Dr. phil. Julia Mahal
Research associate
(Institute of Medical Psychology)
Teaching coordinator
(Institute of Medical Psychology)
Medical/Professional background
- since April 2016
PhD student and Research Assistant at the Institute of Medical Psychology in Heidelberg
Scientific background
- since 2019
Systemic Therapist in training at the Wiesloch Institute for Systemic Solutions (WISL)
- 2019
Systemic Counselor (SG-certified; Instruction: PD Dr. Christina Hunger-Schoppe)
- 2013 – 2016
Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Trier with a focus on clinical psychology and pedagogical psychology
- 2010 – 2013
Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Heidelberg University
Professional memberships
German Society for Medical Psychology (DGMP)
German Society for Psychology (DGPs)
Systemic Society (SG
research and work focus
Digitalisierung und Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Arzt-Patient-Kommunikation (Projekte VERIKOM und GenKI)
Genomisches Neugeborenenscreening (NEW_LIVES-Projekt)
Educational Research
Koordination und Leitung verschiedener Lehrprojekte, z. B. die Projekte Challenge,TEmpiPrakt & EVIDENZ
Development and coordination of the online project 'Gesprächsreihe Medizinische Psychologie’