Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Staff Herrmann, Alina

Alina Herrmann

Group Leader, Post-Doc

Alina Herrmann is a medical doctor, who is particularly interested in the role of health professionals at the crosslink of climate change and health. In her doctoral thesis she investigated general practitioners' role in protecting elderly in heat waves. Currently she is leading a research project on decarbonizing hospitals (KliOL), adapting primary care to the impacts of climate change and (AdaptNet) and on climate-sensitive health counseling. She is also involved in the longitudinal integration of planetary health issues into the curriculum of the medial faculty of Heidelberg university (PlanMed 2.0).

Since 10/2022 Leadteam Research at Institute of General Medicine, University of Cologne

Since 08/2020 Post-Doc at Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Head od Research Group "Cliamte-smart health systems" since 01/2023

Since 08/2020 Long Distance Master Program “Epidemiology” at the University of London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, ongoing

09/2012-07/2017 Doctoral Thesis (Dr. med.) on “General practitioners’ role in preventing heat health impacts in the elderly in Baden-Württemberg, Germany”
Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University Hospital (Supervisor: Rainer Sauerborn)

10/2008-11/2015 Medical Studies at Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University

Projects & Grants

2023-2025: ADAPTNET – Adaptation and networking of primary care to climate change. Co-PI. G-BA Innovationsfond)

2023-2025; PlanMed 2.0 - Integrating Planetary health into Heidelberg Medical Currriculum. CO-PI. Funding of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg (Innovative Teaching Project Fund)

2021-2024: KLIOL-Project – Climate Change Mitigation  at Hospitals though optimization of Supply Chains. Involved in Wrtiting. PI: Till Bärnighausen. BMWK (Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action) 

2015-2018: HOPE-Project – Household Preferences for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Invovled in Writing. PI: Rainer Sauerborn. BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education and Research)

Other scientific projects and initiatives

Climate-sensitive health Counseling


Selected Publications: 

Quitmann C, Griesel S,  Schwerdtle PN, Danquah I, Herrmann A, Climate-sensitive health counseling: A scoping review and conceptual framework. The Lancet Planetary Health, accepted 12.05.2023

Rybol L, Nieder J, Amelung D, Hachad H,  Sauerborn R, Depoux A, Herrmann A. Integrating climate change and health topics into the medical curriculum – a quantitative needs assessment of medical students at Heidelberg University in Germany. GMS Journal of Medical Education May 2023

Quitmann C, Danquah I, Sauerborn R, Herrmann A. (2023) ‘Climate change mitigation is a hot topic, but not when it comes to hospitals’ – A qualitative study on hospital stakeholders' perception and sense of responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics, 49(3), 204-210.

Herrmann A, Gonnet A, Millogo RM,Kabré WJ, Beremwidougou TR, Coulibaly I, Ouili I, Zoromé S, Weil K, Fuelbert H, Soura A, Danquah et al. 2023. Sustainable diet weight-loss intervention and its effects on cardio-metabolic parameters and Greenhouse gas emissions: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial with overweight and obese adults in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. BMJ Open 2023

Herrmann A, Lenzer B, Müller BS, Danquah I, Nadeau KC, Muche-Borowski C, & Traidl-Hoffmann C. (2022). Integrating planetary health into clinical guidelines to sustainably transform health care. The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(3), e184-e185.

Herrmann A, Nilsson M, Sauerborn R: The Role of Health in Households’ Balancing Act for Lifestyles Compatible with the Paris Agreement—Qualitative Results from Mannheim, Germany. Int. Jounal of Env. And Public Health, 2020

Herrmann A, Haefeli WE, Rapp K, Roigk P, Lindemann U, Becker C: CME zertifizierte Fortbildung – Epidemiologie und Prävention hitzebedingter Gesundheitsschäden älterer Menschen. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 2019. 10.1007/s00391-019-01594-4