Public Health and Tropical Medicine at the University Hospital Heidelberg celebrate an anniversary in 2012: Fifty years ago, in 1962 the Institute of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health was founded.
In the course of restructuring of the Medical Faculty the Institute of Public Health and, within the Department of Infectious Diseases, the Unit "Clinical Tropical Medicine" were formed. Both have a strong position within the faculty today. A successful “off-spring”, who closely cooperates with our Institute, is the consulting firm “evaplan". In addition, we can celebrate decadal birthdays of the former and the current director of the institute Professor Hans-Jochen Diesfeld und Professor Rainer Sauerborn.
Together they led the Institute for more than 40 years. For this reasons we organize a symposium entitled "Global Health in the 21st Century - celebrating 50 years of Heidelberg's contribution" in Heidelberg, September, 13-15 2012.
We cordially invite you to this symposium and would be delighted to meet you in Heidelberg in September.
Heiko Becher
(for the organizers)
Program Venue Registration Organisation & Partners Accommodation