs Solitaire Stent Retrievers as First-Line Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Musmar B, Salim HA, Adeeb N, Aslan A, Aljeradat B, Diestro JDB, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Dibas M, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Cancelliere NM, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Mastorakos P, El Naamani K, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch M, Kral M, Vranic JE, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano J, Waqas M, Tutino VM, Ibrahim MK, Mohammed MA, Ozates MO, Ayberk G, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Starke RM, Hassan A, Ogilvie M, Nguyen A, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Nawka MT, Psychogios M, Ulfert C, Spears J, Jankowitz BT, Burkhardt JK, Domingo RA, Huynh T, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Essibayi MA, Sheth SA, Spiegel G, Tawk R, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Brook A, Altschul D, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Jabbour PM, Pereira VM, Patel AB, Dmytriw AA Treatment of large intracranial aneurysms using the Woven EndoBridge (WEB): a propensity score-matched analysis
Diestro JDB, Dibas M, Adeeb N, Regenhardt RW, Vranic JE, Guenego A, Lay SV, Renieri L, Balushi AA, Shotar E, Premat K, Namaani KE, Saliou G, Möhlenbruch MA, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Rutledge C, Rai H, Tutino VM, Mirshahi S, Ghozy S, Harker P, Alotaibi NM, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Goren O, Piano M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Starke RM, Hassan AE, Salehani A, Nguyen A, Jones J, Psychogios M, Spears J, Marotta T, Pereira V, Parra-Fariñas C, Bres-Bullrich M, Mayich M, Salem MM, Burkhardt JK, Jankowitz BT, Domingo RA, Huynh T, Tawk R, Ulfert C, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Patel N, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Stapleton CJ, Knopman J, Jabbour P, Tjoumakaris S, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Aziz-Sultan MA, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Cognard C, Patel AB, Dmytriw AA Stent-assisted Woven EndoBridge device for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms: an international multicenter study
Dmytriw AA, Musmar B, Salim H, Aslan A, Cancelliere NM, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Dibas M, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Carnevale JA, Saliou G, Mastorakos P, El Naamani K, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch MA, Kral M, Doron O, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano JS, Waqas M, Tutino VM, Ibrahim MK, Mohammed MA, Imamoglu C, Bayrak A, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Kuhn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Hasan Z, Starke RM, Hassan AE, Ogilvie M, Nguyen A, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Nawka MT, Psychogios MN, Ulfert C, Diestro JDB, Pukenas B, Burkhardt JK, Huynh TJ, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Essibayi MA, Sheth SA, Spiegel G, Tawk R, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui AH, Brook AL, Altschul D, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu SR, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Cuellar HH, Jabbour PM, Pereira VM, Patel AB, Adeeb N The impact of postoperative aspirin in patients undergoing Woven EndoBridge: a multicenter, institutional, propensity score-matched analysis
Diestro JDB, Adeeb N, Musmar B, Salim H, Aslan A, Cancelliere NM, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Mastorakos P, El Naamani K, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch M, Kral M, Bernstock JD, Doron O, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano J, Waqas M, Ibrahim MK, Mohammed MA, Imamoglu C, Bayrak A, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Starke RM, Hassan AE, Ogilvie M, Nguyen A, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Nawka MT, Psychogios M, Ulfert C, Pukenas B, Burkhardt JK, Huynh T, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Essibayi MA, Sheth SA, Spiegel G, Tawk RG, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Brook AL, Altschul D, Spears J, Marotta TR, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour PM, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Mendes Pereira V, Patel AB, Dmytriw AA Association of preprocedural antiplatelet use with decreased thromboembolic complications for intracranial aneurysms undergoing intrasaccular flow disruption
Dmytriw AA, Salim H, Musmar B, Aslan A, Cancelliere NM, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Dibas M, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Mastorakos P, Naamani KE, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch M, Kral M, Doron O, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano J, Waqas M, Tutino VM, Ibrahim MK, Mohammed MA, Imamoglu C, Bayrak A, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Starke RM, Hassan AE, Ogilvie M, Sporns P, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Nawka MT, Psychogios M, Ulfert C, Diestro JDB, Pukenas B, Burkhardt JK, Huynh T, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Essibayi MA, Sheth SA, Spiegel G, Tawk R, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Brook AL, Altschul D, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Jabbour PM, Pereira VM, Patel AB, Adeeb N Dual Layer vs Single Layer Woven EndoBridge Device in the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis
