Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Staff Boucsein,…

Johannes Boucsein

Cand. Dr. med.

A physician by training, Johannes Boucsein is a Doctoral student at the University Hospital Heidelberg and a Project Manager for ReCoDID, a Horizon-2020 research consortium lead by HIGH. Johannes received a full Else-Kroemer-scholarship for excellence in Global Health Research. His studies focus on Vector-borne Diseases, especially Dengue, where he applies advanced statistical learning methods to develop prediction models for severe outcome. Johannes has studied and worked at the National University of Colombia, Bogotá and has consulted for private industry. His personal interest lies with applied research, quality improvement, and health systems strengthening for sustainable development.


since 2019   Cand. Dr. med., University of Heidelberg

2017               Board-certified Physician

2017               Medical state exam, University of Mainz