CIID Seminar Series
Heidelberg Virology Seminar
Supported by the Chica and Heinz Schaller Foundation Heidelberg
and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1129
Tuesdays at 5.15 p.m., SR003/004, CIID
1st week of the month: Guest speaker hosted by Parasitology
2nd week of the month: Internal CIID seminar
3rd week of the month: Guest speaker hosted by Molecular Virology
4th week of the month: Guest speaker hosted by Virology
Next Seminars
Next seminars:
March 25, 2025: Linda Brunotte, Münster University: Immunology and evolution of highly pathogenic H5Nx viruses
April 1, 2025: Gabriele Pradel, Aachen: What makes a man a man: Polygenic sex determination in malaria parasites
April 8, 2025: internal CIID Seminar, Markus Ganter & Viet-Loan Dao-Thi
- March 18, 2025: Caroline Goujon, Montpellier: Intrinsic and innate immune defenses against RNA viruses
- March 3, 2025: Steeve Boulant, University of Florida – Impact of the intestinal hypoxic environment on host / enteric pathogen interactions: a viral and eukaryotic parasite perspective
- February 25, 2025: Kay Grünewald, CSSB Hamburg: Conformational flexibility and molecular plasticity in herpesvirus entry and egress
- February 18, 2025: Thomas Baumert, Strasbourg: Claudin-1: from HCV entry to discovery of novel therapeutics for fibrosis and cancer
- January 28, 2025: Linos Vandekerckhove, Ghent University: Challenges to link the viral reservoir to rebounding (HIV) virus upon treatment interruption
- December 17, 2024: Anja Ehrhardt, Witten/Herdecke – Novel engineering platforms to improve efficacy and safety of adenoviral vectors in therapeutic applications
- November 26, 2024: Jens Bosse, Hannover / CSSB Hamburg: From in silico to in cellulo: illuminating viral morphogenesis
- November 5, 2024: Ron Dzikowsk, Hebrew University, Jerusalem – Surprises on the long path to understand Immune evasion by malaria parasites
- October 22, 2024: Franziska Blaeschke, KiTZ: Pooled CRISPR Knockin Screens: Reprogramming Therapeutic T Cells
- October 15, 2024: Stéphane Bressanelli, I2BC – Structural virology in the age of accurate protein structure predictions: Tough cases from membrane remodeling proteins of hepatitis E and human noroviruses
- June 27, 2024: Marlene Dreux, Lyon: Antiviral response by Plasmacytoid dendritic cells against virally-infected cells
- June 18, 2024,15.30-18.00: Tilman Friedland, BioNTech: mRNA vaccines: development - status - beyond
- June 18, 2024: Ivan Nikolay Zheludev, Stanford University: Viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes
- June 17, 2024: John Schoggins, Dallas: Interferon-mediated antiviral strategies in humans, bats, and beyond
- May 28, 2024: Beatriz Escudero, BNI Hamburg: From the bench to the field: the study of emerging zoonotic viruses
- May 21, 2024: Ben Hale, Zürich: Type I Interferon Autoantibodies and Severe Viral Disease
- May 7, 2024: Philipp Olias, Gießen: The reprogramming and exploitation of host cells by transforming Theileria parasites
- April 16, 2024: Norbert Tautz, Lübeck: Temporal regulation of polyprotein function in pestiviruses - how to switch between RNA replication and virion morphogenesis
- April 23, 2024: Elena Jimenez Ruiz, Munich: Conoid Methylation: A Key Player in Motility Initiation in Toxoplasma gondii
- March 26, 2024: Brad Jones, New York: Engaging cellular immunity to cure HIV
- March 19, 2024: Karim Majzoub, Montpellier: Deltavirus infection in human and animal hosts
- March 5, 2024: Christoph Grevelding, Gießen – Schistosome sex matters: peeking through the RNAseq keyhole on the dangerous love affair of a unique blood fluke
- February 27, 2024: Andreas Schlitzer, Bonn: Spatial-temporal regulation of mononuclear phagocyte function during health and disease
- February 20: Meike Dittmann, New York: From Innate Responses to Transmission Dynamics: Insights into Respiratory Virus Defense and Viral Antagonism
- February 6: Benjamin Mordmüller, Nijmegen: vaccines with impact
- January 30, 2024: Florian Klein, Cologne: Exploring humoral immunity to prevent and treat infectious diseases
- January 23, 2024: Joey Verdi, Heidelberg: Using the unique antibody response to trypanosome parasites to… prevent opioid overdose?