Musmar B, Adeeb N, Gendreau J, Horowitz MA, Salim HA, Sanmugananthan P, Aslan A, Brown NJ, Cancelliere NM, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Dibas M, Orscelik A, Senol YC, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Mastorakos P, El Naamani K, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch M, Kral M, Doron O, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano J, Waqas M, Tutino VM, Gokhan Y, Imamoglu C, Bayrak A, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Starke RM, Hassan AE, Ogilvie M, Nguyen A, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Nawka MT, Psychogios M, Ulfert C, Bengzon Diestro JD, Pukenas B, Burkhardt JK, Huynh T, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Essibayi MA, Sheth SA, Spiegel G, Tawk R, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Brook AL, Altschul D, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Bydon M, Hasan D, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Jabbour PM, Pereira VM, Patel AB, Dmytriw AA Creation of a predictive calculator to determine adequacy of occlusion of the woven endobridge (WEB) device in intracranial aneurysms-A retrospective analysis of the WorldWide WEB Consortium database
Adeeb N, Musmar B, Salim HA, Aslan A, Alla A, Cancelliere NM, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Dibas M, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Mastorakos P, Naamani KE, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch M, Kral M, Doron O, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano JS, Waqas M, Tutino VM, Ibrahim MK, Mohammed MA, Ozates MO, Ayberk G, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Starke RM, Hassan A, Ogilvie M, Nguyen A, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Nawka MT, Psychogios M, Ulfert C, Diestro JDB, Pukenas B, Burkhardt JK, Domingo RA, Huynh T, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Essibayi MA, Sheth SA, Spiegel G, Tawk RG, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Brook AL, Altschul D, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Jabbour PM, Mendes Pereira V, Patel AB, Dmytriw AA Defining ideal middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysm size for Woven EndoBridge embolization
Hohenstatt S, Ulfert C, Herweh C, Hilgenfeld T, Schmitt N, Schönenberger S, Chen M, Bendszus M, Möhlenbruch MA, Vollherbst DF Long-term Follow-up After Aneurysm Treatment with the Flow Redirection Endoluminal Device (FRED) Flow Diverter
Essibayi MA, Jabal MS, Musmar B, Adeeb N, Salim H, Aslan A, Cancelliere NM, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Mastorakos P, Naamani KE, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch M, Kral M, Doron O, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano J, Waqas M, Yavuz K, Gunes YC, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Starke RM, Hassan A, Ogilvie M, Nguyen A, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Nawka MT, Psychogios M, Ulfert C, Diestro JDB, Pukenas B, Burkhardt JK, Huynh T, Gutierrez JCM, Sheth SA, Spiegel G, Tawk R, Lubicz B, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberfalzer M, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Brook AL, Haranhalli N, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Jabbour PM, Pereira VM, Patel AB, Altschul D, Dmytriw AA Off-Label use of Woven EndoBridge device for intracranial brain aneurysm treatment: Modeling of occlusion outcome
Mastorakos P, Naamani KE, Adeeb N, Lan M, Castiglione J, Khanna O, Ghosh R, Bengzon Diestro JD, Dibas M, McLellan RM, Algin O, Ghozy S, Cancelliere NM, Aslan A, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Lay SV, Guenego A, Renieri L, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Shotar E, Premat K, Möhlenbruch M, Kral M, Vranic JE, Chung C, Salem MM, Lylyk I, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Shaikh H, Župančić V, Hafeez MU, Catapano J, Waqas M, Tutino VM, Ibrahim MK, Mohammed MA, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Schirmer CM, Piano M, Bullrich MB, Mayich M, Kühn AL, Michelozzi C, Elens S, Starke RM, Hassan AE, Ogilvie M, Nguyen A, Jones J, Brinjikji W, Psychogios M, Ulfert C, Spears J, Jankowitz BT, Burkhardt JK, Domingo RA, Huynh T, Tawk RG, Lubicz B, Nawka MT, Panni P, Puri AS, Pero G, Nossek E, Raz E, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Ozates MO, Ayberk G, Regenhardt RW, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Siddiqui A, Ducruet AF, Albuquerque FC, Patel NJ, Stapleton CJ, Kan P, Kalousek V, Lylyk P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Clarençon F, Limbucci N, Zanaty M, Martinez-Gutierrez JC, Sheth S, Spiegel G, Abbas R, Amllay A, Tjoumakaris SI, Gooch MR, Herial NA, Rosenwasser RH, Zarzour H, Schmidt RF, Pereira VM, Patel AB, Jabbour PM, Dmytriw AA Predictors of Aneurysm Obliteration in Patients Treated with the WEB Device: Results of a Multicenter Retrospective Study
El Naamani K, Mastorakos P, Adeeb N, Lan M, Castiglione J, Khanna O, Diestro JDB, McLellan RM, Dibas M, Vranic JE, Aslan A, Cuellar-Saenz HH, Guenego A, Carnevale J, Saliou G, Ulfert C, Möhlenbruch M, Foreman PM, Vachhani JA, Hafeez MU, Waqas M, Tutino VM, Rabinov JD, Ren Y, Michelozzi C, Spears J, Panni P, Griessenauer CJ, Asadi H, Regenhardt RW, Stapleton CJ, Ghozy S, Siddiqui A, Patel NJ, Kan P, Boddu S, Knopman J, Aziz-Sultan MA, Zanaty M, Ghosh R, Abbas R, Amllay A, Tjoumakaris SI, Gooch MR, Cancelliere NM, Herial NA, Rosenwasser RH, Zarzour H, Schmidt RF, Pereira VM, Patel AB, Jabbour P, Dmytriw AA; WorldWideWEB Consortium Long-Term Follow-Up of Cerebral Aneurysms Completely Occluded at 6 Months After Intervention with the Woven EndoBridge (WEB) Device: a Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
Iser F, Hinz F, Hoffmann DC, Grassl N, Güngoör C, Meyer J, Dörner L, Hofmann L, Kelbch V, Göbel K, Mahmutoglu MA, Vollmuth P, Patel A, Nguyen D, Kaulen LD, Mildenberger I, Sahm K, Maaß K, Pajtler KW, Shankar GM, Weiler M, Wildemann B, Winkler F, von Deimling A, Platten M, Wick W, Sahm F, Kessler T Cerebrospinal Fluid cfDNA Sequencing for Classification of Central Nervous System Glioma
Villanueva-Meyer JE, Bakas S, Tiwari P, Lupo JM, Calabrese E, Davatzikos C, Bi WL, Ismail M, Akbari H, Lohmann P, Booth TC, Wiestler B, Aerts HJWL, Rasool G, Tonn JC, Nowosielski M, Jain R, Colen RR, Pati S, Baid U, Vollmuth P, Macdonald D, Vogelbaum MA, Chang SM, Huang RY, Galldiks N Artificial Intelligence for Response Assessment in Neuro Oncology (AI-RANO), part 1: review of current advancements
