Dept. of Clinical… MBL

Molecular Biology-Biochemistry Laboratory (MBL)

The Molecular Biology-Biochemistry Laboratory investigates the causes of variability in drug effects using pharmacological, molecular biological, biochemical, and cell biological methods. It develops biomarkers for individualization of drug therapy and supports clinical trials by isolation of cells (especially PBMCs) and genotyping of ADME-relevant genes.

Our Vision

Pharmacology and causes of variability of drugs are known in detail and thus lead to an effective and safe application.

Our Mission

We explore the mechanisms for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability in order to detect, optimize or prevent desirable and undesirable drug effects in the individual patient at an early stage.


PBMC-IsolationPrompt isolation from whole blood samplesSterilely isolated vital PBMCs allow quantification of cellular immune response 

Platelet IsolationRealtime isolation from whole blood samplesMeasurement of markers of platelet activation in isolated platelets or whole blood 

PharmacogeneticsGenotyping of ADME relevant SNPs
relevant SNPs
Differences in pharmacokinetics
may be due to genetic


BiomarkerAppropriate biomarkers enable precision dosingDevelopment of PK/PD biomarkers for individualization of AM therapy 

Intracellular PK/PDDrug concentration at the site of action is criticalElucidation of correlations between intracellular concentration and effect 

Drug interactionsIn vitro testing of pharmacokinetic interactionsIn vitro assays for interaction with drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters 

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