- January 16, 2024: Thomas Pietschmann, Hannover: “Transcriptional dynamics of primary human lung cells acutely infected by respiratory syncytial virus”
November 27, 2023: Matthias Lichterfeld, Boston: ‘Immune selection of HIV-1 reservoir cells'
November 28, 2023: Dominik Niopek, Heidelberg: ‘Engineering Precision Control of CRISPR Effectors’
November 7, 2023: Photini Sinnis, Baltimore: "When is an Infected Mosquito an Infectious Mosquito?"
October 31, 2023: Gran Logan, Sydney, on ‘Obstacles and potential benefits of antibodies to AAV capsids - the Sydney experience stemming from SMA gene therapy’
October 24, 2023: Mathias Munschauer, Würzburg, on ‚An RNA-centric perspective on respiratory RNA viruses‘
October 10, 2023: Hanna Lotter, Bernhard-Nocht-Institute Hamburg, on ‘Myeloid cells and sex difference in parasitic diseases’June 27, 2023: Thomas Otto, Glasgow: Exploring host-pathogen interaction with single cell transcriptomics - What are we missing?
June 20, 2023: Eike Steinmann, Ruhr-University Bochum: ‘Molecular Mechanisms of Hepatitis E Virus Replication’
June 6, 2023: Gary Ward, University of Vermont: ‘A multiscale approach to understanding the motility of Toxoplasma tachyzoites’
May 30, 2023: Mohsan Saeed, NEIDL/Boston University: ‘Defining viral and host factors of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis’
May 16, 2023: Nihal Altan-Bonnet, NIH: ‚What Viruses do to Infect YOU!‘
May 9, 2023: Internal CIID seminar: Markus Ganter & Marco Binder
May 2, 2023: Michael Elbaum, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, on ‚New methods of electron cryo-tomography and their application to the Plasmodium asexual cell cycle‘
April 25, 2023: Nicolas Chaumont, Montreal: ‘Characterization of HIV reservoirs’
April 18, 2023: Christine Goffinet, Berlin: Interferon, drugs and viral antagonism: A complex triad in SARS-CoV-2 therapy and HIV-1 cure
April 4, 2023: Florence Margottin-Gouget, Paris: ‘Molecular conflict between HUSH and divergent lentiviral proteins of the Vpr/Vpx family’
March 28, 2023: Simone Reber, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology: ‘Microtubule dynamics: functional adaptation to temperature’
March 21, 2023: Heinrich Hoffmann, Rockefeller University New York: A tale of betrayal: TMEM41B's role in flavivirus and coronavirus replication
March 14, 2023: CIID Seminar: Alessia Ruggieri & Vibor Laketa
February 28, 2023: Axel Roers, Heidelberg: ‘Immune mis-regulation resulting from aberrant chronic activation of cell-intrinsic anti-viral immunity’
February 21, 2023: Eric Westhof, Strasbourg: ‘The 5'UTR RNA in coronaviruses and initiation of translation’
February 14, 2023: Marina Lusic, Heidelberg: ‘HIV-1 integration and latency in microglia, brain reservoir cells’
February 7, 2023: Nicolai Siegel, LMU Munich: ‘The benefit of being different: understanding cell-to-cell heterogeneity in pathogens’
January 31, 2023: Ulrike Lange, Hamburg: Crosstalk between proviral and human DNA in chronic HIV-1 infection
January 17, 2023: Martin Beer, Greifswald: Panzootic highly pathogenic avian influenza - what has changed?
- January 18: Wolfgang Schamel, Freiburg: Blocking the virus-induced translation shutdown in CoV-infected cells
- January 25: 2022: Joachim Rocklöv, Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg: Infectious Disease and Climate Change
- February 15, 2022: Barbara Rehermann, NIH: Immunology of chronic hepatitis B and D: beyond virus specific T cells
- February 22, 2022: Chase Beisel, HIRI Würzburg: From CRISPR biology to versatile technologies
- March 15, 2022: Björn Mexer, Magdeburg: Defective viral particles: what we have learned from RNAs and proteins – a work in progress’
- March 26, 2022: Oliver T. Keppler, LMU Munich: CD32 drives autoantibody-enhanced trogocytosis to facilitate HIV-1 infection of resting CD4 T cells
- May 17, 2022: Michael Diamond, St. Louis: ‘Innate and adaptive immune protection against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants’
- June 7, 2022: Tal Amon, Oxford: ‘Spatiotemporal regulation of adaptive immune responses’
- June 21,2022: Justin Bailey, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: ‘Convergent evolution of human bNAb lineages associated with control of HCV infection’
- September 20: Lars-Anders Carlsson, Umea. ‘In situ structural studies of the different replication strategies used by enteroviruses and alphaviruses’
- October 18: Pietro Scaturro, Hamburg: Orthogonal proteomics to unlock (Re-)Emerging viruses
- October 25: Jonathan Carn, Cleveland: ‘Control of HIV latency and reactivation in T-cells and microglia cells: Two sides of the same coin
- November 15: Georg Wolff, EMBL Heidelberg: Cellular cryo-tomography of nidovirus replication organelles
- November 29: Stephen Goff, Columbia University New York: Silencing of Retroviral DNA Expression Before and After Integration.