Heuer S, Burghaus I, Gose M, Kessler T, Sahm F, Vollmuth P, Venkataramani V, Hoffmann D, Schlesner M, Ratliff M, Hopf C, Herrlinger U, Ricklefs F, Bendszus M, Krieg SM, Wick A, Wick W, Winkler F PerSurge (NOA-30) phase II trial of perampanel treatment around surgery in patients with progressive glioblastoma
Foltyn-Dumitru M, Kessler T, Sahm F, Wick W, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Vollmuth P, Schell M Cluster-based prognostication in glioblastoma: Unveiling heterogeneity based on diffusion and perfusion similarities
Galldiks N, Kaufmann TJ, Vollmuth P, Lohmann P, Smits M, Veronesi MC, Langen KJ, Rudà R, Albert NL, Hattingen E, Law I, Hutterer M, Soffietti R, Vogelbaum MA, Wen PY, Weller M, Tonn JC Challenges, limitations, and pitfalls of PET and advanced MRI in patients with brain tumors: A report of the PET/RANO group
Pflüger I, Rastogi A, Casagranda S, Papageorgakis C, Behnisch R, Liebig P, Prager M, Ippen FM, Paech D, Wick W, Bendszus M, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P Amide proton transfer weighted MRI measurements yield consistent and repeatable results in patients with gliomas: a prospective test-retest study
Reinecke R, Jahnke K, Foltyn-Dumitru M, Lachner K, Armbrust M, Weber KJ, Zeiner PS, Czabanka M, Brunnberg U, Hartmann S, Steinbach JP, Ronellenfitsch MW Intrathecal IgM synthesis as a diagnostic marker in patients with suspected CNS lymphoma
Haase R, Pinetz T, Kobler E, Bendella Z, Paech D, Clauberg R, Foltyn-Dumitru M, Wagner V, Schlamp K, Heussel G, Heussel CP, Vahlensieck M, Luetkens JA, Schlemmer HP, Specht-Riemenschneider L, Radbruch A, Effland A, Deike K Metastasis Detection Using True and Artificial T1-Weighted Postcontrast Images in Brain MRI
Schaefer TC, Greive S, Mencl S, Heiland S, Kramer M, Möhlenbruch MA, Kleinschnitz C, Bendszus M, Vollherbst DF Iatrogenic Air Embolisms During Endovascular Interventions: Impact of Origin and Number of Air Bubbles on Cerebral Infarctions
Hohenstatt S, Saatci I, Jesser J, Çekirge HS, Koçer N, Islak C, Lücking H, DuPlessis J, Rautio R, Bendszus M, Vollherbst DF, Möhlenbruch M Prasugrel Single Antiplatelet Therapy versus Aspirin and Clopidogrel Dual Antiplatelet Therapy for Flow Diverter Treatment for Cerebral Aneurysms: A Retrospective Multicenter Study
Goertz L, Hohenstatt S, Vollherbst DF, Pflaeging M, Gronemann C, Siebert E, Zopfs D, Pennig L, Kottlors J, Schlamann M, Bohner G, Dorn F, Liebig T, Möhlenbruch M, Kabbasch C Multicenter Experience with the Pipeline Flex and Vantage with Shield Technology for Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment
Walter J, Alhalabi OT, Schönenberger S, Ringleb P, Vollherbst DF, Möhlenbruch M, Unterberg A, Neumann JO Prior Thrombectomy Does Not Affect the Surgical Complication Rate of Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Patients with Malignant Ischemic Stroke
Hohenstatt S, Vollherbst DF, Miralbés S, Naravetla B, Spiotta A, Loehr C, Martínez-Galdámez M, McTaggart R, Defreyne L, Vega P, Zaidat OO, Jenkins P, Vinci SL, Liebeskind DS, Gupta R, Möhlenbruch MA, Tessitore A Effectiveness and Safety of Mechanical Thrombectomy in Large-Vessel-Occlusion Mild Stroke: Insights from the ASSIST Registry
Richter C, Möhlenbruch MA, Vollherbst DF, Taschner CA, Elsheikh S, Klisch J, Lobsien D, Bester M, Ramdani N, Kaiser DPO, Gerber JC, Schob S, Gazis A, Smirnov P, Scherlach C, Hoffmann KT, Gawlitza M Non-ischemic cerebral enhancing (NICE) lesions after flow diversion for intracranial aneurysms: a multicenter study
Schaefer TC, Greive S, Bierwisch C, Mohseni-Mofidi S, Heiland S, Kramer M, Möhlenbruch MA, Bendszus M, Vollherbst DF Iatrogenic air embolism: influence of air bubble size on cerebral infarctions in an experimental in vivo and numerical simulation model
Gupta R, Miralbés S, Calleja Bonilla A, Naravetla B, Majjhoo AQ, Rayes M, Spiotta AM, Loehr C, Cioltan A, Vollherbst DF, Martínez-Galdámez M, Galván-Fernandez J, Khaldi A, McTaggart RA, Jayaraman MV, Defreyne L, Dhondt E, Vega P, Murias E, Lin E, Chaubal V, Price LL, Liebeskind DS, Möhlenbruch MA Technique and impact on first pass effect primary results of the ASSIST global registry
Umhau M, Schmitt N, Jesser J, Hilgenfeld T, Chen M, Ringleb PA, Möhlenbruch MA, Breckwoldt MO, Bendszus M, Vollherbst DF Intracerebral arterial blood pressure in the vasculature distal to large vessel occlusions in patients with ischemic stroke: correlation with clinical and imaging parameters
Goertz L, Hohenstatt S, Vollherbst DF, Styczen H, Siebert E, Bohner G, Deuschl C, Möhlenbruch MA, Kabbasch C Lower-Ischemic-Risk Profile of Coated Flow Redirection Endoluminal Device X Compared With Uncoated Flow Redirection Endoluminal Device Flow Diverter in the Treatment of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
Bendszus M Impact Factor 2023 for Clinical Neuroradiology
Ahmadi R, Kuner R, Weidner N, Kessler J, Bendszus M, Krieg SM The Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuropathic Pain
Bendszus M Endovascular Treatment of Large Core Infarcts: no Limits?
Bendszus M, Laghi A, Munuera J, Tanenbaum LN, Taouli B, Thoeny HC MRI Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media: Meeting Radiological, Clinical, and Environmental Needs
Estler A, Hauser TK, Mengel A, Brunnée M, Zerweck L, Richter V, Zuena M, Schuhholz M, Ernemann U, Gohla G Deep Learning Accelerated Image Reconstruction of Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Sequence in Brain Imaging: Reduction of Acquisition Time and Improvement of Image Quality
Estler A, Hauser TK, Brunnée M, Zerweck L, Richter V, Knoppik J, Örgel A, Bürkle E, Adib SD, Hengel H, Nikolaou K, Ernemann U, Gohla G Deep learning-accelerated image reconstruction in back pain-MRI imaging: reduction of acquisition time and improvement of image quality
Brunnée M, Aman M, Mayrhofer-Schmid M, Fischer M, Daeschler SC, Klemm T, Kneser U, Karimian-Jazi K, Breckwoldt MO, Harhaus L, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Boecker AH, Schwarz D Epineural Scarring Visualization and Noninvasive Quantification of a Severe Posttraumatic Complication: An Experimental Magnetic Resonance Neurography Study
