Kliniken &… Institute Infektiologie Medizinische… Diagnostik / Forschung… Forschung Institutsseminar


Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Infektionsimmunologie
Donnerstags 15 Uhr 
Im Neuenheimer Feld 324, Raum 109/110 (Besprechungsraum)
Dr. Elisabeth Seebach (Tel: +49 6221 56-34585)
Dr. Lan-Sun Chen (Tel: +49 6221 56-34783)

Thursdays 15:00 in the library 1.OG Room 109/110

03.10.2024 Holiday
10.10.2024Dr. Patrick Schaal (AG Cheaib)From Salmon Intestines to Human Lungs: Exploring Microbiome Dynamics Across Ecosystems.
17.10.2024Prof. Dr. Stefan JordanNutritional Microbiology and Immunology.
24.10.2024Dr. Miriam Cordovana, Bologna (Zimmermann)tba
31.10.2024 Holiday
07.11.2024PD Dr. Sabrina Klein„Long-term suppressive therapy with dalbavancin in ventricular-assist device related infections caused by S. aureus”
14.11.2024Timo Jenne (AG Bukau, ZMBH)Activity control of the central ClpC/ClpP protease and its toxic deregulation by small molecules in Staphylococcus aureus.
21.11.2024Richa Mishra (AG Thacker)Cording in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: consequences for antibiotic therapy.
28.11.2024 Major course
05.12.2024Ivaneia Nunez (AG Dalpke)Bacterial RNA sensing by TLR8 requires RNase 6 processing and is inhibited by RNA 2'O-methylation.
12.12.2024Yue Gao (AG Kubatzky)The effect of metabolic reprograming on osteoclastogenesis.
 Winter Holiday 
16.01.2025Luisa Breitenbach (AG Dalpke)Interaction of keratinocyte-derived RNase 7 and monocytes in human skin immunity.
23.01.2025Prof. Dr. Philipp Weller 
(AG Kurz)
Untargeted benchtop volatilomics of microbial fermentation processes and cell cultures at trace levels - why the gas phase is so much more than just hot air.
30.01.2025Richa Mishra (AG Thacker)Cording in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: consequences for antibiotic therapy.
06.02.2025Dr. Andrew Tony-Odigie (Medical Scientist Program)Let the pathogen down: towards rebiosis of CF sputum.
13.02.2025Xuelei Zhang and Jayalakshmi Srinivasan (AG Cheaib)Microbial Taxa-Function Dynamics and Their Impact on Lung Development and Homeostasis in Health and Disease. (Xie)
Deciphering the metabolic languages of microbial pathogens at the interface of cross-feeding and quorum sensing within the lung microbiota under cystic fibrosis conditions. (Srinivasan)
20.02.2025 no seminar (DZL local retreat)
27.02.2025Dr. Lan-Sun Chen (AG Dalpke)tba
06.03.2025Prof. Dr. Steffen Stenger, Ulm (Thacker)TB or not TB: Antimicrobial mechanisms in human tuberculosis.
13.03.2025Dr. My-Lan Pianka (Clinical Scientist Leave)Impact of Fusobacterium nucleatum on inflammatory carcinogenesis in colorectal cancer.
20.03.2025Paulina Schad (AG Dalpke)tba
27.03.2025Dr. Bachar Cheaibtba
 Summer Semester 2025 
03.04.2025Dr. Dr. Michaela Herztba
10.04.2025Dr. Elisabeth SeebachRole of nucleases and cGAS/STING pathway in SA biofilm infections.
17.04.2025 Easter holidays
24.04.2025 Easter holidays