- 26.01.2021
Mamuka Kvaratskhelia, University of Colorado, Denver
"HIV-1 capsid: why flexibility is important" - 02.02.2021
Jude Przyborski, Gießen
"What a knob: Co-chaperone involvement in host cell modification by malaria parasites" - 23.02.2021
Brinda Emu, Yale University, New Haven
"HIV and cancer" - 23.03.2021
Frauke Mücksch, Rockefeller University, New York
"Human antibody responses against Sars-CoV-2" - 30.03.2021
Florian Krammer, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
"Antibody responses to Sars-CoV-2 infection and vaccination" - 01.04.2021
John Schoggins,
"Host-based antiviral mechanisms targeting coronaviruses and flaviviruses" - 20.04.2021
Volker Thiel, Bern
"Sars-CoV-2: from genome to function" - 27.04.2021
Xu Tan, Bejing
"Proteomics and functional genomics of virus-host interaction" - 06.-07.05.2021:
- International symposium of SFB1129
- 18.05.2021
Paul Ahlquist, Madison
"Mechanistic insights from structure-function studies of positive-strand RNA virus replication complexes" - 27.05.2021
Erwin Fodor, Oxford
"The multifunctional RNA polymerase of influenza virus" - 15.06.2021
Jean-Laurent Casanova, New York
"Genetic and immunological causes of life-threatening COVID-19" - 28.06.2021
Morgan Huse, New York
"Mechanoregulation of lymphocyte cytotoxicity" - 29.06.2021
David Jacques, Sydney "Navigating the Nups: how HIV mediates its own nuclear entry" - September 21, 2021 Konstantin Sparrer, Ulm: "Sars-CoV-2 versus innate immunity
- September 28, 2021 Seema Lakdawala, Pittsburgh: "Visualizing Influenza virus assembly"
- October 19, 2021 Akiko Iwasaki, Yale University: "Immune reactions to Sars-CoV-2"
- October 26, 2021 Peter Mullen, USC: "Metabolic sensing in viral infections"
- November 30, 2021 Stefanie Karst, University of Florida: "Host and microbial regulation of Norovirus pathogenesis"
- 15.12.2020
Thomas Decker, Wien
"A new look at interferon signalling" - 01.12.2020
Matthias Garten, Bethesda
"Transport at the Malaria-red blood cell interface" - 29.09.2020
Stephanie Pfänder, Bochum
"Coronavirus immune control and stability" - 25.02.2020
Jason Mercer, Birmingham UK
"28h later: Pox viruses manipulate cell motility to promote viral spread" - 18.02.2020
Thomas Pietschmann, Hannover
"Heterogeneity and plasticity: keys for HCV vaccine research" - 29.01.2020
Maria Joao Amorin, Oeiras
"Dialogue between membrane-bound and liquid organelles during Influenza A virus infection" - 21.01.2020
Marco Vignuzzi, Paris
"Experimental and comutational approaches to predict or alter virus evolution and population dynamics"
- 10.12.2019 – CIID Seminar
Viet Loan Dao Thi, Virology Heidelberg
"Hepatitis E Virus: enveloped or non-enveloped, which is more appealing?" - 10.12.2019
Daniel Sauter, Ulm
"Inhibition of viral glycoprotein processing by guanylate binding proteins 2 and 5" - 26.11.2019
Musa Mhlanga, Cape Town
"The epigenetics of innate immune memory" - 19.11.2019 – CIID Seminar
Barbara Müller, Virology Heidelberg
"The Ins and Outs of HIV-1" - 13.09.2019
Jan Carette, Stanford
"Genetic dissection of host factors essential for viral pathogens" - 28.05.2019
Anette Oxenius, ETH Zürich
"Regulation of adaptive immunity in face of chronic viral infection" - 23.04 2019
Lars Dölken, Würzburg
"scSLAM-seq and GRAND-SLAM reveal core features of the intrinsic immune response in single virus infected cells" - 02.04.2019
Nathalie Grandvaux, Montreal
"Role of redox metabolism in the regulation of the antiviral response" - 26.03.2019
Peter Cherepanov, London
"No loose ends, or how retroviruses integrate" - 26.02.2019
Matthias Fischer, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research Heidelberg
"Genomic approaches for unraveling host-virophage coevolution in protozoa" - 19.02.2019
