Portrait von Prof. Dr. med. Yvonne Samstag

Prof. Dr. med. Yvonne Samstag

University Professor (W3) for Cellular Immunology
Head of the Section Molecular Immunology, Institute of Immunology
Spokeswoman of AZKIM, KIG BaWÜ and train4CIM

+49 6221 56-4039

Medical/Professional background


Certificate of competence for University Didactics


Specalist for Immunology with certificate of competence for Laboratory Diagnostics


Habilitation for Immunology, Heidelberg University, Germany


Doctoral thesis in Human Medicine (Dr. med.), University of Freiburg, Germany 


State examination in Human Medicine, certified physician

1978 – 1985

Medical School, University of Freiburg, Germany

Scientific background

since 2010

Head of the Section Molecular Immunology, Institute of Immunology, Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany

since 2005

University Professor (W3) for Cellular Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany

1996 – 2005

Group Leader, Molecular Immunology, Institute of Immunology, Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany

1987 – 1996

Postdoctoral fellow and group leader, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Department of Applied Immunology, Heidelberg, Germany

1985 – 1987

Postdoctoral fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Immunbiology, Freiburg, Germany



“Excellence in Integrative Medicine Research Award” - European Society of Integrative Medicine

Offices and posts held

since 2020

Elected member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany

since 2017

Elected member of the Advisory Board of the German Society for Immunology (DGfI)

since 2015

Member of the Structure Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany 

2014 – 2018

Associated Member of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany

since 2013

Member of the Editorial Board of “The European Journal of Immunology”

2012 – 2014

Reviewer for the Margarete von Wrangell habilitation program of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg

2010 – 2019

Elected member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany

since 2008

Sponsor for the Georges Köhler Postdoctoral Award

2006 – 2020

Chairperson of the PhD committee (Dr. sc. hum.) of the Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany

2006 – 2014

Elected member of the Advisory Board of the German Society for Immunology (DGfI)

2006 – 2014

Member of the Research Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany

2001 – 2020

Member of the PhD committee (Dr. sc. hum.) of the Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Germany

1992 – 1996

Representative of the research unit "Diagnostics and Experimental Therapy" within the PhD committee of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Scientific focus

  • Allergies and chronic inflammatory skin diseases (SFB Transregio 156)
  • Redox regulation of T cells and tumor cells / immunotherapy (CAR T cells) / tumor metastasis
  • Regulation and function of actin-modulating proteins, signal transduction
  • Herbs as immune modulators (,

Medical Training

January 1995 – December 1995

Bacteriology/ Mycology/ Hospital Hygiene and Parasitology/ Tropical Medicine, Institute of Hygiene, Heidelberg Universtiy, Germany

June 1994 – November 1994

Virology, Institute of Hygiene, Heidelberg Universtiy, Germany

April 1993 – March 1994

Clinical Chemistry, Laboratory of the Surgical Clinic, Heidelberg University, Germany

November 1991 – October 1992

Immunodiagnostics, transfusion medicine and HLA typing, Institute of Immunology, Heidelberg University, Germany

January 1990 – December 1990

Internal Medicine, Thoraxklinik at Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany

January 1989 – December 1989

Immunology / microbiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Interdisciplinary joint projects

since 2020

Founding member and leading spokeswoman of the joint project “Research and practice initiative: Complementary and integrative health care for Baden-Württemberg (KIG BaWü)”, financed by the ministry of Baden-Württemberg (SM)

since 2017

Founding member and leading spokeswoman of the Research Training Group  “Elucidation of molecular mechanisms as foundation for an evidence-based complementary and integrative medicine (train4CIM)“

since 2017

Fellow of the Marsilius-Kollegs of the Heidelberg University, Germany

since 2016

Founding member and leading spokeswoman of the joint research project “Academic Center for complementary and integrative Medicine” (AZKIM), financed by the ministry of Baden-Württemberg (MWK)

since 2014

Founding member, Project leader and member of the steering committee of the Transregio-SFB CRC 156 (“The skin as sensor and effector organ, orchestrating local and systemic immunity”)

2011 – 2015

Founding member, Project leader and member of the steering committeeof the SFB 938 (“Milieu-specific Control of Immunological Reactivity”)

2008 – 2012

Founding member and Project leader of the Research Training Group "Differential activation and networking of signal modules within the immune system"

1997 – 2009

Founding member, Project leader and member of the steering committee of the SFB 405  (“Immune tolerance and its disturbances”)