Center for Model System and Comparative Pathology (CMCP)
Work-up, analysis, and accurate interpretation of tissues for research projects as well as precise typing of animal models of disease are essential preconditions for a high-quality and sustainable research.
The Center for Model System and Comparative Pathology (CMCP) combines histotechnical, histoanalytical, and pathological expertise in both fields, human and veterinary pathology. Based on the joint expertise of a board-certified pathologist and a board-certified veterinary pathologist, CMCP provides support in project planning, technical support, as well as expertise evaluation of tissue specimens using a broad spectrum of standard and specialized tissue-based technologies (e.g. histotechnology, immunohistology, electron microscopy, molecular analyses, and virtual microscopy).
The services are offered to Heidelberg scientists working with human tissues and/or animal models (inflammation, infectious diseases, phenotypic evaluation of transgenic and knockout mice, cancer models as tumor xenografts, chemical carcinogenesis, metastasis, and targeted mutagenesis). CMCP provides quality histology for research purposes from routine methods including special orientation of tissues, serial/step sectioning, immunohistochemistry, and frozen sections to specialized technologies, such as procedures to quantify cellular apoptosis, angiogenesis, and cell proliferation.
Due to the combined expertise in veterinary and human pathology, CMCP provides the basis for comparative evaluation of preclinical animal models of human disease.

Dr. med. vet. Tanja Poth (Leitung CMCP)
Tel. 06221/56-37981
Wissenschaftlich-histologisches Labor/CMCP
Tel. 06221 56-36441
Frau Barbara Schreiber (Sekretariat CMCP)
Tel. 06221-56-35216