Thomas Hönen, Greifswald
"Studying the molecular biology of filoviruses with reverse genetics" - 29.01.2019
Jeroen Kortekaas, Wageningen
"Rift Valley Fever"
- 18.09.2018
Hisashi Akiyama, Boston
"Innate immune activation in HIV infection" - 03.07.2018
John Doorbar, Cambridge - 29.05.2018
Vincent Parissi, Bordeaux - 24.04.2018
Harald Wodrich, Bordeaux
"In vivo labeling of adenovirus DNA identifies Chromatin anchoring and biphasic Genome replication" - 26.03.2018
Jan Münch, Ulm
"Exploiting the human peptidome for novel antiviral and anticancer agents" - 13.03.2018
Bryan Cullen, Duke University
"Viral epitranscriptomics" - 06.02.2018
Florian Greten
"Inflammatory signalling in early and late stages of tumorigenesis" - 30.01.2018
Kashif Sadiq, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
"Modelling Protease-triggered activation of HIV-1"
- 07.11.2017
Denise Galloway
"Preventive and therapeutic approaches for DNA Tumor viruses" - 17.10.2017
Peter Sarnow
"Role of miRNA122 and circular RNA in the HCV life cycle" - 10.10.2017
Dahai Luo
"Biogenesis and detection of flaviviral RNA" - 09.10.2017
Eric O. Freed, Frederick
"HIV-1 assembly and maturation" - 19.09.2017
Eelco van Anken
"ER stress and homeostasis" - 05.09.2017
Nicolas Locker
"Unraveling the multifacted regulation of mRNA life by norovirus" - 18.07.2017
Stefan Wieland - 20.06.2017
Alexander Ploss
"New insights into the biology of HEV and HDV host tropism" - 25.04.2017
Andrew Griffiths, Paris
"High-throughput single cell Analysis" - 20.04.2017
Roberto Cattaneo
"Insights into measles virus biology" - 18.04.2017
Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, New York
"Influenza virus host interactions" - 11.04.2017
Melanie Ott, San Francisco
"Epigenetic control of HIV latency" - 14.03.2017
Antonio Bertoletti
"Engineering T-cells for the therapy of chronic HBV infection" - 28.02.2017
Yves Gaudin, Gif-sur-Yvette
"Rabies virus replication factories are membrane-less organelles"
- 12.12.2016
Peter Nagy, Lexington
"Assembly of tombovirus replicase" - 06.12.2016
Luka Cicin-Sain, Braunschweig
"Strategies for optimizing anti-tumoral CMV based vectors". - 02.12.2016
Petr Chlanda, Bethesda
"Influenza Virus hemagglutinin: to fuse or to break trying" - 08.11.2016
Alexander Hoffmann, Los Angeles
"Dynamics and noise of NFkappaB signalling" - 25.10.2016
Melanie Brinkmann, Braunschweig
"Evasion of type I IFN Response by CMV" - 18.10.2016
Terry Dermody, Pittsburgh
"A neural targeting receptor for reovirus" - 11.10.2016
Hal Drakesmith, Oxford
"The role of iron and hepcidin in global health and antiviral immunity" - 04.10.2016
Michael Weekes, Cambridge
"Insights into CMV immune evasion from quantitative multiplexed proteomics" - 27.09.2016
Gunnar Schotta, Munich
"Chromatin based restriction of endogenous retroviruses" - 15.09.2016
Wesley Sundquist, Salt Lake City
"Mechanistic studies of the ESCRT pathway" - 06.09.2016
Adam Grundhoff, Hamburg - 29.07.2016
Tim Lämmermann, Freiburg
"Innate immune cell Dynamics at sites of inflammation and infection" - 12.07.2016
John Ziehbuhr
"Nidovirales: special enzymes for very special viruses" - 05.07.2016
Julie Pfeiffer
"How gut microbes enhance virus infectivity" - 29.06.2016
Charles M. Rice
"HCV and beyond" - 21.06.2016
Christian Drosten, Bonn
"Coronavirus evolution" - 31.05.2016
Hendrik Streeck, Essen
"T follicular helper cells in chronic HIV-1 infection" - 19.04.2016
Martin Schwemmle
"Reverse genetics of bat influenza viruses" - 22.03.2016
Musa Mhlanga, Pretoria
"A tale of two lncRNAs in infection and immunity" - 15.03.2016
Ian Goodfellow, Cambridge
"Control of innate immune response in Norovirus infection" - 24.02.2016
Eric O. Freed, Frederick