Estler A, Zerweck L, Brunnée M, Estler B, Richter V, Örgel A, Bürkle E, Becker H, Hurth H, Stahl S, Konrad EM, Kelbsch C, Ernemann U, Hauser TK, Gohla G Deep learning-accelerated image reconstruction in MRI of the orbit to shorten acquisition time and enhance image quality
Karimian-Jazi K, Enbergs N, Golubtsov E, Schregel K, Ungermann J, Fels-Palesandro H, Schwarz D, Sturm V, Kernbach JM, Batra D, Ippen FM, Pflüger I, von Knebel Doeberitz N, Heiland S, Bunse L, Platten M, Winkler F, Wick W, Paech D, Bendszus M, Breckwoldt MO Differentiating Glioma Recurrence and Pseudoprogression by APTw CEST MRI
Elsaman H, Golubtsov E, Brazil S, Ng N, Klugherz I, Martin R, Dichtl K, Müller C, Wagener J Toxic eburicol accumulation drives the antifungal activity of azoles against Aspergillus fumigatus
Wucherpfennig L, Wuennemann F, Eichinger M, Schmitt N, Seitz A, Baumann I, Roehmel JF, Stahl M, Hämmerling S, Chung J, Schenk JP, Alrajab A, Kauczor HU, Mall MA, Wielpütz MO, Sommerburg O Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pulmonary and Paranasal Sinus Abnormalities in Children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Compared to Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Gellert J, Agardy DA, Kumar S, Kourtesakis A, Boschert T, Jähne K, Breckwoldt MO, Bunse L, Wick W, Davies MA, Platten M, Bunse T Tumoral Interferon Beta Induces an Immune-Stimulatory Phenotype in Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Melanoma Brain Metastases
Tetzlaff SK, Reyhan E, Layer N, Bengtson CP, Heuer A, Schroers J, Faymonville AJ, Langeroudi AP, Drewa N, Keifert E, Wagner J, Soyka SJ, Schubert MC, Sivapalan N, Pramatarov RL, Buchert V, Wageringel T, Grabis E, Wißmann N, Alhalabi OT, Botz M, Bojcevski J, Campos J, Boztepe B, Scheck JG, Conic SH, Puschhof MC, Villa G, Drexler R, Zghaibeh Y, Hausmann F, Hänzelmann S, Karreman MA, Kurz FT, Schröter M, Thier M, Suwala AK, Forsberg-Nilsson K, Acuna C, Saez-Rodriguez J, Abdollahi A, Sahm F, Breckwoldt MO, Suchorska B, Ricklefs FL, Heiland DH, Venkataramani V Characterizing and targeting glioblastoma neuron-tumor networks with retrograde tracing
Streibel Y, Breckwoldt MO, Hunger J, Pan C, Fischer M, Turco V, Boztepe B, Fels-Palesandro H, Scheck JG, Sturm V, Karimian-Jazi K, Agardy DA, Annio G, Mustapha R, Soni SS, Alasa A, Weidenfeld I, Rodell CB, Wick W, Heiland S, Winkler F, Platten M, Bendszus M, Sinkus R, Schregel K Tumor biomechanics as a novel imaging biomarker to assess response to immunotherapy in a murine glioma model
Wessels L, Wolf S, Adage T, Breitenbach J, Thomé C, Kerschbaumer J, Bendszus M, Gmeiner M, Gruber A, Mielke D, Rohde V, Wostrack M, Meyer B, Gempt J, Bavinzski G, Hirschmann D, Vajkoczy P, Hecht N Localized Nicardipine Release Implants for Prevention of Vasospasm After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Moawad AW, Janas A, Baid U, Ramakrishnan D, Saluja R, Ashraf N, Maleki N, Jekel L, Yordanov N, Fehringer P, Gkampenis A, Amiruddin R, Manteghinejad A, Adewole M, Albrecht J, Anazodo U, Aneja S, Anwar SM, Bergquist T, Chiang V, Chung V, Conte GM, Dako F, Eddy J, Ezhov I, Khalili N, Farahani K, Iglesias JE, Jiang Z, Johanson E, Kazerooni AF, Kofler F, Krantchev K, LaBella D, Van Leemput K, Li HB, Linguraru MG, Liu X, Meier Z, Menze BH, Moy H, Osenberg K, Piraud M, Reitman Z, Shinohara RT, Wang C, Wiestler B, Wiggins W, Shafique U, Willms K, Avesta A, Bousabarah K, Chakrabarty S, Gennaro N, Holler W, Kaur M, LaMontagne P, Lin M, Lost J, Marcus DS, Maresca R, Merkaj S, Cassinelli Pedersen G, von Reppert M, Sotiras A, Teytelboym O, Tillmans N, Westerhoff M, Youssef A, Godfrey D, Floyd S, Rauschecker A, Villanueva-Meyer J, Pflüger I, Cho J, Bendszus M, Brugnara G, Cramer J, Perez-Carillo GJG, Johnson DR, Kam A, Kwan BYM, Lai L, Lall NU, Memon F, Krycia M, Patro SN, Petrovic B, So TY, Thompson G, Wu L, Schrickel EB, Bansal A, Barkhof F, Besada C, Chu S, Druzgal J, Dusoi A, Farage L, Feltrin F, Fong A, Fung SH, Gray RI, Ikuta I, Iv M, Postma AA, Mahajan A, Joyner D, Krumpelman C, Letourneau-Guillon L, Lincoln CM, Maros ME, Miller E, Morón FEA, Nimchinsky EA, Ozsarlak O, Patel U, Rohatgi S, Saha A, Sayah A, Schwartz ED, Shih R, Shiroishi MS, Small JE, Tanwar M, Valerie J, Weinberg BD, White ML, Young R, Zohrabian VM, Azizova A, Brüßeler MMT, Ghonim M, Ghonim M, Okar A, Pasquini L, Sharifi Y, Singh G, Sollmann N, Soumala T, Taherzadeh M, Vollmuth P, Foltyn-Dumitru M, Malhotra A, Abayazeed AH, Dellepiane F, Lohmann P, Pérez-García VM, Elhalawani H, de Verdier MC, Al-Rubaiey S, Armindo RD, Ashraf K, Asla MM, Badawy M, Bisschop J, Lomer NB, Bukatz J, Chen J, Cimflova P, Corr F, Crawley A, Deptula L, Elakhdar T, Shawali IH, Faghani S, Frick A, Gulati V, Haider MA, Hierro F, Dahl RH, Jacobs SM, Hsieh KJ, Kandemirli SG, Kersting K, Kida L, Kollia S, Koukoulithras I, Li X, Abouelatta A, Mansour A, Maria-Zamfirescu RC, Marsiglia M, Mateo-Camacho YS, McArthur M, McDonnell O, McHugh M, Moassefi M, Morsi SM, Munteanu A, Nandolia KK, Naqvi SR, Nikanpour Y, Alnoury M, Nouh AMA, Pappafava F, Patel MD, Petrucci S, Rawie E, Raymond S, Roohani B, Sabouhi S, Sanchez-Garcia LM, Shaked Z, Suthar PP, Altes T, Isufi E, Dhemesh Y, Gass J, Thacker J, Tarabishy AR, Turner B, Vacca S, Vilanilam GK, Warren D, Weiss D, Worede F, Yousry S, Lerebo W, Aristizabal A, Karargyris A, Kassem H, Pati S, Sheller M, Link KEE, Calabrese E, Tahon NH, Nada A, Velichko YS, Bakas S, Rudie JD, Aboian M The Brain Tumor Segmentation - Metastases (BraTS-METS) Challenge 2023: Brain Metastasis Segmentation on Pre-treatment MRI
Tabouret E, Furtner J, Graillon T, Silvani A, Le Rhun E, Soffietti R, Lombardi G, Sepúlveda-Sánchez JM, Brandal P, Bendszus M, Golfinopoulos V, Gorlia T, Weller M, Sahm F, Wick W, Preusser M 3D volume growth rate evaluation in the EORTC-BTG-1320 clinical trial for recurrent WHO grade 2 and 3 meningiomas
Naser PV, Maurer MC, Fischer M, Karimian-Jazi K, Ben-Salah C, Bajwa AA, Jakobs M, Jungk C, Jesser J, Bendszus M, Maier-Hein K, Krieg SM, Neher P, Neumann JO Deep learning aided preoperative diagnosis of primary central nervous system lymphoma
