Prof. Dr. phil. Astrid Riehl-Emde
Attending Physician
(Spezialambulanz für ältere Paare)
Research associate
(Institute of Medical Psychology)
Medical/Professional background
- since 2018
Psychotherapeutic consultancy for elder couples, Institute of Medical Psychology, Center for Psychosocial Medicine, Heidelberg University Hospital
- October 1999 – October 2017
Senior Research Associate / academic senior councillor and Deputy Director of the Institute of Psychosomatic Cooperation Research and Family Therapy (Prof.Dr.med. M. Cierpka), Center for Psychosocial Medicine, Heidelberg University Hospital, provisional management (10/2016 –12/2016)
- March 1990 – September 1999
Senior Research Associate at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics (Prof. Dr.med. J.Willi), Psychiatric Hospital, University Hospital Zurich (UHZ)
- April 1987 – March 1990
Senior Research Associate (C1) at the Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy (Prof. Dr.med. H.H.Studt), University Clinic Benjamin Franklin, Free University Berlin (FUB)
- August 1985 – March 1987
Post Doc at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics (Prof. Dr.med. J.Willi), Psychiatric Hospital, University Hospital Zurich (UHZ)
- April 1980 – March 1985
Research Associate at the Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy (Prof. Dr.med. H.H.Studt), University Clinic Benjamin Franklin, Free University Berlin (FUB)
- November 1976 – September 1979
Research Associate in a publicly funded research project of the German Research Association (DFG) on language learning (Prof. Dr.phil. Roland Posner), Central Department of modern languages (ZEMS), Technical University Berlin (TUB)
Scientific background
- January 2009
Titular professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Zurich
- 1999
License to practice psychotherapy as Psychological Psychotherapist (TP)
- July 1999
Private lecturer of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Zurich
- November 1985
Degree of Dr. phil., Department of Psychology, Technical University Berlin (TUB)
- 1983 – 1985
Education and training in couple and family therapy at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics (Prof. Dr.med. J.Willi), Psychiatric Hospital, University Hospital Zurich (UHZ)
- 1974 – 1976
Education and training in behavioral therapy and client-centered psychotherapy
- 1971 – 1976
Degree of Diplome Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Technical University Berlin (TUB)
Professional memberships
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie und Familientherapie
Bundesverband für Psychoanalytische Paar- und Familientherapie
Psychotherapeutenkammer Baden-Württemberg (Mitglieds-Nr. 12577)
Member of the board of directors of the Association of psychotherapeutic education and training, Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen
Research and work focus
Psychotherapy for elder couples
Editorial Boards
Managing director of the quarterly journal Psychotherapie im Alter
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Riehl A (1985) Prognose und Behandlungserfolg bei psychosomatischen Erkrankungen. Praxis der Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik 30: 318-330
Riehl-Emde A, Buddeberg C, Muthny FA, Landolt-Ritter C, Steiner R, Richter D (1989) Ursachenattribution und Krankheitsbewältigung bei Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie 39: 232-238.
Riehl-Emde A, Thomas V, Willi J (2003) Love - an important dimension in marital research and therapy. Family Process 42: 253-267
Riehl-Emde A (2006) Paartherapie für ältere Paare. State of the Art. Psychotherapie im Alter 3 (Heft 12): 9-35
Riehl-Emde A (2014) Wenn alte Liebe doch mal rostet. Paarberatung und Paartherapie für Ältere. Stuttgart (Kohlhammer)