"HIV-1 assembly and maturation" - 26.01.2016
Torsten Schaller, Heidelberg
"TypeI IFN induced post-entry blocks to HIV-1"
- 15.12.2015
Stephan Becker, Marburg
"Replication and Assembly of filoviruses" - 17.11.2015
Jens Bukh
"Adaptation and neutralization studies of HCV" - 27.10.2015
Walther Mothes, Yale University
"Visualizing individual steps in the retroviral life cycle in living animals and at the single molecule Level" - 29.9.2015
Massimo Pizzato, Trento
"SERINC5, a transmembrane Inhibitor ofg retroviral replication" - 26.05.2015
Anna Cereseto, Trento
"3D analysis of retrovirus nuclear interactions" - 12.05.2015
Friedemann Weber
"Induction and Suppression of IFN Response by RNA viruses" - 14.04.2015
Misha Kozlov, Tel Aviv
"A model for ER morphologies" - 07.04.2015
Robert Garcea, Boulder
"Virus assembly factories in polyoma virus infected cells" - 27.01.2015
Greg Towers, London
"HIV versus intracellular innate immunity" - 13.01.2015
Alexander Khromykh, Brisbane
"Viral factors determining the outcome of West Nile Virus infection"
- 16.12.2014
Christiane Wobus, Ann Arbor
"What murine norovirus teaches us about norovirus biology" - 25.10.2014
Stuart Neil, London
"The Ys and wherefores of tetherin's action and HIV-1 counteraction" - 07.10.2014
Gerald Hammond
"The complex role of inositol lipids in cell biology" - 30.09.2014
Kay Grünewald, Oxford - 23.09.2014
Andrew Mouland
"HIV-1 induced disassembly of stress granules" - 22.07.2014
Baek Kim, Atlanta
"Restricting HIV-1 reverse transcription kinetics by SAMHD1" - 15.07.2014
Mario Schelhaas
"Human papillomavirus entry into host cells" - 29.04.2014
Leo James, Cambridge - 25.03.2014
Marina Lusic, Trieste
"Regulation of HIV-1 integration site selection through chromatin structure" - 14.01.2014
Paul Walther, Ulm
"3D imaging of high-pressure frozen cells with SEM"
- 19.11.2013
Stanley Lemon
"Membrane hijacking and the pathogenesis of Hepatitis A" - 12.11.2013
Ulf Dittmer, Essen
"The role of Tregs in retroviral infections" - 15.10.2013
Michael Diamond
"Immune evasion and host control of alphavirus and flavivirus infection" - 16.07.2013
Ali Amara, Paris
"Dengue viruses expolit TIM and TAM for virus entry" - 02.07.2013
Itay Rousso, Beer Sheva
"Physical properties of retroviruses" - 11.06.2013
Thomas Peters, Lübeck
"Insights into virus infections from NMR" - 28.05.2013
Matthias Hornef, Hannover
"The intestinal epithelium in host-microbial interaction" - 30.04.2013
Renate König, Langen
"Restriction of HIV-1 replication in myeloid cells" - 16.04.2013
Ari Helenius, Zürich
"Five pathways of virus entry"
- 11.12.2012
Bryan Cullen, Duke University
"Viruses and miRNAs" - 04.12.2012
John Schoggins, Dallas
"Antiviral IFN effectors" - 20.11.2012
Javier Martinez-Picado, Barcelona
"Rapid HIV-1 disease progression" - 13.11.2012
Roberto Cattaneo, Mayo Clinic
"New receptors for old viruses" - 06.11.2012
Jan Rehwinkel
"How RIG-I and SAMHD1 protect against viruses" - 30.10.2012
Roberto Speck, Zürich
"Humanized Mice for studying HIV" - 23.10.2012
Chae-Ok Jun
"Smart nanoconjugate platforms for administration of adenoviruses" - 17.07.2012
Eva Harris, Berkeley
"Natural and therapeutic antibodies and B-cell response against Dengue virus" - 26.06.2012
Steeve Boulant, Virology Heidelberg
"From virus entry to innate immune sensing" - 17.04.2012
Andrew Bowie
"Activation and evasion of host pattern recognition receptor signalling by viruses" - 10.04.2012
Michael Hoelscher, Munich
"From bedside to bench: how clinical studies can inspire basic research" - 28.02.2012
Nicolas Manel, Paris
"Innate sensing of HIV by dendritic cells" - 21.02.2012
Raffaele DiFrancesco, Milan
"Interaction of HCV with host cell lipids" - 31.01.2012
Andrew Lever, Cambridge
