Clinical Pharmacological Trial Center Network - KliPSnet
The Early Clinical Pharmacological Trial Unit KliPS has a longstanding experience in the conduct of Early Clinical Trials for new, promising drugs and was established in 2004. Certified according to the quality management norm DIN EN ISO9001 it is situated in the Medical Clinic of the University Hospital, where many drugs were administered to humans for the first time worldwide.
With the reliable experience of more than 140 clinical drug trials, a network of trial centers that operate according to the same high quality standards was established in 2019. In addition to KliPS this network comprises the Pediatric Clinical Pharmacological Trial Center paedKliPS and the Pneumological Clinical Pharmacological Trial center ThoraxKliPS, while a Nephrology Clinical Pharmacological Trial Center is currently being established.
Find out more about the activities in our trial network on these and the following pages and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Prof. Dr. med. Walter E. Haefeli
What we stand for
Clinical trials must be conducted correctly and evaluated objectively by qualified personnel. The results from the trials and their interpretation must be independently verified if their execution and the accompanying documentation are to form a reliable basis for new therapeutic strategies.