Schwarz D, Marois ML, Sturm V, Peters AS, Longuespée R, Helm D, Schneider M, Eichmüller B, Hidmark AS, Fischer M, Kender Z, Schwab C, Hausser I, Weis J, Dihlmann S, Böckler D, Bendszus M, Heiland S, Herzig S, Nawroth PP, Szendroedi J, Fleming T Exploring Structural and Molecular Features of Sciatic Nerve Lesions in Diabetic Neuropathy: Unveiling Pathogenic Pathways and Targets
Niyazi M, Bendszus M, Minniti G Response to the letter to the editor by Macià i Garau et al. regarding the article "ESTRO-EANO guideline on target delineation and radiotherapy details for glioblastoma" by Niyazi et al
Paech D, Weckesser N, Franke VL, Breitling J, Görke S, Deike-Hofmann K, Wick A, Scherer M, Unterberg A, Wick W, Bendszus M, Bachert P, Ladd ME, Schlemmer HP, Korzowski A Whole-Brain Intracellular pH Mapping of Gliomas Using High-Resolution 31P MR Spectroscopic Imaging at 7.0 T
Fels-Palesandro H, Heuer S, Boztepe B, Streibel Y, Ungermann J, Pan C, Scheck JG, Fischer M, Sturm VJ, Azorín DD, Karimian-Jazi K, Annio G, Abdollahi A, Weidenfeld I, Wick W, Venkataramani V, Heiland S, Winkler F, Bendszus M, Sinkus R, Breckwoldt MO, Schregel K Assessment of Tumor Cell Invasion and Radiotherapy Response in Experimental Glioma by Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Thomalla G, Bonekamp S, Fiehler J, Bendszus M Endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke: the TENSION trial - Authors' reply
Rheude C, Nikendei C, Stopyra MA, Bendszus M, Krämer B, Gruber O, Friederich HC, Simon JJ Two sides of the same coin? What neural processing of emotion and rewards can tell us about complex post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder
Becker D, Scherer M, Neher P, Jungk C, Jesser J, Pflüger I, Bendszus M, Maier-Hein K, Unterberg A Q-ball high-resolution fiber tractography of language associated tracts: quantitative evaluation of applicability for glioma resections
Sarria GR, Fleckenstein J, Eckl M, Stieler F, Ruder A, Bendszus M, Schmeel LC, Koch D, Feisst A, Essig M, Wenz F, Giordano FA Impact of the Novel MRI Contrast Agent Gadopiclenol on Radiotherapy Decision Making in Patients With Brain Metastases
Mediation of Age and Thrombectomy Outcome by Neuroimaging Markers of Frailty in Patients With Stroke
Abdalkader M, Ning S, Qureshi MM, Haussen DC, Strbian D, Nagel S, Demeestere J, Puetz V, Mohammaden MH, Olive Gadea M, Winzer S, Yamagami H, Tanaka K, Marto JP, Tomppo L, Henon H, Sheth SA, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Martinez-Majander N, Caparros F, Lemmens R, Dusart A, Bellante F, Zaidi SF, Siegler JE, Nannoni S, Kaesmacher J, Dobrocky T, Farooqui M, Salazar-Marioni S, Virtanen P, Vandewalle L, Wouters A, Jesser J, Ventura R, Castonguay AC, Uchida K, Puri AS, Masoud HE, Klein P, Mansoor Z, Bui J, Kang M, Mujanovic A, Rizzo F, Kokkonen T, Ramos JN, Strambo D, Michel P, Möhlenbruch MA, Lin E, Kaiser DPO, Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Cordonnier C, Ringleb PA, Roy D, Zaidat OO, Fischer U, Ribo M, Raymond J, Nogueira RG, Nguyen TN Sex Differences in Outcomes of Late-Window Endovascular Stroke Therapy
Nguyen TN, Nogueira RG, Qureshi MM, Nagel S, Raymond J, Abdalkader M, Demeestere J, Marto JP, Sheth SA, Puetz V, Dusart A, Michel P, Ribo M, Zaidat OO, Siegler JE, Haussen DC, Strbian D, Henon H, Mohammaden MH, Möhlenbruch MA, Olive-Gadea M, Puri AS, Winzer S, Kaesmacher J, Klein P, Tomppo L, Caparros F, Ramos JN, Jumaa MA, Zaidi SF, Martinez-Majander N, Nannoni S, Vandewalle L, Bellante F, Farooqui M, Salazar-Marioni S, Virtanen P, Kaiser DPO, Wouters A, Ventura R, Jesser J, Mujanovic A, Shu L, Castonguay AC, Mansoor Z, Qiu Z, Masoud HE, Requena M, Peltola E, Hu W, Lin E, Tanaka K, Cordonnier C, Roy D, Yaghi S, Strambo D, Yamagami H, Fischer U, Jovin TG, Lemmens R, Ringleb PA, Ortega-Gutierrez S Noncontrast CT Selected Thrombectomy vs Medical Management for Late-Window Anterior Large Vessel Occlusion
Demeestere J, Qureshi MM, Vandewalle L, Wouters A, Strbian D, Nogueira RG, Nagel S, Yamagami H, Puetz V, Abdalkader M, Haussen DC, Mohammaden MH, Möhlenbruch MA, Olivé-Gadea M, Winzer S, Ribo M, Michel P, Marto JP, Tanaka K, Yoshimura S, Martinez-Majander N, Caparros F, Henon H, Tomppo L, Dusart A, Bellante F, Ramos JN, Jesser J, Sheth SA, Ortega-Gutiérrez S, Siegler JE, Nannoni S, Kaesmacher J, Dobrocky T, Salazar-Marioni S, Farooqui M, Virtanen P, Ventura R, Zaidi SF, Castonguay AC, Uchida K, Puri AS, Sakai N, Toyoda K, Farzin B, Masoud HE, Klein P, Bui J, Rizzo F, Kaiser DPO, Desfontaines P, Strambo D, Cordonnier C, Lin E, Ringleb PA, Roy D, Zaidat OO, Fischer U, Raymond J, Lemmens R, Nguyen TN Outcomes of Bridging Intravenous Thrombolysis Versus Endovascular Therapy Alone in Late-Window Acute Ischemic Stroke
Ospel JM, Dowlatshahi D, Demchuk A, Volders D, Möhlenbruch M, Nimjee S, Kennedy J, Buck B, Shankar JJ, Booth TC, Jumaa MA, Fahed R, Ganesh A, Zhang Q, Doram C, Ryckborst KJ, Hill MD, Goyal M Endovascular treatment to improve outcomes for medium vessel occlusions: The ESCAPE-MeVO trial
Mujanovic A, Strbian D, Demeestere J, Marto JP, Puetz V, Nogueira RG, Abdalkader M, Nagel S, Raymond J, Ribo M, Michel P, Yoshimura S, Zaidat OO, Winzer S, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Sheth SA, Siegler JE, Dusart A, Haussen DC, Henon H, Serrallach BL, Mohammaden MH, Möhlenbruch MA, Olive-Gadea M, Puri AS, Sakai N, Klein P, Tomppo L, Caparros F, Ramos JN, Jumaa M, Zaidi S, Dobrocky T, Martinez-Majander N, Nannoni S, Bellante F, Rodriguez-Calienes A, Salazar-Marioni S, Virtanen P, Kaiser DP, Ventura R, Jesser J, Castonguay AC, Qureshi MM, Masoud HE, Galecio-Castillo M, Requena M, Lauha R, Hu W, Lin E, Miao Z, Roy D, Yamagami H, Seiffge DJ, Strambo D, Ringleb PA, Lemmens R, Fischer U, Nguyen TN, Kaesmacher J Safety and clinical outcomes of endovascular therapy versus medical management in late presentation of large ischemic stroke
