Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Staff Kern, Matthias

Dr. Matthias Robert Kern

Postdoctoral Researcher

Matthias is a social epidemiologist with a focus on adolescent health research. His primary interest lies in contextual influences on adolescent (mental) health and health behaviors. In his doctoral thesis he examined the influence of various micro-, meso-, and macro-level factors on health and health behavior of adolescents in a number of high- as well as upper and lower middle income countries.

2021-2023: Postdoc at Utrecht University
2016-2020: PhD in Social Sciences at University of Luxembourg
2014-2015: MSc in Sociology at London School of Economics
2011-2014: BA in Sociology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Projects & Grants


Kern, M. R., Duinhof, E. L., Walsh, S. D., Cosma, A., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Molcho, M., Currie, C. & Stevens, G. W. (2020). Intersectionality and adolescent mental well-being: a cross-
nationally comparative analysis of the interplay between immigration background, socioeconomic status and gender. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S12-S20.

Delaruelle, K., Maxim D., Deforche B., Kern M. R., Walsh, S. D., Currie, C., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Cosma, A., Stevens, G. W. (2021). Mental Health in Adolescents with a Migration Background in 29 European Countries: The Buffering Role of Social Capital. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50(5), 855-871.

Kern, M. R., Heinz, A., Stevens, G. W., Walsh, S. D., & Willems, H. (2020). “What’s a normal weight?”–Origin and receiving country influences on weight-status assessment among 1.5 and 2nd generation immigrant adolescents in Europe. Social Science & Medicine, 113306.

Kern, M. R., Heinz, A., & Willems, H. E. (2020). School-Class Co-Ethnic and Immigrant Density and Current Smoking among Immigrant Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2), 598.