 Thursdays 15:00 in the library 1.OG Room 109/110

15.04.2024Prof. Yasu Morita, UMass Amherst (Thacker)Mycobacterial cell envelope biosynthesis and stress response: roles of inner membrane domain and phosphatidylinositol-anchored glycans.
25.04.2024Prof. Dominik Niopek, HD (Seebach)Engineering Precision Control of Protein Effectors for CRISPR Genome Editing and Beyond.
 Summer Semester 2024 
02.05.2024Luisa Breitenbach (AG Dalpke)Interaction of keratinocyte-derived RNase 7 and monocytes in human skin immunity.
09.05.2024 Christi Himmelfahrt
16.05.2024Dr. Bachar Cheaib (DZL group leader)Influence of endotracheal intubation methods on the respiratory microbiome in mechanically ventilated patients.
23.05.2024Dr. Waldemar Kanczkowski, Dresden (Chen)The role of innate immunity in adrenal dysregulation during systemic inflammation and sepsis.
30.05.2024 Fronleichnam
06.06.2024 no seminar
13.06.2024 no seminar
20.06.2024Christian WalterAutomation in microbiology diagnostics: 
Evaluation of machine-assisted interpretation of Gram stains from positive blood cultures.
27.06.2024Dr. Katharina Höfer, Marburg (Kubatzky)The best of two worlds: RNAylation covalently links RNA to proteins
04.07.2024 no seminar
11.07.2024Carlos PerezMD Thesis: Role of cGAS in anti-biofilm immune response.
18.07.2024 no seminar
 Summer time break 

 Thursdays 15:00 in the library 1.OG Room 109/110

05.10.2023Dr. My-Lan Kha (Physician Scientist Program)Impact of Fusobacterium nucleatum and Parvimonas micra on inflammatory carcinogenesis in colorectal cancer.
12.10.2023 no seminar
19.10.2023Paulina Schad (AG Dalpke)Characterization of the role of RNase7 to RNA sensing response in human keratinocyte cell line.
26.10.2023Dr. Lan-Sun Chen (AG Dalpke)Bacteria-derived nucleic acids promote innate memory in macrophages by endosomal TLR stimulation.
02.11.2023Dr. Vivek Thacker (Junior group leader)Microphysiological models for infectious diseases.
09.11.2023Sarah Zimmer (Chirurgie HD, Kha)Signaling cascades in the development and therapy of gastric cancer.
16.11.2023Prof. Alex Weber, Tübingen (Dalpke)TLR-inflammasome-mediated release of naRNA-LL37 composite DAMPs re-defines sterile NETs as intentional but self-limiting drivers of inflammation.
23.11.2023 no seminar
30.11.2023 no seminar
07.12.2023Yue Gao (AG Kubatzky)Acod-1 immune metabolism in osteoclast formation.
14.12.2023 no seminar
 Winter and Christmas break 
18.01.2024 restart seminar - new list
25.01.2024 postponed
01.02.2024Dr. Stefan Weber (DZIF project)Patient outcome in clinical TB.
08.02.2024Prof. Katharina KubatzkyIntroduction on the “My Green Lab” certification program.
15.02.2024 Faschingsferien
22.02.2024Dr. Andrew Tony-Odigie (Medical Scientist Program)Commensal bacteria and their metabolites in the cystic fibrosis milieu.
29.02.2024Prof. Thomas Miethke, Mannheim (Dalpke)Function and regulation of expression of the immune modulator TIR-containing protein C.
07.03.2024 no seminar
14.03.2024Ivanéia Nunez (AG Dalpke)Deciphering the function of ribonuclease 6 on the processing of bacterial RNA for TLR8 activation.
21.03.2024Dr. Elisabeth SeebachRole of the cGAS/STING pathway and Type 1 IFNs during biofilm formation.
 Easter Holidays 
15.04.2024Prof. Yasu Morita, UMass Amherst (Thacker)Mycobacterial cell envelope biosynthesis and stress response: roles of inner membrane domain and phosphatidylinositol-anchored glycans.
25.04.2024Prof. Dominik Niopek, HD (Seebach)Engineering Precision Control of Protein Effectors for CRISPR Genome Editing and Beyond.