Sporns PB, Bhatia K, Abruzzo T, Pabst L, Fraser S, Chung MG, Lo W, Othman A, Steinmetz S, Jensen-Kondering U, Schob S, Kaiser DPO, Marik W, Wendl C, Kleffner I, Henkes H, Kraehling H, Nguyen-Kim TDL, Chapot R, Yilmaz U, Wang F, Hafeez MU, Requejo F, Limbucci N, Kauffmann B, Möhlenbruch M, Nikoubashman O, Schellinger PD, Musolino P, Alawieh A, Wilson J, Grieb D, Gersing AS, Liebig T, Olivieri M, Schwabova JP, Tomek A, Papanagiotou P, Boulouis G, Naggara O, Fox CK, Orlov K, Kuznetsova A, Parra-Farinas C, Muthusami P, Regenhardt RW, Dmytriw AA, Burkard T, Martinez M, Brechbühl D, Steinlin M, Sun LR, Hassan AE, Kemmling A, Lee S, Fullerton HJ, Fiehler J, Psychogios MN, Wildgruber M Endovascular thrombectomy for childhood stroke (Save ChildS Pro): an international, multicentre, prospective registry study
Yedavalli V, Salim H, Musmar B, Adeeb N, El Naamani K, Henninger N, Sundararajan SH, Kühn AL, Khalife J, Ghozy S, Scarcia L, Tan BY, Heit JJ, Regenhardt RW, Cancelliere NM, Bernstock JD, Rouchaud A, Fiehler J, Sheth S, Essibayi MA, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Colasurdo M, Barreau X, Renieri L, Filipe JP, Harker P, Radu RA, Marotta TR, Spears J, Ota T, Mowla A, Jabbour P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Siegler JE, Nguyen TN, Varela R, Baker A, Altschul D, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Costalat V, Gory B, Paul Stracke C, Aziz-Sultan MA, Hecker C, Shaikh H, Liebeskind DS, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Kalsoum E, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA Pretreatment predictors of very poor clinical outcomes in medium vessel occlusion stroke patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy
Salim HA, Pulli B, Yedavalli V, Musmar B, Adeeb N, Lakhani D, Essibayi MA, El Naamani K, Henninger N, Sundararajan SH, Kühn AL, Khalife J, Ghozy S, Scarcia L, Grewal I, Tan BY, Regenhardt RW, Heit JJ, Cancelliere NM, Bernstock JD, Rouchaud A, Fiehler J, Sheth S, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Colasurdo M, Barreau X, Renieri L, Filipe JP, Harker P, Radu RA, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Marotta TR, Spears J, Ota T, Mowla A, Jabbour P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Siegler JE, Nguyen TN, Varela R, Baker A, Altschul D, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Costalat V, Gory B, Stracke CP, Aziz-Sultan MA, Hecker C, Shaikh H, Griessenauer CJ, Liebeskind DS, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Kalsoum E, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Wintermark M, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA Endovascular therapy versus medical management in isolated posterior cerebral artery acute ischemic stroke: A multinational multicenter propensity score-weighted study
Salim HA, Yedavalli V, Musmar B, Adeeb N, Essibayi MA, Naamani KE, Henninger N, Sundararajan SH, Kühn AL, Khalife J, Ghozy S, Scarcia L, Tan BYQ, Pulli B, Heit JJ, Regenhardt RW, Cancelliere NM, Bernstock JD, Rouchaud A, Fiehler J, Sheth S, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Colasurdo M, Barreau X, Renieri L, Filipe JP, Harker P, Radu RA, Marotta TR, Spears J, Ota T, Mowla A, Jabbour P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Siegler JE, Nguyen TN, Varela R, Baker A, Altschul D, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Costalat V, Gory B, Stracke CP, Aziz-Sultan MA, Hecker C, Shaikh H, Liebeskind DS, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Kalsoum E, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA Mechanical Thrombectomy Versus Intravenous Thrombolysis in Distal Medium Vessel Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Multinational Multicenter Propensity Score-Matched Study
Yedavalli V, Salim HA, Musmar B, Adeeb N, El Naamani K, Henninger N, Sundararajan SH, Kühn AL, Khalife J, Ghozy S, Scarcia L, Tan BY, Regenhardt RW, Heit JJ, Cancelliere NM, Bernstock JD, Rouchaud A, Fiehler J, Sheth S, Puri AS, Dyzmann C, Colasurdo M, Barreau X, Renieri L, Filipe JP, Harker P, Radu RA, Abdalkader M, Klein P, Marotta TR, Spears J, Ota T, Mowla A, Jabbour P, Biswas A, Clarençon F, Siegler JE, Nguyen TN, Varela R, Baker A, Essibayi MA, Altschul D, Gonzalez NR, Möhlenbruch MA, Costalat V, Gory B, Stracke CP, Aziz-Sultan MA, Hecker C, Shaikh H, Liebeskind DS, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM, Tancredi I, Faizy TD, Kalsoum E, Lubicz B, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Guenego A, Dmytriw AA Predictive value of follow-up infarct volume on functional outcomes in middle cerebral artery M2 segment vessel occlusion stroke treated with mechanical thrombectomy
Schulze-Zachau V, Brehm A, Ntoulias N, Krug N, Tsogkas I, Blackham KA, Möhlenbruch MA, Jesser J, Cervo A, Kreiser K, Althaus K, Maslias E, Michel P, Saliou G, Riegler C, Nolte CH, Maier I, Jamous A, Rautio R, Ylikotila P, Fargen KM, Wolfe SQ, Castellano D, Boghi A, Kaiser DPO, Cuberi A, Kirschke JS, Schwarting J, Limbucci N, Renieri L, Al Kasab S, Spiotta AM, Fragata I, Rodriquez-Ares T, Maurer CJ, Berlis A, Moreu M, López-Frías A, Pérez-García C, Commodaro C, Pileggi M, Mascitelli J, Giordano F, Casagrande W, Purves CP, Bester M, Flottmann F, Kan PT, Edhayan G, Hofmeister J, Machi P, Kaschner M, Weiss D, Katan M, Fischer U, Psychogios MN Incidence and outcome of perforations during medium vessel occlusion compared with large vessel occlusion thrombectomy
Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Qureshi MM, Uchida K, Siegler JE, Nogueira RG, Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Martinez-Majander N, Nagel S, Demeestere J, Puetz V, Haussen DC, Abdalkader M, Olive-Gadea M, Mohammaden MH, Marto JP, Dusart A, Winzer S, Tomppo L, Caparros F, Henon H, Bellante F, Ramos JN, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Sheth SA, Nannoni S, Kaesmacher J, Vandewalle L, Salazar-Marioni S, Farooqui M, Virtanen P, Ventura R, Zaidi S, Castonguay AC, Puri AS, Farzin B, Masoud HE, Klein P, Jesser J, Requena M, Dobrocky T, Kaiser DPO, Peltola E, Strambo D, Möhlenbruch MA, Lin E, Ringleb PA, Zaidat OO, Cordonnier C, Roy D, Lemmens R, Ribo M, Strbian D, Fischer U, Michel P, Raymond J, Nguyen TN Endovascular Therapy in the Extended Time Window for Large Vessel Occlusion in Patients With Pre-Stroke Disability
