
Medical/Professional background

since August 2024

Postdoc at the Institute of Medical Psychology at Heidelberg University Hospital

Manager of the biochemical research laboratory (wet lab) at Institute of Medical Psychology

since January 2017

Training in cognitive behavioral therapy at the Center for Psychological Psychotherapy (ZPP) Heidelberg

November 2015 – August 2024

Research associate at the Institute for Medical Psychology at Heidelberg University Hospital

Manager of the biochemical research laboratory (wet lab) at Institute of Medical Psychology

Scientific background

June 2023 – June 2024

Doctoral candidate at the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg

November 2023 – March 2024

Research stay at the University of Oslo 

2011 – 2012

Student intern at Stress Physiology in Teens (SPIT) Laboratory, University of New Orleans with a research focus on testosterone’s reactivity to psychosocial stress 

2008 – 2015

Diploma degree in psychology at the University of Innsbruck and exchange program at the University of New Orleans (2011-2012) with a focus on biological psychology and clinical psychology

Current research focus

Social neuroendocrinology and stress physiology with focus on gender-specific differences

Biochemical analyses of gonadal hormones and oxytocin and optimization of analytical processes

Influences of the neuropeptide hormone oxytocin on health variables (wound healing, stress etc.)

Interaction of oxytocin and gonadal hormones and its impact on social behavior

Investigation of genetic variations and epigenetic changes of the oxytocin receptor gene in healthy individuals and patients