"HIV RNA packaging and assembly" - 17.01.2012
Richard Kuhn, West Lafayette
"Assembly and replication of Dengue virus"
- 13.12.2011
Amalio Telenti, Lausanne
"HIV restriction factors" - 18.10.2011
Brett Lindenbach, New Haven
"Genetics, biochemistry and imaging of HCV assembly" - 27.09.2011
Matthias Fischer, Heidelberg
"The puzzling evolution of giant DNA viruses" - 21.06.2011
Hansjörg Hauser, Braunschweig
"Dynamics of IFN signalling" - 03.05.2011
Michael Kozlov, Tel Aviv
"Modeling membrane shaping by proteins" - 19.04.2011
Richard Vile, Rochester
"Oncolytic virotherapy and tumor immunology" - 12.04.2011
Robert Thimme, Freiburg
"Adaptive immune responses to HIV infections" - 29.03.2011
Marc Sitbon, Marseille
"Retroviral receptors and nutrient transporters" - 15.03.2011
Andrew Davidson, Bristol
"Dengue virus pathogenesis" - 01.03.2011
Philip Stevenson, Cambridge
"Tracking herpesvirus entry" - 26.02.2011
Adam Grundhoff, Hamburg
"Epigenetic determinants of KSHV latency" - 15.02.2011
Pablo Gastaminza, Madrid
"HCV infection in tissue culture" - 01.02.2011
Thomas Baumert, Strasbourg
"HCV and hepatocellular carcinoma" - 26.01.2011
Zeger Debyser, Leuven
"Cellular cofactors of HIV integrase"
- 16.12.2010
Stefan Taube, Ann Arbor
"The role of glycans in Norovirus entry" - 14.12.2010
Eliane Meurs
"HCV and the control of IFN induction" - 30.11.2010
Veit Hornung, Bonn
"Inflammasomes: IL-1 mediated inflammation and beyond" - 16.11.2010
Mark Harris, Leeds
"Dysregulation of cellular metabolic pathways by HCV" - 03.11.2010
George Banting, Bristol
"Links between tetherin, the actin cytoskeleton and lipd rafts (with a mention of Vpu)" - 26.10.2010
Alessandro Marcello, Trieste
"Virus replication dynamics: Insights from HIV and flaviviruses" - 21.09.2010
Volker Thiel
"Coronaviruses – more than SARS" - 20.09.2010
Eckhardt Wimmer, Stony Brook - 20.07.2010
Jane McKeating, Birmingham
"The complexities of HCV entry" - 13.07.2010
Christian Eggeling, Göttingen
"Nanoscale membrane dynamics revealed by far-field STED fluorescence microscopy" - 29.06.2010
Cristina Risco, Madrid
"Studying virus factories and cell architecture with new high resolution imaging techniques" - 15.06.2010
Klemens Rottner, Braunschweig
"Dissection of cortactin function in cell motility and host-pathogen interaction" - 29.03.2010
Felix Rey, Paris
"Structural organisation of the Chikungunya virus surface glycoprotein shell: allosteric activation for entry upon interactions with receptor" - 16.03.2010
Otto Haller, Freiburg
"Innate immunity to influenza viruses" - 26.01.2010
Beate Sodeik, Hannover
"Herpes simplex virus: a hitch hiker's guide trough the cell" - 19.01.2010
Detlev Krüger, Berlin
"Evolution and molecular virology of Dobravavirus" - 12.01.2010
Andreas Pichelmair, Vienna
"Exploiting viral know how to study antiviral immunity"
- 15.12.2009
Jolanda Smit, Groningen
"Early events in flavivirus replication" - 24.11.2009
David Teis, Innsbruck
"The regulated assembly of ESCRT-III machinery controls MVB vesicle formation" - 03.11.2009
Michaela Gack, Southborough
"RIG-I- and TRIM25-mediated antiviral innate immunity and viral evasion of Influenza virus" - 27.10.2009
Fabian Leendertz, Berlin
"Zoonotic Potential of Pathogens from Tropical Rainforests" - 06.10.2009
Peter Tattersall, New Haven
"Role of capsid structure and dynamics in the parvovirus life cycle" - 08.09.2009
Bryan Cullen, Durham
"Viruses and miRNAs" - 30.06.2009
Christof von Kalle, Heidelberg
"Genetic modification of blood forming stem cells with viral and synthetic vectors" - 26.05.2009
Clare Jolly, London
"HIV-1 cell transmission" - 19.05.2009
Peter Aichele
"Direct impact of type I interferons and IL-12 on CD8 cells in the context of viral and bacterial infections" - 21.04.2009