Kaiser DPO, Reiff T, Mansmann U, Schoene D, Strambo D, Michel P, Abdalkader M, Nguyen TN, Gawlitza M, Möhlenbruch MA, Ringleb PA, Puetz V, Gerber JC, Nagel S Endovascular Treatment for Acute Isolated Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion : A Propensity Score Matched Multicenter Study
Dmytriw AA, Salim HA, Musmar B, Cancelliere NM, Griessenauer CJ, Regenhardt RW, Jones J, Tutino V, Hasan Z, Limbucci N, Lay SV, Spears J, Rabinov JD, Harrigan MR, Siddiqui AH, Levy EI, Stapleton CJ, Renieri L, Cognard C, Shaikh H, Kühn AL, Möhlenbruch MA, Tjoumakaris SI, Jabbour P, Taussky P, Settecase F, Heran MKS, Nguyen A, Volders D, Harker P, Devia DA, Puri AS, Psychogios M, Puentes JC, Leone G, Buono G, Tarantino M, Muto M, Briganti F, Dalal S, Gontu V, Alcedo Guardia RE, Vicenty-Padilla JC, Brouwer P, Schmidt MH, Schirmer C, Pickett GE, Andersson T, Söderman M, Marotta TR, Cuellar-Saenz H, Thomas AJ, Patel AB, Mendes Pereira V, Adeeb N Comparative Efficacy of Flow Diverter Devices in the Treatment of Carotid Sidewall Intracranial Aneurysms: a Retrospective, Multicenter Study
Spelle L, Costalat V, Caroff J, Wodarg F, Fischer S, Herbreteau D, Möhlenbruch MA, Januel AC, Papagiannaki C, Klisch J, Numminen J, Rautio R, Berlis A, Mihalea C, Chalumeau V, Downer J, Cortese J, Ikka L, Gallas S, Bester M, Liebig T, Velasco S, Grimaldi L, Byrne J, Szikora I, Pierot L, Cognard C CLinical EValuation of WEB 17 device in intracranial aneuRysms (CLEVER): 1-year effectiveness results for ruptured and unruptured aneurysms
Siegler JE, Koneru M, Qureshi MM, Doheim M, Nogueira RG, Martinez-Majander N, Nagel S, Penckofer M, Demeestere J, Puetz V, Ribo M, Abdalkader M, Marto JP, Al-Bayati AR, Yamagami H, Haussen DC, Olive-Gadea M, Winzer S, Mohammaden MH, Lemmens R, Tanaka K, Virtanen P, Dusart A, Bellante F, Kaiser DPO, Caparros F, Henon H, Ramos JN, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Sheth SA, Nannoni S, Vandewalle L, Kaesmacher J, Salazar-Marioni S, Tomppo L, Ventura R, Zaidi SF, Jumaa M, Castonguay AC, Galecio-Castillo M, Puri AS, Mujanovic A, Klein P, Shu L, Farzin B, Moomey H, Masoud HE, Jesser J, Möhlenbruch MA, Ringleb PA, Strbian D, Zaidat OO, Yaghi S, Strambo D, Michel P, Roy D, Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Raymond J, Nguyen TN CLEAR Thrombectomy Score: An Index to Estimate the Probability of Good Functional Outcome With or Without Endovascular Treatment in the Late Window for Anterior Circulation Occlusion
Spelle L, Costalat V, Caroff J, Wodarg F, Fischer S, Herbreteau D, Möhlenbruch MA, Januel AC, Papagiannaki C, Klisch J, Numminen J, Rautio R, Berlis A, Mihalea C, Chalumeau V, Downer J, Cortese J, Ikka L, Gallas S, Bester M, Liebig T, Velasco S, Grimaldi L, Byrne J, Szikora I, Pierot L, Cognard C CLinical EValuation of WEB 17 device in intracranial aneuRysms (CLEVER): procedural, 30-day and 1-year safety results for ruptured and unruptured aneurysms
Saliou G, Deiva K, Möhlenbruch MA, Lubicz B Anticoagulation helps shrink giant venous lakes and arteriovenous fistulas in dural sinus malformation
Chen M, Sauer LD, Herwig M, Jesser J, Kieser M, Potreck A, Möhlenbruch M, Ringleb PA, Schönenberger S Association of intraprocedural near admission-level blood pressure with functional outcome in stroke patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy
Kleeberg A, Ringleb PA, Huber I, Jesser J, Möhlenbruch M, Purrucker JC Hemorrhagic complications after stroke treatment with intravenous thrombolysis despite use of direct oral anticoagulants: an observational study
Moreu M, Gómez-Escalonilla C, Miralbes S, Naravetla B, Spiotta AM, Loehr C, Martínez-Galdámez M, McTaggart RA, Defreyne L, Vega P, Zaidat OO, Price LL, Liebeskind DS, Möhlenbruch MA, Gupta R, Rosati S Placing the balloon-guide catheter in the high cervical segment of the internal carotid artery is associated with improved recanalization
Tos SM, Hajikarimloo B, Osama M, Mantziaris G, Adeeb N, Kandregula S, Salim HA, Musmar B, Ogilvy C, Kondziolka D, Dmytriw AA, El Naamani K, Abdelsalam A, Kumbhare D, Gummadi S, Ataoglu C, Essibayi MA, Erginoglu U, Keles A, Muram S, Sconzo D, Riina H, Rezai A, Pöppe J, Sen RD, Alwakaa O, Griessenauer CJ, Jabbour P, Tjoumakaris SI, Burkhardt JK, Starke RM, Baskaya MK, Sekhar LN, Levitt MR, Altschul DJ, Haranhalli N, McAvoy M, Abushehab A, Aslan A, Swaid C, Abla A, Stapleton C, Koch M, Srinivasan VM, Chen PR, Blackburn S, Cochran J, Choudhri O, Pukenas B, Orbach D, Smith E, Möhlenbruch M, Alaraj A, Aziz-Sultan A, Dlouhy K, El Ahmadieh T, Patel AB, Savardekar A, Cuellar HH, Lawton M, Guthikonda B, Morcos J, Sheehan J A comparative analysis of microsurgical resection versus stereotactic radiosurgery for Spetzler-Martin grade III arteriovenous malformations: A multicenter propensity score matched study
Ntoulias N, Brehm A, Miralbés S, Naravetla B, Spiotta A, Loehr C, Martínez-Galdámez M, McTaggart R, Defreyne L, Vega P, Zaidat OO, Price LL, Liebeskind DS, Möhlenbruch M, Gupta R, Psychogios MN Trevo 3 Mm and/or AXS Catalyst 5 for the Treatment of Medium Distal Vessel Occlusion Stroke-results from the ASSIST Registry
Scarcia L, Clarençon F, Dmytriw AA, Shotar E, Premat K, Jabbour P, Tjoumakaris SI, Gooch R, Psychogios MN, Ntoulias N, Sporns PB, Puri AS, Singh J, Kuhn AL, Hassan AE, Algin O, Möhlenbruch MA, Hohenstatt S, Russo R, Bergui M, Goren O, Kole MJ, Bankole NDA, Bibi R, Boulouis G, Morimoto T, Sakakibara F, Pop R, Juravle C, Ho JW, Ferrario A, Pujol Lereis V, Cooper J, Gandhi CD, Salsano G, Castellan L, Camilli A, Consoli A, Sgreccia A, Raz E, Chung C, Burel J, Papagiannaki C, Rasheed U, Baqir Hassan KM, Hong T, Ji Z, Rautio R, Sinislao M, Ruggiero M, Lafe E, Da Ros V, Bellini L, Gabrieli JD, Cester G, Levitt MR, Carroll KT, Abecassis ZA, Caragliano AA, Vinci SL, Bellanger G, Cognard C, Marnat G, Saleille L, Limbucci N, Capasso F, Piano M, Rollo C, Guedon A, Arpaia F, Romi A, Di Caterino F, Biondi A, Kalsoum E, Mykola V, Guenego A, Patel AB, Pereira VM, Pedicelli A, Alexandre AM Flow-diverting stents for the treatment of unruptured distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms: analysis of the CRETA Registry
