Dept. of Clinical… KPhz

Cooperation Unit Clinical Pharmacy (KPhz)

The Cooperation Unit Clinical Pharmacy is run by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology together with the University Hospital Pharmacy and the Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology (IPMB) at Heidelberg University.

It was founded in 2005 on the initiative of Prof. Dr. Walter E. Haefeli (Medical Director of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology) and Dr. Torsten Hoppe-Tichy (Head Pharmacist of the Hospital Pharmacy).

At Heidelberg University Hospital, the Cooperation Unit is concerned with the optimization and digitalization of the in-house medication process, including admission and discharge.

In the primary care sector, the Cooperation Unit develops, implements, and evaluates medication safety projects, in particular focusing on topics like strengthening interprofessional cooperation and fostering patient competencies.


Our vision


We want to make a measurable and sustainable contribution to improving drug therapy safety (AMTS) in routine care, so that drugs are prescribed, directed and used safely and correctly in everyday life and the associated medication process is as low-risk as possible.

Our Mission

Based on process and prescription analyses, we develop, implement and evaluate practical and technology-oriented measures to improve medication safety. We take great care to integrate all parties involved in the medication process, both in the outpatient or inpatient care sector or at the interfaces of care. A special focus is the support of the cooperation between health care professions and the strengthening of patient's health competencies.


Our research and work focuses on the development, implementation and evaluation of measures to improve drug therapy safety in routine outpatient and inpatient care as well as at care interfaces:

Prescription writingOptimization of the (digital) prescription writing processSupport of the prescription writing process at the UKHD through training and software 

Discharge managementOptimization of discharge managementImplementation of legal requirements and clinic-specific integration of software solutions 

Digital medication processeHealth in the hospital medication processSupport for the introduction of an Electronic Prescribing System and coordination of projects funded through the Hospital Future Act  (Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz) 

Process analysesDescription of the medication processMedication safety improvement through targeted process analysis - in cooperation with the ward 

Pharmacological ServicesStrengthening patient empowermentFostering drug adherence and training in drug administration – in cooperation with the wards 

Drug informationData maintenance for decision support systemsQuality-assured research/expert evaluation/documentation and integration into IT systems 

IT tools for medication safetyDevelopment of IT-based tools for medication safetyConception, support and piloting of IT-based solution concepts for medication safety 

Prescribing MonitoringExecution of prescription analysesExtraction/structuring/evaluation from paper charts and digital prescription systems 

Medication safety projectsHealth Services Research: from development to evaluationPharmaceutical services, medication review and medication management in medication safety projects in primary care 

Research Pharmacy NetworkNetwork establishment and developmentCollection of quality-assured data from pharmacies for health services research 

eLearningInnovative teaching concepts for pharmacist trainingModular online continuing education concept for identifying and solving drug-related problems 

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