Content Overview
This short course provides in-depth knowledge on principles and strategies of disease control and equips students with the necessary skills to successfully establish, strengthen and systematically review disease control programmes. The course mainly focuses on disease control in disadvantaged populations of developing countries. It draws on local, regional and global policies and strategies to analyse strengths and weaknesses in disease control. The course places special emphasis on strengthening multi-disciplinary and inter-sectoral collaboration and effectively involving communities and patients in disease control programmes.
Course Topics
Introduction of disease control: principles, policies and strategies of disease control
• The role of primary health care (PHC) in control strategies
• Health Behavior Models in Diseases Control
• Harm reduction
• One Health, Addressing a complex zoonosis
• Disease control and human resources, and the role of formal and informal health
services in the health system
• International Health Regulations, Risk communication and Infodemiology
management during outbreaks.
Health Information Systems in disease control
• The principle and Importance of Health Information Systems in disease control
• The application of disease surveillance and early warning systems
• Monitoring and evaluation in disease control programmes.
Communicable disease control
• Diseases elimination and eradication: Polio, measles
• The impact of the epidemiological transition for disease control programmes
in developing countries
• Outbreak control
• Control of infectious diseases in marginalized populations
• The Role of vector control and environmental factors in Infectious disease prevention
• Case studies: Dengue control, Malaria control, HIV/AIDS control, NTDs and TB control
Non-communicable disease (NCD):
• policies and control and the role of health promotion in control strategies
• Risk factors control in NCD and Tobacco control
• Case studies; Diabetic Miletus, cancers, heart diseases
Learning Objectives
After successful completion, participants should be able to:
- Analyze and critically discuss policies and principles, to the control of various communicable and non-communicable diseases as well as related approaches and strategies such as primary health care, inter-sectoral collaboration, multidisciplinary approaches, and community participation
- Analyse the role of formal and informal health services in disease control
For any questions please contact our short course programme team:
Anne-Kathrin Fabricius, M.A.
Short Course Programme Manager
Tel: + 49 - (0) 62 21 - 56 41 49
Short Course Programme Assistant
Tel: + 49 - (0) 62 21 - 56 46 48
Course Coordinators
Dr. sc. hum. Fekri Dureab
Heidelberg Institute of Global Health
Dr. Babak Moazen
Heidelberg Institute of Global Health
Ahmed Al-Aghbari, PharmD
Heidelberg Institute of Global Health