Luis Enjuanes, Madrid
"Gene expression and protection in coronaviruses" - 07.04.2009
Charles Bangham, London
"How does HTLV-1 persist in vivo?" - 31.03.2009
Markus Thali, Burlington
"Tetraspanin functions in HIV replication" - 24.02.2009
Teunis Geijtenbek, Amsterdam
"Dendritic subsets in HIV infection" - 17.02.2009
Glen Randall, Chicago
"Illuminating HCV replication" - 27.01.2009
Ludger Johannes, Paris - 20.01.2009
Greg Towers, London
"Catch me if you can – innate restriction of viral infection"
- 16.12.2008
Bruno Carnard, Marseille
"Structural and functional studies of flavivirus replicases and their use for drug design" - 18.11.2008
Volker Haucke, Berlin
"Regulation of adapter-mediated endosomal membrane dynamics" - 28.10.2008
Thomas Lengauer, Saarbrücken
"Chasing the virus: computer help for treating AIDS patients" - 21.10.2008
Camille Sureau, Paris
"Viral entry determinants of the HBV envelope proteins" - 02.10.2008
Mike Summers, Baltimore
"NMR studies of retroviral genome packaging and assembly" - 24.07.2008
Beatrice Hahn, University of Alabama
"Tracing AIDS to its zoonotic routes" - 08.07.2008
Heinrich Leonhardt, Munich
"Visualization and Manipulation of the Invisible with Tools from the Desert and a bad Illumination" - 17.06.2008
Andrew Bowie, Dublin
"Learning from viruses about host immune signalling pathways" - 10.06.2008
Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, New York
"Induction and inhibition of the type I interferon response by RNA viruses" - 27.05.2008
Frank Buchholz, Dresden - 20.05.2008
Tero Ahola, Helsinki
"Structure and function of the membraneous replication complex of alphaviruses" - 05.05.2008
Ramon Alemany, Barcelona - 29.04.2008
Santos Manes, Madrid - 15.04.2008
Thilo Stehle, Tübingen
"How do viruses engage their receptors?" - 25.03.2008
Jürgen Haas, Edinburgh
"Systems Virology" - 26.02.2008
Kay Grünewald, Munich
"Approaching cell biology of virus infection by cryo-electron tomography" - 19.02.2008
Georg Kochs, Freiburg
"Factors leading to high virulence of an exceptional mouse-adapted human influenza A virus" - 29.01.2008
Klaus Überla, Bochum
"Role of the lentiviral Rev protein in genomic RNA packaging and novel immunization strategies against HIV"
- 18.12.2007
Michael Nassal
"Chaperone-dependent protein-primed reverse transcription by hepatitis B viruses" - 11.12.2007
Mario Schelhaas, Zürich
"Probing the entry of the small DNA viruses, SV40 and HPV16:From cell surface motion to uncoating" - 27.11.2007
Hartmut Hengel, Düsseldorf
"Cytomegalovirus evasion from innate and adaptive immune responses" - 30.10.2007
Alexandra Trkola, Zürich
"HIV immunization – neutralization and beyond" - 25.09.2007
Johnson Mak, Melbourne
"HIV assembly – from a probe of lipid membrane biology to manipulating the evolution of HIV-1" - 25.04.2007
Jonathan Yewdell, Bethesda
"Generating MHC classI ligands from DRiPs" - 24.04.2007
Urs Greber, Zürich
"Time resolved imaging of viral infection processes" - 27.03.2007
Ulrike Protzer, Cologne
"How cytokines and T-cells control hepatitis B virus" - 27.02.2007
Ben Berkhout, Amsterdam
"Towards an RNAi gene therapy of HIV-1" - 30.01.2007
Steve Fuller, Oxford
"Electron microscopy reveals how HIV cheats during assembly and infection"
- 28.11.2006
Dirk Lindemann, Dresden
"Foamy virus egress" - 31.10.2006
Juan Martin-Serrano, London
"The role of cellular proteins in enveloped virus budding and endosomal sorting" - 18.07.2006
Jonathan Stoye, London
"A collection of retroviral restriction factors" - 30.05.2006
Nicole Fischer, Hamburg
"Identification of a novel gammaretrovirus in prostate tumors homozygous for a RANSL variant using DNA microarrays" - 25.04.2006
