Kliniken &… Institute Infektiologie Molecular… Requests for…

Reagents Request

In the last years we have been inundated with requests for reagents relating to the HCV cell culture systems. To facilitate the process, a link to the most recent "Material Transfer Agreement" (MTA) is provided. In addition for convenient shipment we prepared a request form for material transfer in which we ask for information neccessary for transportation and delivery.

This form can be downloaded as PDF file and must be sent together with the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).

Material Transfer Agreement  (Status quo: July/05/2012)

1. Although we do our best to satisfy your requests, we have certain limitations in man power, time and money. Therefore, please do not send "shopping lists" in which complete sets of cell lines, constructs, recombinant viruses and antisera are requested. Please note that MTAs which are not properly filled in will not be processed.

2. Please avoid requests for cell lines. Shipment of cells is problematic due to current safety issues, especially into the US. In most cases, a few constructs are sufficient to establish the HCV system in your laboratory.

3. Please Please follow the instruction given in the coversheet to the MTA and fill in the documents properly. Do not forget to provide the name of the recipient which is NOT the scientist, requesting the reagents, but rather the institution or university that employs the scientist. Please note that the MTA is a "take or leave" document. Changes will NOT be accepted by the legal department of Heidelberg University.

4. Provide an EXACT description of the requested construct (e.g. not "replicon construct"). The names of most constructs are given in our recent publications. Please insert also the proper reference behind the requested material. An example is: "HCV replicon construct pFK-I389/neo/NS3-5B/NK5.1 as described in Krieger et al., Journal of Virology, (2001),75, 4614." Also provide a somewhat detailed description of your research purpose. Otherwise your request can not be processes. Statements such as ‘studies of ‘HCV’ are not sufficient.

5. Please send us:

a) The filled in request form for material transfer (the PDF file on this page).

b) Three filled in copies of the MTA that must be signed by the RECIPIENT (usually the head of the technology transfer department of the requesting institution or university) and the requesting scientist.
Send these copies to the attention of

Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager
Department of Infectious Diseases, Molecular Virology
University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 344
69120 Heidelberg

6. If YOU/YOUR INSTITUTION IS REQUESTING MATERIALS RELATED TO THE HCV ISOLATE CON1 please do not use the provided MTA. Instead send your request directly to Prof. Bartenschlager. Due to a change in legal regulations, these materials must be provided under a separate MTA.

7. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JFH-1 DERIVATIVES (e.g. Jc1), you first need a permission from Dr. Takaji Wakita, University of Tokyo, because he and his institution have the rights in the JFH-1 isolate. Once you have his permission, please fill in the MTA or AMENDMENT as described above and include a confirmation that you received the permission for the JFH-1 technology.

8. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN J6 DERIVATIVES (e.g. Jc1), you first need a permission from Dr. Jens Bukh, University of Copenhagen (contact data are: jbukh(at)sund.ku.dk and ABROCKINGTON(at)niaid.nih.gov). Once you have his permission, please fill in the MTA or AMENDMENT as described above and include a confirmation that you received the permission for the J6 technology.

9. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO SEND US YOUR FEDEX ACCOUNT NO. that is asked for in the request form for material transfer. Shipments will not be sent without this information.

Contact Information

Department Molecular Virology
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345
69120 Heidelberg

Tel: +49 6221 56 4225
Fax. +49 6221 56 4570

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