The role of oxytocin in social threat perception and aggression in antisocial personality disorder: pharmaco-challenge and investigation of gender differences, Subproject FemNAT-CD, EU FP-7-Health
Leading investigators: Sabine C. Herpertz, Katja Bertsch,
Further researchers: Ruth Schmitt, Falk Mancke
Cooperations: Members of the FemNAT-CD consortium, speaker: Christine Freitag.
Duration: 2013-2017
Funding:EU FP-7-Health
The FemNAT-CD network studies psychobiological correlates that are specific for reactive aggression in female children, adolescents, and young adults. In our project, we investigate the mechanisms of oxytocin on threat perception in highly aggressive young men and women in a placebo controlled pharmaco-challenge study. We therefore examine the effects of intranasally administered oxytocin on eye movements, reaction times and brain activation during emotional face perception.