 Donnerstags, 15:00 Uhr, Gebäude 324, 1.OG, Zimmer 109/110

Datum Dozent Inhalt
20.04.2023 Dr. Bachar Cheaib (DZL) Tales or real worlds? Three examples from Environmental, Animal and human microbiomes
27.04.2023 Andrew Tony-Odigie (AG Dalpke) Influence of the airway microbiome on immune responses and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in Cystic Fibrosis.
04.05.2023 Luisa Breitenbach (AG Dalpke) The role of RNase 6 in RNA processing upstream of TLR8 activation.
11.05.2023   no seminar
18.05.2023   Christi Himmelfahrt
25.05.2023 Julia Körholz (Dresden) One Gene many facets: SOCS1- haploinsufficiency and its relation to autoinflammation, autoimmunity and immunodeficiency?
01.06.2023   Pfingstferien
08.06.2023   Fronleichnam
15.06.2023 Prof. Katharina Kubatzky (Heidelberg) Cellular ROS tolerance determines the effect of plumbagin on osteoclast formation – final project talk.
22.06.2023 Dr. Jochen Kurz (Hygiene) Estimation of the disinfecting and mineralizing properties of photocatalytically active titanium dioxide.
29.07.2023 Dr. Lan-Sun Chen (AG Dalpke) Bacteria-derived nucleic acids promote innate memory in macrophages by endosomal TLR stimulation.
06.07.2023 Giulia Pander, AG Uhl, Heidelberg (Kubatzky) Innovative nanobody formulations.
13.07.2023 Dr. Christian Walter (Diagnostik) tba
20.07.2023 Prof. Till Strowig, Braunschweig (Dalpke) Exploring the microbiome to displace multi-drug resistant Enterobacteria from the gut.
27.07.2023 Dr. Niklas Weidner (Diagnostik) Applications of NGS in Clinical Microbiology.

Summer break in August

07.09.2023 PD Dr. Christian Keller, Marburg (Dalpke) On vita-PAMPs and beyond: Sensing viability of the intracellular bacterium Orientia tsutsugamushi.
14.09.2023   no seminar
21.09.2023 Dayoung Yu (AG Kubatzky) Osteoclast metabolism: Gaq-mediated metabolic reprogramming and protein succinylation.
28.09.2023   no seminar, DGFI Meeting

 Donnerstags, 15:00 Uhr, Gebäude 324, 1.OG, Zimmer 109/110

Datum Dozent Inhalt
13.10.2022 Dr. Elisabeth Seebach (AG Kubatzky) Interaction of bone marrow cells and macrophages in biofilm infections.
19.10.2022 ONLINE Junior Group Selection meeting
27.10.2022   Vienna conference
10.11.2022 Calum Bridson (AG Boutin) Oral microbiome and periodontitis.
17.11.2022 Prof. Christoph Stein-Thoeringer, Tübingen (Kha) Translational microbiome research: The role of the gut microbiome in CAR-T cell immunotherapy as an example of clinically relevant microbiome sciences.
24.11.2022 Eva Körner (AG Dalpke) Influence of antibiotics on the immune response.
01.12.2022 Dr. Lan-Sun Chen (AG Dalpke) Bacterial nucleic acids and innate memory in macrophage.
08.12.2022 Sevinj Sultanli (AG Kubatzky) Plumbagin and its effects on macrophage osteoclastogenesis.
15.12.2022   cancelled
12.01.2023 Dr. Sabrina Klein (Diagnostik) Gardnerella vaginalis in urine cultures of kidney transplant recipients.
19.01.2023   cancelled
26.01.2023 Ivaneia Nunes (AG Dalpke) Ribonuclease 6 and RNA-dependent TLR stimulation.
02.02.2023 Dr. Christina Mertens, AG Muckenthaler, HD Role of iron during heart failure.
09.02.2023 Prof. Christian Gille, Heidelberg (Dalpke) Cellular basis of infection suscebility in neonates.
16.02.2023 Dayoung Yu (AG Kubatzky) Succinate in osteoclast formation.
23.02.2023 Dr. Vanessa Eichel Creating a Smart Infection Control System – Use Case Infection Control of the “HiGHmed”- Project.
02.03.2023 Yue Gao (AG Kubatzky) Immune metabolism in osteoclast formation.
09.03.2023   no seminar
16.03.2023 My-Lan Kha (AG Dalpke) Impact of Fusobacterium nucleatum and Parvimonas micra on inflammatory carcinogenesis in colorectal cancer.
23.03.2023 Dr. Ilia Platzman, MPI Stuttgart (Kubatzky) Droplet-based microfluidics for immunological and antibacterial medical applications.
30.03.2023 Dr. Kaan Kocer (Diagnostik) Genomic Modification of TonB and Emergence of Small-Colony Phenotype in Escherichia coli following Cefiderocol Exposure In Vitro.


20.04.2023 Dr. Bachar Cheaib (DZL) Tales or real worlds? Three examples from Environmental, Animal and human microbiomes.
27.04.2023 Andrew Tony-Odigie (AG Dalpke) Influence of the airway microbiome on immune responses and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in Cystic Fibrosis.