Portrait of Prof. Dr. med. Daniela Roesch-Ely

Prof. apl. Dr. med. Daniela Roesch-Ely

Attending Physician (Psychiatrische Ambulanz für Kognitives Training (PAKT))
Research Group Leader (AG Neurokognition)
Adjunct lecturer (Department of General Psychiatry)
Attending Physician (Long-Covid-Ambulanz bei psychischen und kognitiven Beschwerden)
Head of the Institute (Frühbehandlungszentrum für junge Menschen in Krisen (FBZ))

Medical/Professional background

since 2017

Managing Senior Physician at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Heidelberg University Hospital

2011 – 2017

Senior physician at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Heidelberg University Hospital


Assistant physician at the Neurological Clinic of the University of Heidelberg

since 2005

Head of the psychiatric outpatient clinic for cognitive training (PAKT).

October 1999 – April 2010

Assistant physician at the Department of General Psychiatry at Heidelberg University Hospital

Scientific background


Extraordinary professorship

01. January 2015

Teaching coordinator of the HeicuMed module Psychiatry (Faculty of Medicine):

  •     Main lecture Schizophrenia (HeicuMed).
  •     Psychiatric exploration course (Heicumed)
  •     PJ and Famulanten teaching
  •     Doctoral colloquium of the AG Neurocognition
  •     Neuropsychology of mental disorders (workshop)
  •     Elective track "Diagnostic basics, concept of disease, models of disease" - Topic: Neuropsychology".


since 2015

Head of the Neurocognition Group together with Prof. Matthias Weisbrod

1996 – 2014

Member of the Section Experimental Psychopathology and Neurophysiology

April 2012

Acquisition of the venia legendi for the subject of psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Department of General Psychiatry at the University of Heidelberg


Doctorate at the Medical Faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg


License to practice medicine

1989 – 1995

Studied human medicine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Professional memberships

German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Nervous Medicine

Professional qualifications


Recognition as a doctor for psychiatry and psychotherapy


Development of neuropsychological test methods and test batteries

Neuropsychological diagnostics in patients with psychiatric disorders

Pharmakologische und kognitive Therapiestrategien gegen kognitive Dysfunktionen bei psychiatrischen Störungen.

Continuing Education / Certificates


University didactics certificate Baden Württemberg


List of publication

Range of Treatments (specialisation)