Lea-Sophie Hansen
Dr. med. candidate
Climate change adaptation, sustainable nutrition and health in sub-Saharan Africa
Medical/Professional background
Since 2020 University of Heidelberg, Institute of Global Health – Doctoral Student
Since 2017 University of Heidelberg, Medical Faculty Mannheim – Medical Studies
Scientific background
Since 2017, I am a medical student at the University of Heidelberg. In early 2020, I joined the working Group Climate change, Nutrition and Health of the Heidelberg Institute of Global Health. The urgency of a collective curb of future challenges has become increasingly important to me. I believe humanity is facing a critical juncture for future approaches to climate change, thus I am dedicated to support adaptative capacities for global health challenges. My doctoral thesis comprises a qualitative study in western Kenya to gather in-depth learnings of facilitators and barriers to home gardening and nutrition counselling. The community-based research aims to empower disadvantaged population groups and thus reduce inequality and increase climate change adaptation.
Heidelberger Graduate School of Global Health (2020)
Stiftung Fiat Panis Grant: Doctoral Research Financing (2020)