Foltyn-Dumitru M, Rastogi A, Cho J, Schell M, Mahmutoglu MA, Kessler T, Sahm F, Wick W, Bendszus M, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P The potential of GPT-4 advanced data analysis for radiomics-based machine learning models
Teuber J, Reinhardt A, Reuss D, Hähnel S, Unterberg A, Beynon C Aggressive pituitary adenoma in the context of Lynch syndrome: a case report and literature review on this rare coincidence
Yıldız Y, Kuseyri Hübschmann O, Akgöz Karaosmanoğlu A, Manti F, Karaca M, Schwartz IVD, Pons R, López-Laso E, Palacios NAJ, Porta F, Kavecan I, Balcı MC, Dy-Hollins ME, Wong SN, Oppebøen M, Medeiros LS, de Paula LCP, García-Cazorla A, Hoffmann GF, Jeltsch K, Leuzzi V, Gökçay G, Hübschmann D, Harting I, Özön ZA, Sivri S, Opladen T Levodopa-refractory hyperprolactinemia and pituitary findings in inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism
Salg GA, Steinle V, Labode J, Wagner W, Studier-Fischer A, Reiser J, Farjallah E, Guettlein M, Albers J, Hilgenfeld T, Giese NA, Stiller W, Nickel F, Loos M, Michalski CW, Kauczor HU, Hackert T, Dullin C, Mayer P, Kenngott HG Multiscale and multimodal imaging for three-dimensional vascular and histomorphological organ structure analysis of the pancreas
Goertz L, Hohenstatt S, Zopfs D, Kottlors J, Pennig L, Schlamann M, Michael AE, Liebig T, A Möhlenbruch M, Kabbasch C Pipeline Vantage Embolization Device for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Ciobanu-Caraus O, Aicher A, Kernbach JM, Regli L, Serra C, Staartjes VE A critical moment in machine learning in medicine: on reproducible and interpretable learning
Nauck S, Pohl M, Jobst BJ, Melzig C, Meredig H, Weinheimer O, Triphan S, von Stackelberg O, Konietzke P, Kauczor HU, Heußel CP, Wielpütz MO, Biederer J Phenotyping of COPD with MRI in comparison to same-day CT in a multi-centre trial
Wilpert C, Wenkel E, Baltzer PAT, Fallenberg EM, Preibsch H, Sauer ST, Siegmann-Luz K, Weigel S, Wunderlich P, Wessling D Vaccine-associated axillary lymphadenopathy with a focus on COVID-19 vaccines
Wessling D, Männlin S, Schwarz R, Hagen F, Brendlin A, Gassenmaier S, Preibsch H Factors Influencing Background Parenchymal Enhancement in Contrast-Enhanced Mammography Images
Olthof SC, Weiland E, Benkert T, Wessling D, Leyhr D, Afat S, Nikolaou K, Preibsch H Optimizing Image Quality with High-Resolution, Deep-Learning-Based Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Breast Cancer Patients at 1.5 T
Aman M, Preisner F, Mayrhofer-Schmid M, Eisa A, Schwarz D, Kneser U, Harhaus L, Boecker AH Inferior long-term Results of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial initially demonstrating enhanced Sensory Nerve Recovery using a Chitosan Nerve Tube
Wucherpfennig L, Becker JKZ, Wuennemann F, Eichinger M, Seitz A, Baumann I, Stahl M, Graeber SY, Zhao S, Chung J, Schenk JP, Alrajab A, Kauczor HU, Mall MA, Sommerburg O, Wielpütz MO Elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor improves chronic rhinosinusitis detected by magnetic resonance imaging in children with cystic fibrosis on long-term therapy with lumacaftor/ivacaftor
Issa M, Kalliri V, Euteneuer S, Krümpelmann A, Seitz A, Sommerburg O, Westhoff JH, Syrbe S, Lenga P, Grutza M, Scherer M, Neumann JO, Baumann I, Unterberg AW, El Damaty A The association of COVID-19 pandemic with the increase of sinogenic and otogenic intracranial infections in children: a 10-year retrospective comparative single-center study
Yılmaz Topçuoğlu MS, Plinkert PK, Seitz A, El Damaty A, Bächli H, Baumann I A Retrospective Single-Center Study in 20 Patients With Midline Nasal Masses: Which Site Has the Highest Risk of Recurrence?
Issa M, Dannehl C, Büsken CJ, Ueding N, Seitz A, Krieg SM, Unterberg AW, El Damaty A Assessment of the efficacy and safety of neuroendoscopic procedures for intracranial pathologies: A single-centre retrospective study with 318 intracranial endoscopic procedures
Lenga P, Scherer M, Peretzke R, Neher P, Jesser J, Unterberg AW, Krieg S, Becker D Q-Ball high-resolution fiber tractography: Optimizing corticospinal tract delineation near gliomas and its role in the prediction of postoperative motor deficits- A proof of concept study
Lenga P, Scherer M, Peretzke R, Neher P, Jesser J, Beisse C, Unterberg AW, Daniela B Correlation of visual field deficits and q-ball high-resolution fiber tractography of the optic radiation for adjacently located intracerebral lesions: preliminary results from a single-center prospective study
Grutza M, Lenga P, Issa M, Seitz A, Sahm F, Milde T, Unterberg AW, Krieg SM, El Damaty A Pediatric skull base tumors: Clinical features and surgical outcomes; a single center retrospective study with a review of literature
Hohenstatt S, Vollherbst DF, Nguyen TN, Miao Z, Ton MD, Yamagami H, Dmytriw AA, Maliandi G, Bendszus M, Jesser J, Möhlenbruch MA The SAFEST Study: Survey on Antiplatelets in Flow Diversion for Aneurysm Endovascular Treatment
Ma J, Li F, Kim S, Asakereh R, Le BH, Nguyen-Vu DK, Pfefferle A, Wie M, Gao R, Lyu D, Yang S, Purucker L, Marinov Z, Staring M, Lu H, Dao TT, Ye X, Li Z, Brugnara G, Vollmuth P, Foltyn-Dumitru M, Cho J, Mahmutoglu MA, Bendszus M, Pflüger I, Rastogi A, Ni D, Yang X, Zhou GQ, Wang K, Heller N, Papanikolopoulos N, Weight C, Tong Y, Udupa JK, Patrick CJ, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Contijoch F, McVeigh E, Ye X, He S, Haase R, Pinetz T, Radbruch A, Krause I, Kobler E, He J, Tang Y, Yang H, Huo Y, Luo G, Kushibar K, Amankulov J, Toleshbayev D, Mukhamejan A, Egger J, Pepe A, Gsaxner C, Luijten G, Fujita S, Kikuchi T, Wiestler B, Kirschke JS, de la Rosa E, Bolelli F, Lumetti L, Grana C, Xie K, Wu G, Puladi B, Martin-Isla C, Lekadir K, Campello VM, Shao W, Brisbane W, Jiang H, Wie H, Yuan W, Li S, Zhou Y, Wang B Efficient MedSAMs: Segment Anything in Medical Images on Laptop
Aman M, Preisner F, Mayrhofer-Schmid M, Eisa A, Schwarz D, Kneser U, Harhaus L, Boecker AH Inferior Long-Term Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Initially Demonstrating Enhanced Sensory Nerve Recovery Using a Chitosan Nerve Tube