Thomas Menees, Kansas City
"Host factors and retroviral RNA dynamics" - 21.03.2006
Hans-Dieter Klenk, Marburg
"Interspeziestransmission und Wirtsadaption bei Influenzaviren" - 14.02.2006
Charles Bangham, London
"How does HTLV-I persist?" - 31.01.2006
Jeremy Luban, New York
"TRIM5, Cyclophilin A and Innate Resistance to HIV-1"
- 17.11.2005
Peter Palese, New York
"Reconstruction and characterization of the extinct 1918 Influenza virus" - 25.10.2005
Christopher Baum, Hannover
"Retroviral transgenesis and oncogenesis" - 27.09.2005
Simon Wain-Hobson, Paris
"Genetic editing of retroviruses to death" - 19.07.2005
Winfried Weissenhorn, Grenoble
"Structures of cellular factors implicated in multivesicular body formation and enveloped virus budding" - 05.07.2005
Francois-Loic Cosset, Lyon
"Retrovirus pseudotyping: assembly mechanisms, engineering and properties Birke Bartosch, Lyon4717 Infectious HCV pseudo-particles: New insights into HCV cell-entry and neutralisation" - 26.04.2005
Quentin Sattentau, Oxford
"T-cell complicity in HIV spread" - 12.04.2005
Bryan Cullen, Durham
"Expression and function of human microRNAs" - 29.03.2005
Michael Malim, London
"Natural resistance to HIV infection: the Vif-APOBEC interaction" - 22.02.2005
Axel Rethwilm, Würzburg
"Molecular Biology of Foamy viruses" - 18.01.2005
Maik Lehmann, New Haven
"Actin- and myosin-driven surfing of viruses along filopodia precedes their entry into cells"
- 30.11.2004
Egbert Flory, Langen
"Mitogenic signaling pathways involved in lentivirus-induced acute lethal enteropathy" - 26.10.2004
Olivier Schwartz, Paris
"HIV, dendritic cells and lymphocytes: virological and immunological interactions" - 01.10.2004
Eric O. Freed, Frederick
"Novel insights into HIV assembly and maturation" - 30.09.2004
Wes Sundquist, Salt Lake City
"Biochemistry of HIV budding" - 28.09.2004
Albert Osterhaus, Rotterdam
"Emerging virus infections in a changing world" - 06.07.2004
Jitka Forstova, Prague
"Mouse polyomavirus: Interactions of virions with host cell structures" - 01.06.2004
Stefan Pöhlmann, Erlangen
"Functional analysis of the S protein of the SARS coronavirus" - 27.04.2004
Franz Heinz, Vienna
"The tick-borne encephalitis virus model of flavivirus envelope glycoprotein structure and function" - 23.03.2004
Felix Rey, Gif-sur-Yvette
"Crystal Structures of the low-pH triggered membrane-fusion form of the alpha- and flavivirus envelope proteins" - 24.02.2004
Mark Marsh, London
"Intracellular assembly of HIV" - 04.02.2004
John Briggs, Oxford
"Determining the quantity of Gag in the HIV virion" - 27.01.2004
Carsten Münk, Langen
"Post-entry restrictions of HIV-1 in simian cells"
- 25.11.2003
Ari Helenius, Zürich
"Pathways of virus entry into animal cells" - 18.10.2003
Christian Drosten, Hamburg
"SARS" - 14.10.2003
Eckard Wimmer, Stony Brook
"Replication and pathogenesis of a chemical called poliovirus" - 30.09.2003
Urs Greber, Zürich
"Adenovirus entry" - 22.07.2003
Ulrich Koszinowski, Munich
"Genome wide and gene specific approaches to cytomegalovirus functions" - 21.07.2003
Nat Landau, La Jolla
"Restrictions to HIV replication in small animal models" - 14.07.2003
Art Alberts, Grand Rapids
"Formin dynamics in cytoskeletal remodeling" - 17.06.2003
Harald Wodrich, La Jolla
"Nuclear transport in adenoviral replication: Functional roles for proteins VI and VII" - 20.05.2003
Stephan Becker, Marburg
"VP40, the matrix protein of filoviruses: molecular characterization and intracellular transport" - 29.04.2003
Wolfgang Hammerschmidt, Munich
"Molecular functions of latent genes in Epstein-Barr virus-infected human B cells"
Supported by the Chica and Heinz Schaller Foundation Heidelberg and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1129